IXGCON mapping

Table 1. Structure
Offset Offset
Dec Hex Type Len Name(Dim) Description
    COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1994, 2015
    STATUS = HBB77A0
   01 DESCRIPTIVE NAME: Constants for users of IXG services
   01 DSECT NAME: None
   01 COMPONENT: System Logger (SCLOG)
   01 EYE CATCHER: None
   02 OFFSET: N/A
   02 LENGTH: N/A
   01 SIZE: 0 bytes
   01 FUNCTION: Provides a list of constants for users of IXG
      ASM: Specify LIST=YES on macro call for listing.
    NOTES: None
    Flag LineItem FMID Date ID Comment
     $L0=LOGGR HBB5520 930923 PD00E4: Driver N703 updates.
     $L1=LOGGR HBB5520 931109 PD00E4: Driver N704 updates.
     $L2=LOGGR HBB5520 940106 PD00V6: Driver N705 updates.
     $L3=LOGGR HBB5520 940210 PD00V6: Driver N706 updates.
     $L4=LOGGR HBB5520 940310 PD00V6: Driver N707 updates.
     $L5=LOGGR HBB5520 930426 PD00V6: Driver N708A updates.
     $L6=LOGGR HBB5520 940602 PD00C9: Driver N709 updates.
     $L7=LOGGR HBB5520 940728 PD00E4: Driver N710 updates.
     $L8=LOGGR HBB5520 941010 PD00E4: Driver N712 updates.
     $Q1=PN71616 HBB5520 941031 PD00CF: system logger
     $P1=PN71854 HBB5520 941201 PD00CV: Verify Couple Data Set
     $P2=PN72080 HBB5520 941201 PD00E4: Update action for reason
                                          code 890 to include
                                          monitoring ENF 48 for
                                          system logger not
                                          available for life of the
     $P3=PN71704 HBB5520 941216 PD00DZ: Inventory recoverability/
     $P4=PN72093 HBB5520 940104 PD00CV: General Cleanup and
                                          regenerate BAL version
     $P5=PN72018 HBB5520 940104 PD00CV: Has PN72093 as a PreReq
     $P6=PN72118 HBB5520 950104 PD00B6: add percolate to task rsn
     $01=OW11208 HBB5520 950210 PD00E4: add IXGCONN reason codes
                                          (TRSQ PN72374)
     $02=OW11682 HBB5520 950303 PD00E4: add reason code 891, 82D
                                          (TRSQ PN72311)
                                          removed 82D, 84F
     $03=OW11809 HBB5520 950321 PD00V6: TRSQ PN72018
     $04=OW11809 HBB5520 950415 PD00C9: TRSQ PN72511
     $05=OW12897 HBB5520 950427 PD00E4: TRSQ PN72545
     $06=OW15433 HBB5520 950828 PD00CO: TRSQ PR40020
     $LA=RSR HBB6603 960116 PDXD: Remote Site Recovery
     $LB=LOGGR HBB6603 960118 PDSL: Update description for
                                       reason code 801
     $LC=LOGGR HBB6603 960215 PDV6: Archive Support
     $LD=LOGR4 JBB6604 970214 PDDZ: DASD only log stream
     $P7=PSY0424 JBB6604 970319 PDRM: Add Reason Code 8E4
     $07=OW27705 JBB6604 970630 PD00RM: Maxbufsize cannot get
     $08=OW29838 HBB6603 971125 PDCZ: Add new reason code
     $LE=ISERV HBB6608 981230 PDAJ: Reason code cleanup
     $0A=OW37298 HBB6603 990211 PD00A8: Update 85D
     $LF=BMULT HBB7703 991120 PDDZ: Browse MultiBlock support
     $P8=PXD0714 HBB7703 991123 PDDZ: 80F cleanup
     $LG=CFDUP HBB7705 000825 PD00A8: CF Auto-Duplexing Support
     $LH=LSDYN HBB7706 010602 PDDZ: BadStructUpdate (8DF) out,
                                        BadEhlq (8E6) in
     $LI=LSDYN HBB7706 010703 PDDZ: EhlqTooLong (8E7) - PYM0256
                                        BadLowHighOffLoad (856)
     $0B=OW54863 HBB7703 020511 PD00A8: ShareOptions Detection
     $LJ=64V2 HBB7709 020826 PD00A8: 64 Bit Support
     $P9=PJK0029 HBB7709 030401 PD00A8: Documentation Updates
     $0C=OA03001 HBB7703 030417 PD00A8: Stg_xxxx always allowed
     $LK=LOGRCR HBB7720 030911 PD00A8: Update for reason code 81A
     $LL=XRCLOG HBB7720 040903 PDDZ: Update reason code 8E3
     $PA=PDE0172 HBB7720 040227 PD00A8: Update reason code 842
     $PB=ME00636 HBB7720 040421 PD00A8: Update reason code 845
     $PC=ME00853 HBB7720 040601 PDDZ: Update reason code 40A
     $LM=FDISC HBB7720 040827 PD00A8: Force Disconnect
     $LN=FDISC HBB7720 041011 PDDZ: Force Delete/Disconnect
     $LO=LOGREN HBB7730 050228 PDDZ: BY4 rename logstream
     $LP=LOGSEP HBB7730 050323 PD00A8: Separation support
     $LQ=LOGREN HBB7730 050816 PDDZ: BY4 rename logstream
     $PD=ME04236 HBB7730 050901 PDDZ: migrated data set handling
     $0E=OA14125 HBB7707 060109 PDDZ: Unauthorized writer limit
     $LR=LOGMSG HBB7740 060801 PDDZ: rc/rsn details
     $PE=ME09177 HBB7740 070130 PDRM: updates to match pubs
     $PF=ME09177 HBB7740 070221 PDDZ: updates to 85C/85D
     $LS=LOGDE HBB7750 070313 PDNJ: HBS Dasdonly allows duplexing
                                       options (chg 8E0,8E1,8E5)
     $PG=ME10293 HBB7750 050608 PDDZ: update reason code 80D
     $0F=OA20545 HBB7709 070820 PDAS: Modify No Connectivity(864)
                                       to better explain actions
     $PH=ME11962 HBB7750 071211 PDNJ: reason 405 returned on browse
                                       start and search too
     $LT=LOGAW HBB7760 080609 PDNJ: Auth Async Write Limit 867
     $0G=OA25045 HBB7709 080515 PDAS: temp condition ranges
     $PI=ME15654 HBB7770 090819 PDDZ: update rsn812
     $PJ=OA26730 HBB7770 090928 PDDZ: internal 802/F850->868
     $0J=OA35510 HBB7750 100209 PDNJ: EOF Delete/Gap Reason
     $0K=OA38747 HBB7780 120531 PDDZ: zai enabled
     $PK=ME25492 HBB7790 130207 PDDZ: cpools query ¬lsconninfo
                                       - OA41313
     $LU=LOGRALLA HBB77A0 130715 PDDZ: advanced-current offload DS
     $LV=LOGRALLA HBB77A0 140507 PDDZ: ixginvnt checkdef request
     $LW=PR7A0 HBB77A0 150120 PDDZ: last release for DRXRC
       Constants for IXG services user return codes
0 (0) X'0' 0  IXGRETCODEOK "0" Service completes successfully
0 (0) X'4' 0  IXGRETCODEWARNING "4" Service completes successfully, however a warning condition was encountered
0 (0) X'8' 0  IXGRETCODEERROR "8" Service does not complete successfully because an error condition has been encountered
0 (0) X'C' 0  IXGRETCODECOMPERROR "12" Service does not complete successfully because a System Logger component error has been encountered
       Reason Codes -- IxgRsnCodeOk
  .... ....  IXGRSNCODEOK "X'00000000'" IXGBRWSE, IXGCONN, IXGDELET, IXGIMPRT, IXGINVNT, IXGOFFLD, IXGQUERY, IXGUPDAT and IXGWRITE requests. Explanation: Request processed successfully.
