__cabend() — Terminate the process with an abend


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies
Language Environment®
both AMODE 64


#include <ctest.h>

void  __cabend(int abendcode, int reasoncode,int clean_up);

General description

Causes an abnormal process termination and returns an abend code.

Note: When TRAP(OFF) is specified, __cabend() behaves as if clean_up was set to 0.
Numeric value for the user abend code.
Numeric value of the reason code.
Specifies whether normal process cleanup should be performed with the type of dump the user requires.

0 - Issue the abend without cleanup
1 - Issue the abend with cleanup honoring the TERMTHDACT
runtime option that the user has specified
2 - Issue the abend with cleanup honoring the TERMTHDACT
runtime option for system dump of the
user address space but always suppressing the CEEDUMP
3 - Issue the abend with cleanup honoring the TERMTHDACT
runtime option but always suppressing
both the system dump and the CEEDUMP
4 - Issue the abend with cleanup honoring the TERMTHDACT
runtime option for CEEDUMP but always
suppressing the system dump
5 - Issue the abend with cleanup forcing a system dump of
the user address space but not specifying the
TERMTHDACT runtime option