U4093 (X'FFD')


Errors were detected during initialization.

Reason code
X'04' (4)
Storage management could not properly allocate the initial storage area.
X'08' (8)
Language Environment control blocks could not be set up properly.
X'0C' (12)
System not supported.
X'10' (16)
The application's parameter list could not be processed correctly. The parameter list might be invalid.
X'14' (20)
Hardware not supported.
X'18' (24)
An error occurred when attempting to process the options specified in the application.
X'1C' (28)
Stack management could not allocate stack and/or heap storage. Ensure that the REGION size is sufficient to run the application. Verify that the storage sizes specified in the HEAP, ANYHEAP, BELOWHEAP, STACK, LIBSTACK and STORAGE runtime options are reasonable, given the region size allocated to the application.
X'20' (32)
Program management could not find a module that was to be loaded.
X'24' (36)
During processing of the DD:CEEOPTS runtime options file, below the line storage could not be allocated. Ensure that the REGION size is sufficient to run the application.
X'28' (40)
Program management could not be initialized properly. Possible reasons are:
  • The module CEEPLPKA could not be loaded.
  • The ALL31(OFF) runtime option is in effect and below the line storage for library vector tables could not be allocated.
X'2C' (44)
The Language Environment math library could not be initialized properly.
X'30' (48)
Condition management could not be initialized properly.
X'34' (52)
A language-specific event handler returned to initialization with a feedback code, causing immediate termination.
X'38' (56)
Vector initialization did not succeed.
X'3C' (60)
The initial fixed-size stack overflowed.
X'40' (64)
Process level ran out of storage.
X'44' (68)
Enclave level ran out of storage.
X'48' (72)
Thread level ran out of storage.
X'4C' (76)
CAA pointer became corrupted.
X'50' (80)
PCB pointer became corrupted.
X'54' (84)
Assembler user exit malfunctioned.
X'58' (88)
Get heap malfunctioned during initialization.
X'5C' (92)
Anchor setup malfunctioned.
X'60' (96)
The PLIST run-time option conflicts with the operating system type.
X'64' (100)
The Language Environment anchor support was unavailable.
X'6C' (108)
The routine was compiled with an unsupported release of a compiler.
X'70' (112)
A load module did not contain a main procedure/function and was invoked without Language Environment having been previously initialized.
X'74' (116)
The primary entry point routine of the root load module was found with Language Environment V1R2 CEESTART, but the rest of the routines in the load module were not linked with Language Environment V1R2 (or later) library.
X'7C' (124)
An unsupported parameter style was detected.
X'80' (128)
Too many files, fetched procedures, controlled variables in a PL/I routine, or assembler use of external dummy sections caused the total length of the PRV to exceed the maximum limit of 4096 bytes.
X'84' (132)
Library routines required for CICS® support are not defined in the CICS CSD. See z/OS Language Environment Customization for the library routines required for CICS support. If running a PL/I application with the shared library, see PL/I for MVS & VM Compiler and Run-Time Migration Guide for instructions on enabling shared library support under Language Environment.
X'88' (136)
Reinitialization feature is not supported in PL/I-defined preinitialization support.
X'8C' (140)
MVS™ has not installed an anchor pointer; therefore, no anchor support is available.
X'90' (144)
The POSIX(ON) runtime option was specified or the application requires threading services, but Language Environment® was unable to register its signal interface routine (SIR). The callable service BPX1MSS failed. The reason code from BPX1MSS is loaded into register 3 before the abend is issued.
X'94' (148)
A language-specific event handler returned to thread initialization with a return code, causing immediate termination.
X'98' (152)
A bad return code was received from the member thread initialization exit, causing immediate termination.
X'A0' (160)
Re-entry at the top of an existing Language Environment run-time environment from a non-Language Environment-conforming driver was attempted at a different link level than that in effect when the Language Environment run-time environment was first created. The link level is the count of LINK or CMSCALL SVCs active within the task. Following is an example of when this can happen:
  1. An assembler program calls IGZERRE with the initialization call.