       Reason Codes -- IxgRsnCodeWarning (Note that the reason codes
       are of the form "xxxxYYYY" where "xxxx" is used to contain
       internal diagnostic information)
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEPROCESSEDASYNCH "X'00000401'" IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET requests. Explanation: The program specified MODE=ASYNCNORESPONSE MODE=SYNCECB or MODE=SYNCEXIT and the request must be processed asynchronously. Action: IF MODE=ASYNCHNORESPONSE was specified completion will not be reported. If MODE=SYNCECB was specified, wait for the ECB specified on the ECB parameter to be posted, indicating that the request is complete. If MODE=SYNCEXIT was specified, the system logger will call the connection's completion exit once the request is complete. Check the ANSAA_ASYNCH_RETCODE and ANSAA_ASYNCH_RSNCODE fields, mapped by IXGANSAA, to determine whether the request completed successfully.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEWARNINGDEL "X'00000402'" IXGBRWSE request. Explanation: Environment error. The request completed successfully, but the data requested was deleted from the log stream via. The next available data in the log stream in the direction specified is returned. Action: Determine whether this is an acceptable condition for your application. If so, ignore this condition. If not, provide serialization or some other installation protocol to prevent deletes from being performed by other applications on the log stream during a browse session.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEWARNINGGAP "X'00000403'" IXGBRWSE request. Explanation: Environment error. The request completed successfully, but the data requested was unreadable. The next readable data in the log stream in the specified direction is returned. This condition could be caused by either an I/O error while attempting to read a log data set or a log data set deleted without using logger interfaces. Action: The action necessary is completely up to the application, depending on how critical your data is. You can do one of the following: # Accept this condition and continue reading. # Stop processing the log all together. # Attempt to get the problem rectified, if possible, and then attempt to re-read the log data. This could also be a VSAM Shareoptions problem.
"X'00000404'" IXGCONN request. Explanation: Environment error. The disconnect request is being completed asynchronously. The application has been disconnected from the log stream and the stream token is no longer valid. Action: The log stream cannot be deleted until the asynchronous portion of the disconnect processing completes.
"X'00000405'" IXGWRITE and IXGBRWSE requests. Explanation: Environment error. For an IXGBRWSE request: returned for READCURSOR, START OLDEST and RESET OLDEST requests. For READCURSOR: A log block has been returned, but there may be log blocks permanently missing between this log block and the one previously returned. For START OLDEST and RESET OLDEST: the oldest log blocks in the log stream may be permanently missing, the browse cursor is set at the oldest available log block. This condition occurs when a system and coupling facility fail and not all of the log data in the log stream could be recovered. For an IXGWRITE request: the request was successful however the log stream has previously lost log blocks. This condition occurs when a system and coupling facility fail and not all of the log data in the log stream could be recovered. Failures affecting both the primary log data and the duplexed copy likely caused the loss of data condition Action: If your application cannot tolerate any data loss, stop issuing system logger services to this log stream, disconnect from the log stream, and reconnect to a new, undamaged log stream. You can continue using the log stream if your applications can tolerate data loss.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODECONNECTREBUILD "X'00000406'" IXGCONN request. Explanation: Environment error. The connect request was successful, but the log stream is temporarily unavailable because a coupling facility structure re-build is in progress. Action: Listen to the ENF signal 48, which will indicate either that the log stream is available because the re-build completed successfully or that the log stream is not available because the re-build failed. In the meantime, do not attempt to issue system logger services against the log stream.
"X'00000407'" IXGCONN and IXGWRITE request. Explanation: Environment error. The request was successful, but there may be log blocks permanently missing between this log block and the one previously returned. This condition occurs when a system or coupling facility fails and not all of the data in the log stream could be recovered. Action: If your application cannot tolerate any data loss, stop issuing system logger services to this log stream, disconnect from the log stream, and reconnect to a new, undamaged log stream. You can continue using the log stream if your applications can tolerate data loss.
"X'00000408'" IXGWRITE, IXGCONN & IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The request was successful, but the log stream's DASD data set directory is full. System logger cannot offload any further data from the coupling facility structure to DASD. The system logger will continue to process IXGWRITE requests until this log stream's portion of the coupling facility structure becomes full. Action: Either delete enough data from the log stream to free up space in the log stream's data set directory so that offloading can occur or disconnect from the log stream.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEWOWWARNING "X'00000409'" IXGWRITE, IXGCONN and IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The request was successful, but an error condition was detected by a previous offload of log data. System logger may not be able to offload any further data from the interim storage (e.g. coupling facility structure) to DASD. The system logger will continue to process IXGWRITE requests until this log stream's portion of the coupling facility structure or the staging data set becomes full. Action: Quiese activity against this log stream and disconnect. Connect to another log stream. Check log for message IXG301I to determine the cause of the error. If error was related to your installation, correct the error. Otherwise, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.
