Preventing the processing of data sets during space management

Any of the following parameters or values specified with the following commands can prevent an otherwise eligible volume or data set from being processed by space management:
  • The DEBUG parameter of the SETSYS command.
  • The NOMIGRATION parameter of the SETMIG command.
  • The EXITON and EXITOFF parameters of the SETSYS command, which specify the data set migration installation exit or the data set deletion installation exit. DFSMShsm supplies sample exits that you can tailor to fit your needs.
Any of the following parameters or values specified with the following parameters can cause space management to stop processing or to fail to start processing:
  • The MIGRATION(AUTO) parameter of the HOLD command. This stops or prevents automatic volume space management and automatic secondary space management from starting.
  • The MIGRATION parameter of the HOLD command. This stops or prevents automatic and command volume space management, automatic secondary space management, and command data set migration from starting.
  • The PRIMARYSPMGMTSTART parameter of the SETSYS command when it does not have a starting time specified. The ending time can also prevent space management from processing additional volumes.
  • The SECONDARYSPMGMTSTART parameter of the SETSYS command when it does not have a starting time specified. The ending time can also prevent space management from processing additional data sets.
  • The EMERGENCY parameter of the SETSYS command. This specifies that an emergency mode is in effect, and no DFSMShsm processing related to moving user data is performed.
    Note: This parameter does not affect the placement of recall requests onto the common recall queue. This enables this host to continue to place recalls onto the common recall queue that are eligible to be processed by other active hosts.
  • The STOP command. This causes an orderly shutdown of DFSMShsm.
  • The REQUEST parameter of the SETSYS command. The operator can deny permission to start or restart automatic space management.