  2. The assembler program calls a COBOL program using LOAD and BALR.
  3. The assembler program calls a COBOL program using a LINK SVC. When the LINK SVC is performed on the COBOL program, abend U4093 is issued.
This reason code will also be issued:
  • When the RTEREUS run-time option, or calls to ILBOSTP0 or IGZERRE, are used in an IMS message processing region and all of the programs that receive control from IMS are not preloaded.
  • When using the NORTEREUS run-time option without removing all non-reentrant or non-reusable modules from the preload list and any STEPLIB.
X'A4' (164)
The service routine vector address was non-zero when using request modifier value 4 in the Extended Parameter List (EPL) for the INIT function of the Pre-Init Compatibility Interface (PICI). This is not supported.
X'A8' (168)
Pre-Init Compatibility Interface (PICI) initialization was attempted while a Unix System Services medium weight process was in effect. This is not supported.
X'AC' (172)
POSIX(ON) run-time option in a nested enclave is not supported.
X'B1' (177)
An attempt was made to run an XPLINK application under LRR when an XPLINK application is not permitted. Set the XPLINK keyword of the CEELRR macro to YES when initializing the LRR environment.
X'B2' (178)
An attempt was made to run a non-XPLINK application with the XPLINK(ON) run time option specified under LRR when an XPLINK application is not permitted. Set the XPLINK keyword of the CEELRR macro to YES when initializing the LRR environment.
X'B8' (184)
An XPLINK application cannot be started while SORT is active. There is no support for SORT in an XPLINK environment.
X'BC' (188)
An XPLINK application cannot be started while PIPI is active. There is no support for PIPI in an XPLINK environment.
X'C0' (192)
An XPLINK application cannot be started while CICS is active. There is no support for CICS in an XPLINK environment.
X'C4' (196)
An XPLINK application cannot be started in a nested child enclave whose parent enclave is a non-XPLINK environment.
X'C8' (200)
The entry point of the XPLINK-compiled implicit caller of a DLL function could not be found. This is an internal error.
X'CC' (204)
The Writeable Static Area (WSA) of the XPLINK-compiled implicit caller of a DLL function could not be found. This is an internal error.
X'D0' (208)
There was an internal error in the format of the Import Export Table (IET) of the XPLINK-compiled implicit caller of a DLL function.
X'D4' (212)
Storage management could not properly allocate an initial below storage area after ALL31(ON) was assumed.
X'D8' (216)
Storage management could not properly allocate the dummy library stack when PL/I was added to an enclave.
X'E0' (224)
The application main routine is XPLINK or the XPLINK(ON) run-time option was specified while running on VM. XPLINK is not supported on VM.
X'E4' (228)
Language Environment detected that the Library Routine Retention (LRR) control block eye-catcher was damaged during initialization of the environment.
X'E8' (232)
Language Environment was unable to obtain storage for the heap pools trace table. This storage is obtained when the HEAPCHK(ON) run-time option in effect and suboption pool_call_level is greater than zero. The failure is most likely due to there being insufficient available storage in the address space. Ensure that the REGION (and MEMLIMIT for AMODE 64 environment) size(s) are sufficient to run the application.
X'EC' (236)
Allocation of a thread-specific data control block (enclave level) failed, causing immediate termination.
X'F0' (240)
Allocation of a thread-specific data control block (thread level) failed, causing immediate termination.
X'F4' (244)
The CEEBXITA user exit was not found.
X'F8' (248)
Language Environment has detected a mismatch of runtime modules. Check to ensure that runtime modules CEEBINIT, CEEPIPI, CEEBPICI, and CEEPLPKA are at the same release level.
X'FC' (252)
A POSIX(ON) program was called under a preinitialization environment created by CEEPIPI(init_main_dp).
X'200' (512)
Language Environment was unable to obtain the library storage (control blocks) during initialization of the AMODE 64 run-time environment. Ensure that the MEMLIMIT size is sufficient to run the application.
X'204' (516)
Language Environment detected a re-initialization request while the AMODE 64 environment was already initialized. This failure is most likely due to a request to create a nested enclave (main to main). Nested enclaves are not supported in the AMODE 64 environment.
X'208' (520)
The length of the parameter list passed to the AMODE 64 application exceeded the maximum allowable size of 64K.