"X'0000040A'" IXGWRITE & IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The request was successful, but the system logger was unable to duplex log data to staging data sets, even though the log stream definition requested unconditional duplexing to staging data sets by specifying the log stream attributes: STG_DUPLEX=YES,DUPLEXMODE=UNCOND, or STG_DUPLEX=YES,DUPLEXMODE=DRXRC. When DUPLEXMODE=UNCOND is specified and when Logger is unable to obtain a staging data set to duplex the log data. Therefore, the Logger duplexing is being done in local buffers (data space). When DUPLEXMODE=DRXRC is specified for a logstream and being used for (non-local) disaster recovery duplexing, if the internal buffers used for asynchronous buffering of the log blocks become full. Meaning the internal buffers became full before at least one of the full buffers could be written to the staging data set. Action: For DUPLEXMODE=UNCOND, if duplexing to staging data sets is required, disconnect from this log stream and connect to a log stream that can be duplexed to staging data sets. For DUPLEXMODE=DRXRC, if duplexing to a DRXRC-type staging data sets is required, then cause the log data to be offload to the log secondary storage (offload data sets), refer to IXGQUERY and IXGOFFLD services, and then continue writing to the log stream.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMNOTCONNECTED "X'0000040B'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: Environment error. The log stream is identified as being resource manager managed. Delete requests are only honored on this system if the resource manager is also connected when delete requests are being monitored. At the time of the user's delete request, the resource manager was not connected to the log stream. Action: Start the resource manager on this system so that it can connect to the log stream and participate in the delete process OR specify FORCE=YES on the corresponding IXGDELET request
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMOVERRIDEOK "X'0000040C'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: The caller's delete request was overriden by the corresponding resource manager exit. The override information was successfully processed
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMNOBLOCK "X'0000040D'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: Program error. For an IXGDELET request, the block identifier does not exist in the log stream. Either the value provided was never a valid location within the log stream or a prior IXGDELET request deleted the portion of the log stream it referenced. This warning only occurs if a resource manager overrides the caller-specified block id. Action: Ensure that the value provided references an existing portion of the log stream.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMBADGAP "X'0000040E'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: Environment error. The request failed because the requested log data was unreadable. This condition could be caused by either an I/O error while attempting to read a log data set or a log data set deleted without using the IXGDELET interface. Action: For an IXGDELET request, the block identifier of the first accessible block toward the youngest data in the log stream is returned in the ANSAA_GAPS_NEXT_BLKID field in the answer area mapped by the IXGANSAA macro. If appropriate, re-issue the IXGDELET request using this block identifier. This warning only occurs if a resource manager overrides the caller-specified block id. This could also be a VSAM ShareOptions problem.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMEOFGAP "X'0000040F'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: Environment error. The request prematurely reached the beginning or the end of the log stream. The portion of the log stream from the requested log data to either the beginning or the end of the log stream (depending on the direction of the read) was unreadable. This condition may be caused by either an I/O error while trying to read a log data set, or a log data set deleted without using the IXGDELET interface. Action: The action necessary is completely up to the application depending on how critical your data is. You can do one of the following: # Accept this condition and continue reading. # Stop processing the log all together. # Attempt to get the problem rectified, if possible, and then attempt to re-read the log data. This warning only occurs if a resource manager overrides the caller-specified block id. This could also be a VSAM ShareOptions problem.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMLOSSOFDATAGAP "X'00000410'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: Environment error. The requested log data referenced a section of the log stream where log data is permanently missing. This condition occurs when a system or coupling facility is in recovery due to a failure, but not all of the log data in the log stream could be recovered. Action: If your application cannot tolerate any data loss, stop issuing system logger services to this log stream, disconnect from the log stream, and reconnect to a new, undamaged log stream. You can continue using the log stream if your applications can tolerate data loss. This warning only occurs if a resource manager overrides the caller-specified block id. This could also be a VSAM ShareOptions problem.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMABENDED "X'00000411'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: Program error. While the resource manager was in control, it abended and it percolated to the System Logger. No log data were deleted. Action: Correct the resource manager exit.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMDISABLED "X'00000412'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: Environment error. The log stream is identified as being resource manager managed. The resource manager is connected to the log stream but is disabled because it percolated to the System Logger's recovery environment. Action: Cancel the resource manager address space, correct the problem in the exit and restart the resource manager address space OR specify FORCE=YES on the corresponding IXGDELET request
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMINVALIDBLOCKID "X'00000413'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: Program error. For an IXGDELET request, the resource manager exit returned an override blockid that is greater than the block id specified on the original IXGDELET request. Action: Ensure that the value returned from the resource manager exit is less than or equal to the specified on the corresponding IXGDELET request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMSTOPPEDDELETE "X'00000414'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: The resource manager does not allow any log blocks to be deleted by this IXGDELET request. Action: Determine why the resource manager is prohibiting deletes. Specify FORCE=YES to stop the resource manager exit from stopping the delete request
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMBADRETCODE "X'00000415'" IXGDELET request. Explanation: The resource manager provided an invalid return code in register 15. Acceptable values are 0, 4 and 8. Action: Determine why the resource manager is returning an unsupported return code
"X'00000416'" IXGBRWSE request. Explanation: Environment error. The request completed successfully, meaning some log block data was returned, but at least one of the log blocks returned in the buffer area encountered a warning return code condition. The fields Ixgbrmlt_RetCode and Ixgbrmlt_RsnCode can be checked as the log blocks are processed to determine which log block(s) encountered the warning condition. Action: The action necessary is completely up to the application, depending on how critical your data is. You can do one of the following: # Accept this condition and continue reading. # Stop processing the log all together. # Attempt to get the problem rectified, if possible, and then attempt to re-read the log data.
"X'00000417'" IXGBRWSE request. Eplanation: Environment error. The request completed successfully, meaning some log block data was returned, but an error condition was encountered while attempting to read more data. For this reason code, there will be one more Ixgbrmlt area in the buffer than log blocks (Ixgbrmhd_NumLogBlocks). Use Ixgbrmhd_LastBrmltOffset to get to the last Ixgbrmlt area and use fields Ixgbrmlt_RetCode and Ixgbrmlt_RsnCode to determine the error condition that was encountered. An example of this condition is when some log block data is returned and an end of the log stream (eof) condition occurs. Action: The action necessary is completely up to the application, depending on how critical your data is. You can do one of the following: # Accept this condition and continue reading. # Stop processing the log all together. # Attempt to get the problem rectified, if possible, and then attempt to re-read the log data.
