Configuring your workstation

To work with z/OSMF, your web browser and workstation require a number of settings for proper functioning. This topic describes the resources you can use to verify that your workstation is configured properly.

z/OSMF provides an environment checker tool to help you verify your browser and workstation settings at any time. The environment checker tool, for example, can verify that your screen resolution is 1024 by 768 or higher, that cookies are enabled, and that JavaScript is enabled. For more information, see help topic Verifying your workstation with the environment checker.

The environment checker tool also provides a list of web browsers and operating systems that have been tested with z/OSMF. You can also obtain the list of test browsers and operating systems from the z/OSMF Browser Compatibility web page. In addition, this web page provides a list of browsers and operating systems that are expected to be compatible with z/OSMF, and it lists known compatibility issues.