X'20C' (524)
Language Environment was unable to obtain storage for the extended parameter list. When the length of the parameter list exceeds 256 bytes, a separate storage request is needed. The failure is most likely due to there being insufficient available storage in the address space. Ensure that the MEMLIMIT size is sufficient to run the application.
X'210' (528)
Language Environment was unable to obtain initial stack and heap for the AMODE 64 environment. The failure is most likely due to there being insufficient available storage in the address space. Ensure that the MEMLIMIT size is sufficient to run the application.
X'214' (532)
Language Environment failed unexpectedly. Possible problems include returning from AMODE 64 environment termination and failure to set the active CEELAA address in the PSA when preinitialized environments are used.
X'218' (536)
Language Environment initialization was requested for an AMODE 64 application that does not contain a main. Specifically, the CELQMAIN CSECT is not present in the program object or the CELQMAIN CSECT does not point to the main routine (the address of the main is zero). One possible cause is that the user attempted to invoke a DLL or fetchable routine as a main.
X'21C' (540)
Load of the AMODE 64 Language Environment library CELQLIB failed. One possible cause is that the SCEERUN2 data set was not in the program search order.
X'220' (544)
Language Environment was unable to perform initialization for a pthread.
X'224' (548)
The 64-bit virtual limit (MEMLIMIT) was 0. This setting prevents the initialization and execution of an AMODE 64 application under Language Environment since storage above 2GB cannot be allocated. SMFPRMxx parameter MEMLIMIT, JCL JOB statement keyword MEMLIMIT, and JCL EXEC statement MEMLIMIT keyword are some of the mechanisms for setting the amount of 64-bit virtual storage that can be allocated in the address space. See z/OS MVS Programming: Extended Addressability Guide for more information on setting MEMLIMIT and how the system determines what value to use.
X'228' (552)
Language Environment initialization failed attempting to parse PLIST(HOST) style input arguments.
X'22C' (556)
Language Environment was unable to obtain storage for a copy of the _CEE_HEAP_MANAGER environment variable while initializing the AMODE 64 environment that is to be run with CELQMCHK, or other vendor heap manager, in control. Ensure that the MEMLIMIT size is sufficient to run the application.
X'230' (560)
Language Environment was unable to obtain storage for a copy of the storage management routine address while initializing the AMODE 64 environment that is to be run with CELQMCHK, or other vendor heap manager, in control. Ensure that the MEMLIMIT size is sufficient to run the application.
X'234' (564)
Language Environment was unable to obtain the 31-bit addressable storage needed during initialization of the AMODE 64 environment. This storage is used during initialization and later during execution for low-level I/O operations. Ensure that the REGION size is sufficient to run the application.
X'3E8'–X'4E7' (1000–1255)
Unable to load event handler for a high-level language. The last 3 digits of the decimal reason code indicate the facility ID of the component that did not load correctly.
The name of the event handler for which the load was attempted is constructed as follows:
  • CEEEVxxx for non-XPLINK event handlers.
  • CELHVxxx for XPLINK event handlers.

In both cases, xxx is the 3 digits described above.

For example, CEEEV003 is the non-XPLINK C/C++ event handle, and CELHV003 is the XPLINK C/C++ event handler. If either of these cannot be loaded, the reason code will be X'3EB' (1003).

The load may have failed because the correct data set containing the event handler was not found in the search concatenation. For example, CELHV003 is contained in the Language Environment SCEERUN2 data set, which typically is part of your STEPLIB or LINKLST.

For CICS applications, make sure you have added the Language Environment program resource definitions for CICS using the CEECCSD member in the Language Environment SCEESAMP data set.

For more information on setting up Language Environment, see z/OS Language Environment Customization.

X'7D0' (2000)
For a Fortran application, a call to CEEARLU that the Language Environment CAA does not exist.

System action

Enclave terminated.

Programmer response

Correct any specific conditions described in the explanation of the reason code that was issued. Check the JOBLOG for any messages issued before the abend.