"X'00000418'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Environment error. The request to update the log stream with a new stream name processed successfully. However, at least one log stream staging data set was not renamed due to an IDCAMS ALTER error. Action: Notify the System Programmer and check for any IXG251I hard-copy messages and see the system programmer response for the message identifier that is included in message IXG251I. Logger message IXG277E will also be issued. Refer to "z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services for Catalogs" for the IDCAMS return code information and correct the condition that caused the error. If a staging data set is migrated, then the IXG251I messages may indicate that the data set is a "NONVSAM" type entry for the cluster. Migrated staging data sets for the log stream must first be recalled prior to submitting the NEWSTREAMNAME update request as Logger does not attempt to rename migrated data sets. The staging data set will need to be renamed by the System Programmer. After correcting the error condition, the System Programmer should submit the necessary IDCAMS ALTER entryname NEWNAME() job to get the existing log stream staging data set name updated to match the new stream name change. This will need to be done prior to defining a new instance of a log stream that uses the same name as the log stream identified in this message. Failure to get the staging data set renamed correctly can result in a "loss of data" condition when a connection occurs for the log stream that was renamed. If unable to identify the problem
          source or correct the error, then contact the IBM Support Center. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG445E.
       Reason Codes -- IxgRetCodeError (Note that the reason codes
       are of the form "xxxxYYYY" where "xxxx" is used to contain
       internal diagnostic information)
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADPARMLIST "X'00000801'" IXGCONN, IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET & IXGINVNT IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Program error. The parameter list is invalid. Either the parameter list storage is inaccessible, an invalid version of the macro was used or MF=(E,NOCHECK) or MF=(M,NOCHECK) options used to construct the parameter list and conflicting parameters specified. For example: AUTH=READ, IMPORTCONNECT=YES Action: Ensure that the storage area for the parameter list is accessible to the system logger for the duration of the request, and that the macro version is correct. The parameter list storage must be addressable in the caller's primary address space and in the same key as the caller. Insure that a valid parmeter list is constructed when specifying the NOCHECK option
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEXESERROR "X'00000802'" IXGCONN, IXGWRITE, IXGINVNT, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGUPDAT, IXGOFFLD, IXGQUERY, IXGIMPRT, IXGUPDAT Explanation: System error. A severe cross-system extended services (XES) error has occurred. Action: See ANSAA_DIAG1 for the XES return code and ANSAA_DIAG2 for the XES reason code.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADBUFFER "X'00000803'" IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE, IXGIMPRT and IXGQUERY requests. Explanation: Program error. The virtual storage area specified on the BUFFER or BUFFER64 parameter is not addressable. On IXGBRWSE ReadCursor MultiBlock requests, the BUFFER or BUFFER64 address must be on a word boundary. Action: Ensure that the storage area specified on the BUFFER or BUFFER64 parameter is accessible to system logger for the duration of the request. If the BUFFKEY parameter is specified, make sure it contains a valid key associated with the storage area. If BUFFKEY is not used, ensure that the storage is in the same key as the program at the time the logger service was requested. The storage must be addressable in the caller's primary address space. For IXGBRWSE ReadCursor MultiBlock requests, put the BUFFER or BUFFER64 address on a word boundary.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOBLOCK "X'00000804'" IXGBRWSE & IXGDELET requests. Explanation: Program error. For an IXGBRWSE request, the block identifier or time stamp does not exist in the requested view of the log stream. If the SEARCH parameter was specified on a START request, the time stamp is greater than any block in the log stream. For an IXGDELET request, the block identifier does not exist in the log stream. Either the value provided was never a valid location within the log stream or a prior IXGDELET request deleted the portion of the log stream it referenced. Action: Ensure that the value provided references an existing portion of the log stream.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEALLOCERROR "X'00000805'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Environment error. The system encountered a severe dynamic allocation (SVC 99) error while processing data sets related to the log stream. If you have received this reason code while running a job that uses the IXCMIAPU utility, then messages IXG002E and IXG003I will appear in your joblog. Investigating the diag fields in IXG003I may be helpful. IXG003I is documented in "z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 10 (IXC-IZP)". If your application has received this reason code from the IXGINVNT macro, follow the action steps below. Action: IXGINVNT returns information about the error in the answer area, mapped by IXGANSAA. Investigate the meaning of ANSAA_Diag1 and ANSAA_Diag2. ANSAA_Diag1 contains either an internal logger return code or the contents of the 4 byte field S99ERSN. More information on internal logger return codes and S99ERSN appears below. ANSAA_Diag2 contains either the contents of the 4 byte field S99ERSN or the contents of the 2 byte field S99ERROR followed by the 2 byte field S99INFO. More information on these fields appears below. S99ERSN, S99ERROR and S99INFO are fields in the IEFZB4D0 control block that logger uses to communicate with dynamic allocation. If you receive any one of the following internal logger return codes in ANSAA_Diag1, contact IBM: x'04', x'10', x'14', x'1C'. S99ERROR is documented in section "Interpreting Error Reason Codes from DYNALLOC" of the "MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide". S99ERSN is documented in section "S99RBX fields" of the
          "MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide". S99INFO is documented section "Interpreting Information Reason Codes from DYNALLOC" of the "MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide". After you have researched the meaning of S99ERROR, S99ERSN and S99INFO, you may be able to find even more information about the meaning of S99ERSN by looking up a DFSMS message whose ID is IGDxxxx. You can compute xxxx: It is the value found in S99ERSN, converted to decimal. The documentation for this IGDxxxx message gives the meaning of the value found in S99ERSN, even if the DFSMS message does not appear in syslog. Not all values of S99ERSN map to an IGDxxxx message. Here are some examples of S99ERSN values and the related message ID: If S99ERSN is x'00042CF', the DFSMS message ID would be IGD17103. Sometimes zeros must be inserted after IGD. For example, if S99ERSN is x'00003F6', the DFSMS message ID would be IGD01014. IGD messages are documented in "MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD)". Look in syslog for any messages that were issued near the time your application invoked the IXGINVNT macro. Look for messages that begin with IXG. Messages of interest will often have 2 message Ids, where the first message ID is IXG251I, and the second begins with IGD, IDC, IKJ, IEF or ICH. If message IXG263E was issued, follow the actions documented for that message. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADSTMTOKEN "X'00000806'" IXGCONN, IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Program error. One of the following occurred: # The stream token was not valid. # The specified request was issued from an address space other than the connector's address space. Action: Do one of the following: # Make sure that the stream token specified is valid. # Ensure that IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE and IXGDELET requests were issued from the connector's address space.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADBRWTOKEN "X'00000807'" IXGBRWSE request. Explanation: Program error. The browse token specified is not valid. Action: Ensure that the browse token being passed to the IXGBRWSE service is the same one returned from the IXGBRWSE REQUEST=START function.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEIOERROR "X'00000808'" IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: System error. A severe log data set I/O error has occurred. Action: Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the return and reason code.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADWRITESIZE "X'00000809'" IXGWRITE & IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Program error. The size of the log block specified in the BLOCKLEN parameter is not valid. The value for BLOCKLEN must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the maximum buffer size (MAXBUFSIZE) defined in the LOGR policy for the structure associated with this log stream. Action: Ensure that the value specified on the BLOCKLEN parameter is greater than 0 and less than or equal to the MAXBUFSIZE which is returned on the log stream connect request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEREQUESTLOCKED "X'0000080A'" IXGCONN, IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGINVNT, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Program error. The program issuing the request is holding a lock. Action: Ensure that the program issuing the request is not holding a lock.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOSTREAM "X'0000080B'" IXGCONN & IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: Program error. The log stream name specified has not been defined in the LOGR policy. Action: Ensure that the required log stream name has been defined in the LOGR policy. If the definition appears to be correct, ensure that the application is passing the correct log stream name to the service. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG017E.
"X'0000080C'" IXGCONN requests. Explanation: Environment error. The system encountered a severe dynamic allocation error with the staging data set. ANSAA_DIAG2 of the answer area contains either the dynamic allocation error code, SMS reason code, or media manager reason code. For more information about the error, check for either message IXG251I, which is issued for data set allocation errors, or check for messages issued by the access method. Action: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOSAFAUTH "X'0000080D'" IXGCONN and IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The user does not have correct SAF authorization for the request. # If the request was IXGCONN, either the caller is not authorized to connect to the log stream or the caller specified AUTH=WRITE when connecting to a log stream with only READ authority. # If the request was IXGINVNT, the caller is not authorized for one of the following: # The log stream being updated or defined. # The log stream named on the NEWSTREAMNAME parameter. # The structure specified. # The structure extracted from the log stream named on the LIKE parameter. # The log stream name or logger structure name on a definition check (CHECKDEF) request (or on an IXCMIAPU utility LIST option). # Requesting ZAI=YES for the log stream. Action: Logger returns information about the error in the answer area, mapped by IXGANSAA. Investigate the meaning of ANSAA_Diag1, ANSAA_Diag2 and ANSAA_Diag4. ANSAA_Diag1 contains the RACF or installation exit return code from the RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH macro. ANSAA_Diag2 contains the RACF or installation exit reason code from the RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH macro. ANSAA_Diag4 contains the SAF return code from the RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH macro. Information on the RACROUTE macro can be found in publication "z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference". @PGA Do one of the following: # For an IXGCONN request, either define UPDATE SAF authorization to the log stream or specify AUTH=READ. If authorization was already defined, then either it needs to be changed to allow UPDATE
          access to the log stream or the application must be changed to specify AUTH=READ. # For an IXGINVNT request, define SAF authorization for any log streams and structures specified. If the ZAI keyword is provided, then ensure the appropriate access is established for using it. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG033E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTREAMDEFINED "X'0000080E'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The log stream name specified on a define request or the new log stream name on an update request had already been defined in the LOGR inventory couple data set. Action: Do one of the following: # Use the existing definition for the log stream. # Change the name of the log stream being defined on a define request or the new stream name for an update request. # Delete the existing log stream definition from the inventory and then re-issue the IXGINVNT request to re-define it. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG012E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADBUFSIZE "X'0000080F'" IXGBRWSE, IXGQUERY requests. Explanation: Program error. Here, 'BUFFER' can mean either the BUFFER or BUFFER64 keyword. The buffer specified on the BUFFER parameter is not large enough to contain the data being returned. For IXGBRWSE, the buffer area is not large enough to contain the next log block in the logstream. No log block data is returned. For IXGQUERY, the buffer area must be at least as large as the length of the IXGQBUF or IXGQZBUF mapping macro (based on the query request). Action: Obtain a buffer large enough to hold the data being returned and redrive the request. For IXGBRWSE, obtain a buffer of at least the length returned in the BLKSIZE parameter, then re-issue the request. For IXGQUERY, obtain a buffer the length of IXGQBUF or IXGQZBUF (as appropriate) and redrive the request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTREAMINUSE "X'00000810'" IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: Environment error. You cannot alter or delete a log stream while an application is connected to it. Some attributes can be updated while there are connections provided the appropriate LOGR CDS and release levels are in effect. Action: Re-issue the request when there are no active connections to the log stream. Or move to the appropriate release and LOGR CDS format level. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG014E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADSTRNAME "X'00000811'" IXGCONN, IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The structure name specified on the STRUCTNAME parameter is not defined in the CFRM policy. Action: Make sure that the structure you want to specify is defined in the CFRM policy. Note: No longer returned as of z/OS 1/5.
