Setup the ICSF address space for z/OS UNIX System Services

In order to use TCP/IP, the ICSF started task address space must be DUBBED as a z/OS UNIX System Services process. This requires that the user ID associated with the ICSF started task be assigned a z/OS UNIX UID and that its default group is assigned a GID. There are multiple ways this may be done:
  1. Use the BPX.UNIQUE.USER facility to automatically assign permanent OMVS segments (with unique IDs) to user IDs the first time they are needed. This is the preferred way.
  2. Use the BPX.NEXT.USER facility in conjunction with the AUTOUID and AUTOGID keywords on the ALTUSER and ALTGROUP commands to add the next available UID and GID to the user ID and group assigned to the ICSF started task.
  3. Manually determine and assign the GID and UID to be used and add the appropriate OMVS segment to the user ID assigned to the ICSF started task.
For information about assigning UIDs and GIDs, see z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide.