Converting tape volumes marked partially full to marked full

The DFSMShsm default behavior is to mark a tape volume full only when the tape volume reaches the maximum block count specified by the SETSYS command TAPEUTILIZATION parameter. This is known as a reuse environment. In a reuse environment, issuing a generic TAPECOPY command processes only the tape volumes that are marked full and that do not already have an alternate tape copy. In addition, partially full tape volumes without an alternate tape volume are not selected for tape volume duplexing. Therefore, it is advantageous to convert tape volumes marked partially full in the DFSMShsm inventory to marked full.

There are two methods for converting tape volumes marked partially full to marked full:
  • Use the DELVOL BACKUP(MARKFULL) or DELVOL MIGRATION(MARKFULL) command to mark each partially full tape volume full. This method is immediate and applies to tape volumes used for both volume and data set migration and backup.
  • Use the SETSYS command PARTIALTAPE(MARKFULL), PARTIALTAPE(MIGRATION(MARKFULL)), or PARTIALTAPE(BACKUP(MARKFULL)) parameters to operate DFSMShsm in what is known as a mark-full environment. In a mark-full environment, DFSMShsm will mark partially full tape volumes without an associated duplex copy as full when processing a generic TAPECOPY command or at the end of volume migration, backup, or both (depending on the SETSYS setting). However, tape volumes will not be marked full during data set migration or backup. This method is gradual as a partially full tape volume must be selected for volume migration or backup before being marked full.

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