"X'00000812'" IXGCONN request. Explanation: Environment error. The log stream could not be recovered so the connection attempt failed. The system issues message IXG210E and/or IXG211E along with message IXG231I providing further information about the error. Action: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODELOGSTREAMDELETED "X'00000813'" IXGCONN request. Explanation: Environment error. The request to connect to the specified log stream failed because the log stream is being deleted. Action: Re-define the log stream in the LOGR policy and then re-issue the connect request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOTAVAILFORIPL "X'00000814'" IXGCONN, IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGINVNT, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The system logger address space is not available for the remainder of this IPL. The system issues messages about this error during system logger initialization. Action: See the explanation for system messages issued during system logger initialization.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOTENABLED "X'00000815'" IXGCONN, IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGINVNT, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Program error. The program issuing the request is not enabled for I/O and external interrupts, so the request fails. Action: Make sure the program issuing the request is enabled for I/O and external interrupts.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADANSLEN "X'00000816'" IXGCONN, IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGINVNT, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Program error. The answer area length (ANSLEN parameter) is not large enough. The system logger returned the required size in the Ansaa_Preferred_Size field of the answer area, mapped by IXGANSAA macro. Action: Re-issue the request, specifying an answer area of the required size.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADANSAREA "X'00000817'" IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT, IXGQUERY, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET & IXGINVNT IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Program error. The storage area specified on the ANSAREA parameter cannot be accessed. This may occur after the system logger address space has terminated. Action: Specify storage that is in the caller's primary address space and in the same key as the calling program at the time the system logger service was issued. This storage must be accessible until the request completes.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADBLOCKIDSTOR "X'00000818'" IXGWRITE & IXGBRWSE requests. Explanation: Program error. The storage area specified by BLOCKID cannot be accessed. Action: Ensure that the storage area is accessible to system logger for the duration of the request. The storage must be addressable in the caller's primary address space and in the same key as the caller.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESRBMODE "X'00000819'" IXGCONN, IXGIMPRT & IXGINVNT IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD & IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Program error. The calling program is in SRB mode, but task mode is the required dispatchable unit mode for this system logger service. Action: Make sure the calling program is in task mode.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEMAXSTREAMCONN "X'0000081A'" IXGCONN & IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: Environment error. This system has reached the limit for the maximum number of log streams that can be concurrently active. One of the following is true: - The limit of 16,384 concurrently active DASDONLY log streams per system has been reached. For this case, the Answer Area field DIAG1 will contain 16,384. - Either the PRODUCTION or TEST GROUP can not connect to any more log streams. Message IXG075E or IXG076I is issued. In this case, the Answer Area field DIAG1 will contain the number of structures that are in use for this GROUP. - The TEST GROUP has previously failed and a request has been made to define a logstream with GROUP(TEST). Message IXG074I has been previously issued. In this case, the Answer Area field DIAG1 will contain 0. - A Log stream delete can not be processed because Logger needs to perform an internal connect to the Log stream to complete the delete but no more connections are allowed. Action: Your work load may need to be planned to either consolidate log streams or balance system activity such that fewer log streams are needed during this time frame.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEPRIMARYNOTHOME "X'0000081B'" IXGCONN, IXGINVNT, IXGQUERY requests. Explanation: Program error. The primary address space does not equal the home address space. Action: Make sure that the primary address space equals the home address space when issuing this system logger service.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOTAUTHFUNC "X'0000081C'" IXGWRITE, IXGDELET, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Program error. The program connected to the log stream with the AUTH=READ parameter and then tried to delete or write data. You cannot write or delete data when connected with read authority. Action: Issue the IXGCONN service with AUTH=WRITE authority and then re-issue this request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMNAMEBADSTATE "X'0000081D'" IXGCONN requests Explanation: Program error. The program is attempting to connect to the log stream with the RMNAME keyword specified but is not executing system key, supervisor state. Action: Change to system key, supervisor state before issuing the connect request
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEXESSTRNOTAUTH "X'0000081E'" IXGCONN and IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: Environment Error. The system logger address space does not have access authority to the coupling facility structure associated with the log stream specified. Action: Make sure the system logger address space has SAF access to the structure.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEXCDSERROR "X'0000081F'" IXGINVNT, IXGCONN and IXGDELET requests. Explanation: System error. System logger encountered an internal problem while processing the LOGR couple data set. Action: Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the return and reason code and the contents of the answer area (ANSAREA field).
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADMODELCONN "X'00000820'" IXGCONN request. Explanation: Program error. The program issued an IXGCONN request to connect to a log stream that was defined as a model in the LOGR policy. You cannot connect to a model log stream. Action: Either change the definition of the specified structure so that it is not a model, or else request connection to a different log stream that is not a model.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEDSPCREATEFAILED "X'00000821'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: System error. A data space create failed during logger inventory processing. If you have received this reason code while running a job that uses the IXCMIAPU utility, then messages IXG002E and IXG003I will appear in your joblog. Investigating the diag fields in IXG003I may be helpful. Message IXG003I is documented in "z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 10 (IXC-IZP)". If your application has received this reason code from the IXGINVNT macro, follow the action steps below. Action: IXGINVNT returns information about the error in the answer area, mapped by IXGANSAA. Investigate the meaning of ANSAA_Diag1 and ANSAA_Diag2. ANSAA_Diag1 contains the return code from the DSPSERV macro. ANSAA_Diag2 contains the reason code from the DSPSERV macro. The DSPSERV macro's return and reason codes are documented in "z/OS MVS Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP". @PEC
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADHLQ "X'00000822'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The high level qualifier specified on the HLQ parameter was incorrect. Action: Specify a valid high level qualifier and re-issue the request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOINVRECSPACE "X'00000823'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Environment error. The LOGR couple data set cannot be updated because the maximum number of entries for the specified type has already been reached. Action: # Format a new LOGR couple data set using the IXCL1DSU utility. In the new LOGR couple data set either delete unused entries or increase the allowed number of entries on the LSR parameter (for log stream entries) or the LSTRR parameter (for coupling facility structure entries). # PSWITCH the current alternate LOGR couple data set to primary. # Add the new LOGR couple data set as alternate. # PSWITCH the new LOGR couple data set from alternate to primary. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG010E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEMAXSTREAMSTR "X'00000824'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. A program issued IXGINVNT to associate a structure with a log stream, but the maximum number of log streams allowed (as defined on the LOGSNUM parameter) has been reached for the specified structure. Action: Either specify a structure that has not reached its LOGSNUM limit, or specify a larger LOGSNUM value on the definition for the structure. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG011E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTRDEFINED "X'00000825'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The structure specified on the IXGINVNT request is already defined in the LOGR inventory couple data set. Action: Either use the existing structure definition, change the name of the structure being defined or delete the existing structure and re-define it. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG013E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADLOGSNUM "X'00000826'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The LOGSNUM value specified for a structure definition was not within the valid range between 1 and 512. Action: Change the LOGSNUM value to be within the valid range. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG016E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOSTRRECORD "X'00000827'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The coupling facility structure specified in the definition for a log stream or the name specified on a CHECKDEF request is not defined in the LOGR inventory couple data set. Action: Either define the coupling facility structure before referencing it in a log stream definition, or specify an existing structure definition. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG018E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTRRECORDINUSE "X'00000828'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The request to delete a structure definition from the LOGR inventory couple data set cannot be completed because several log stream definitions reference it. You cannot delete a structure definition until all the log streams associated with it have been deleted first. Action: Delete all the log streams associated with the structure you wish to delete, then re-issue the request. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG015E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADSTGSTORCLAS "X'00000829'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The name specified on the STG_STORCLAS parameter is incorrect. Action: Change the staging data set storage class specified to meet the STG_STORCLAS syntax requirements.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADLSSTORCLAS "X'0000082A'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The name specified on the LS_STORCLAS parameter is incorrect. Action: Change the log stream data set storage class specified to meet the LS_STORCLAS syntax requirements.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADSTREAMLIKE "X'0000082B'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The log stream name specified on the LIKE parameter was not valid. Action: Re-issue the request with a valid log stream name on the LIKE parameter. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG031E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADSTRUCTNAME "X'0000082C'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The coupling facility structure name specified on the STRUCTNAME parameter is not valid. Action: Re-issue the request with a valid structure name on the STRUCTNAME parameter.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEEXPIREDSTMTOKEN "X'0000082D'" IXGCONN, IXGBRWSE, IXGWRITE, IXGDELET, IXGIMPRT, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The stream token is no longer valid because the connector has been disconnected. Action: Re-connect to the logstream before issuing any functional requests.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOLOGRCDSAVAIL "X'0000082E'" IXGCONN, IXGINVNT, and SETLOGR command requests. Explanation: Environment error. The request failed because no LOGR couple data set (CDS) is available. The operator may be prompted via message IXG054A to either make a LOGR CDS available or to indicate that the current Logger request should be rejected. The operator specified that the current request should be rejected. Action: System logger services are unavailable until a LOGR couple data set (CDS) is made available. Refer to publication "MVS Setting Up a Sysplex" in section "Format the LOGR Couple Data Set and Make it Available to the Sysplex". Once the system logger is available using the couple data set, take the necessary steps to cause the function that issued the logger service to reattempt the request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADSTGDATACLAS "X'0000082F'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The name specified on the STG_DATACLAS parameter is not valid. Action: Change the data class specified to meet the STG_DATACLAS syntax requirements.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADLSDATACLAS "X'00000830'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The name specified on the LS_DATACLAS parameter is not valid. Action: Change the data class specified to meet the LS_DATACLAS syntax requirements.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADSTREAMNAME "X'00000831'" IXGINVNT, IXGCONN, SETLOGR command Requests. Explanation: Program error. The log stream name specified on the STREAMNAME or LSNAME parameter is not valid. Action: Re-issue the request with a valid log stream name parameter. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG021E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADSTGMGMTCLAS "X'00000832'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The name specified on the STG_MGMTCLAS parameter is not valid. Action: Change the staging data set management class specified to meet the STG_MGMTCLAS syntax requirements.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADLSMGMTCLAS "X'00000833'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The name specified on the LS_MGMTCLAS parameter is not valid. Action: Change the log stream data set management class specified to meet the LS_MGMTCLAS syntax requirements.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEINVALIDLSSIZE "X'00000834'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. A non-zero LS_SIZE is specified, but is not in the range valid for a VSAM linear data set. Action: Either change the LS_SIZE or omit it from the DEFINE request to accept the default value. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG040E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEINVALIDSTGSIZE "X'00000835'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. A non-zero STG_SIZE is specified, but is not in the range valid for a VSAM linear data set. Action: Either change the STG_SIZE or omit it from the DEFINE request to accept the default value. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG040E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADGAP "X'00000836'" IXGDELET & IXGBRWSE requests. Explanation: Environment error. The request failed because the requested log data was unreadable. This condition could be caused by either an I/O error while attempting to read a log data set or a log data set deleted without using logger interfaces. Action: For an IXGBRWSE request, choose one of the following: # Continue processing. # Stop processing the log stream all together. # Attempt to get the problem rectified if possible, then attempt to re-read the log data. For an IXGDELET request, the block identifier of the first accessible block toward the youngest data in the log stream is returned in the ANSAA_GAPS_NEXT_BLKID field in the answer area mapped by the IXGANSAA macro. If appropriate, re-issue the IXGDELET request using this block identifier. This could also be a VSAM Shareoptions problem
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADTIMESTAMP "X'00000837'" IXGWRITE & IXGBRWSE requests. Explanation: Program error. The storage area specified by TIMESTAMP cannot be accessed. Action: Ensure that the storage area is accessible to the system logger service for the duration of the request. The storage must be addressable in the caller's primary address space and in the same key as the caller.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEUNDEFSMSCLAS "X'00000838'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. At least one of the names specified for DATACLAS, MGMTCLAS, or STORCLAS is not defined to SMS. Action: Specify names that are defined to the active SMS configuration. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG007E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADCDSLEVEL "X'00000839'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Environment error. The active primary TYPE=LOGR couple data set is not formatted at the level required to process the request. Action: Either format a new TYPE=LOGR couple data set at the required level and bring it into the sysplex as the active primary TYPE=LOGR couple data set and then retry the request or remove the keywords that require a new level couple data set then retry the request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODERMNAMENOTALLOWED "X'0000083A'" IXGCONN request. Explanation: RMNAME keyword specified on the IXGCONN request but the log stream definition in inventory indicates a RMNAME is not allowed for the log stream. Action: Remove the RMNAME keyword from the IXGCONN request or update the log stream definition to include the RMNAME keyword.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADBTOKENSTOR "X'0000083B'" IXGBRWSE requests. Explanation: Program error. The storage area specified by BROWSETOKEN cannot be accessed. Action: Ensure that the storage area is accessible to the system logger for the duration of the request. The storage must be addressable in the caller's primary address space and in the same key as the caller.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADMAXBUFSIZE "X'0000083C'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. For a DEFINE or UPDATE request, the value specified for MAXBUFSIZE was incorrect. It must be a value between 1 and 65,532. For an UPDATE request, either: - the value specified is less than the MAXBUFSIZE value currently associated with a DASD-only log stream, or - the current DASD-only MAXBUFSIZE value is greater than the MAXBUFSIZE value associated with the STRUCTNAME specified on the update request, or - the current structure MAXBUFSIZE value is greater than the MAXBUFSIZE value associated with the STRUCTNAME specified on the update request. Action: For a DEFINE request, specify a valid value for MAXBUFSIZE and re-issue the request. For an UPDATE request, either specify a value within the valid range for MAXBUFSIZE that is greater than or equal to the current DASD-only MAXBUFSIZE value, or ensure that the structure specified for the STRUCTNAME keyword has a maximum buffer size that is greater than or equal to the current MAXBUFSIZE value associated with the log stream specified on the update request. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG009E
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADECBSTOR "X'0000083D'" IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE and IXGDELET requests. Explanation: Program error. The ECB storage area was not accessible to the system logger. Action: Ensure that the storage area is accessible to the system logger for the duration of the request. The storage must be addressable in the caller's home address space and in the same key as the caller.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOAVAILSYSREC "X'0000083E'" IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: System error. There were no available system records. Action: Contact the IBM support center. Provide the return and reason codes and the contents of the system logger trace.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODETESTARTERROR "X'0000083F'" IXGWRITE & IXGBRWSE & IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: System error. An unexpected error was encountered while attempting to validate the buffer ALET. Action: See ANSAA_DIAG1 in the answer area mapped by the IXGANSAA macro for the return code from the TESTART system service.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADVERSION "X'00000840'" IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGCONN, IXGINVNT, IXGIMPRT, IXGQUERY, IXGUPDAT and IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The parameter list passed to the service routine had an invalid version indicator. Action: Ensure the level of MVS executing the request and the macro library used to compile the invoking routine are compatible
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADBUFFERALET "X'00000841'" IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE & IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Program error. The buffer ALET specified is not zero and does not represent a valid entry on the caller's dispatchable unit access list (DUAL). See the ANSAA_DIAG1 field of the answer area, mapped by the IXGANSAA macro, for the return code from the TESTART system service. Action: Ensure that the correct ALET was specified. If not, provide the correct ALET. Otherwise, add the correct ALET to dispatchable unit access list (DUAL).
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADAVGBUFSIZE "X'00000842'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The value specified for AVGBUFSIZE was specified as incorrect. It must be a value between 1 and 65,532 that is less than MAXBUFSIZE. Action: Re-issue the request with a valid AVGBUFSIZE value. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG022E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEXCDSREFORMAT "X'00000843'" IXGINVNT & IXGCONN requests. Explanation: Program error. A couple data set record is not valid. Action: Reformat the system logger couple data set. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG030E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOSTREAMLIKE "X'00000844'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The log stream name specified on the LIKE parameter is not defined in the LOGR couple data set. Action: Do one of the following: # Define the log stream you wish to reference in the LOGR inventory couple data set and re-issue the request. # Re-issue the request, specifying a different log stream that is already defined in the LOGR couple data set. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG019E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEINVALIDFUNC "X'00000845'" IXGINVNT & IXGBRWSE requests. Explanation: System error. One of 2 problems was detected. 1: The parameter list for this service contains an unrecognizable function code. The parameter list storage may have been overlayed. 2: The IXGBRWSE START is rejected because either: A. An unauthorized caller attempted to start a session when 100 or more browse sessions already exist for this connection. B. An unauthorized caller attempted to start a session when 20 or more browse sessions already exist that show no recent activity. (An unauthorized caller is a caller whose PSW Key is >= 8 and that is not in supervisor state). For Case 2: - DIAG1 in the Answer Area will contain 1 if 'A' is the case, and 2 if 'B' is the case. - DIAG2 will contain the number of browse sessions that was exceeded. Action: Correct the problem and then re-issue the request. It may be necessary to terminate some Browse sessions that are not being used.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEEMPTYSTREAM "X'00000846'" IXGBRWSE request. Explanation: Environment error. The log stream is empty. Action: Wait for data to be written to the log stream before browsing for data.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEEOFDELETE "X'00000847'" IXGBRWSE requests. Explanation: Environment error. The request prematurely reached the beginning or the end of the log stream. The portion of the log stream from the requested log data to either the beginning or the end of the log stream (depending on the direction of the read) was deleted from the log stream. Action: Determine whether this is an acceptable condition for your application. If so, ignore this condition. If not, provide serialization on the log stream or some other installation protocol to prevent deletes from being performed by other applications during a browse session.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEENDREACHED "X'00000848'" IXGBRWSE request. Explanation: Environment error. The request failed and no log data is returned. For a READCURSOR request, the end of the log stream has been reached in the direction of the read. If the SEARCH parameter was specified on a READBLOCK request, the time stamp is greater than any block in the log stream. Action: For the READCURSOR case, no more data exists in the log stream in the direction of the read. You may choose to stop reading, wait for more data to be written, or change the direction of the read. In the case where the SEARCH parameter was provided, ensure that the time stamp is less than or equal to the highest time stamp of a log block in the log stream.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADBUFFKEY "X'00000849'" IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE & IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Program error. The buffer key specified on the BUFFKEY parameter specifies an invalid key. Either the key is greater than 15 or the program is running in problem state and the specified key is not the same key as the PSW key at the time the system logger service was issued. Action: For problem state programs, either do not specify the BUFFKEY parameter or else specify the same key as the PSW key at the time the system logger service was issued. For supervisor state programs, specify a valid storage key (0 <= key <= 15).
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEEOFGAP "X'0000084A'" IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET requests. Explanation: Environment error. The request prematurely reached the beginning or the end of the log stream. The portion of the log stream from the requested log data to either the beginning or the end of the log stream (depending on the direction of the read) was unreadable. This condition may be caused by either an I/O error while trying to read a log data set, or a log data set deleted without using logger interfaces. Action: The action necessary is completely up to the application depending on how critical your data is. You can do one of the following: # Accept this condition and continue reading. # Stop processing the log all together. # Attempt to get the problem rectified, if possible, and then attempt to re-read the log data. This could also be a VSAM Shareoptions problem.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODELOSSOFDATAGAP "X'0000084B'" IXGBRWSE & IXGDELET requests. Explanation: Environment error. The requested log data referenced a section of the log stream where log data is permanently missing. This condition occurs when a system or coupling facility is in recovery due to a failure, but not all of the log data in the log stream could be recovered. Action: If your application cannot tolerate any data loss, stop issuing system logger services to this log stream, disconnect from the log stream, and reconnect to a new, undamaged log stream. You can continue using the log stream if your applications can tolerate data loss. This could also be a VSAM Shareoptions problem.
"X'0000084C'" IXGCONN requests. Explanation: The IXGCONN request specified the RMNAME keyword but the resource manager associated with the log stream is already connected to the log stream. Action: Correct probable logic error
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODELOSSOFDATAEOF "X'0000084D'" IXGBRWSE requests. Explanation: Environment error. The request prematurely reached the beginning or the end of the log stream. The portion of the log stream from the requested log data to either the beginning or the end of the log stream (depending on direction of the read) was permanently lost. This condition occurs when a system or coupling facility is in recovery due to a failure, but not all of the log data in the log stream could be recovered. Action: If your application cannot tolerate any data loss, stop issuing system logger services to this log stream, disconnect from the log stream, and reconnect to a new, undamaged log stream. You can continue using the log stream if your applications can tolerate data loss.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTRSPACETOOSMALL "X'0000084E'" IXGCONN, IXGINVNT & IXGWRITE requests. Explanation: Environment error. Structure resources are not available to satisfy the request. All structure resources are allocated as system logger control resources. This condition occurs when the structure resources are consumed by the logstreams connections. Action: Increase the size of the structure in the CFRM policy or use SETXCF ALTER support to dynamically increase the size of the structure.
"X'0000084F'" IXGCONN requests. Explanation: The Resource Manager name specified on the IXGCONN request does not match the RMNAME specified for the log stream in inventory. Action: Change either the IXGCONN request or update the log stream's definition in inventory.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADVECTORLEN "X'00000850'" IXGCONN & IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The connect request was rejected. System logger was unable to locate a vector table in the hardware system area (HSA) that is large enough for the number of log streams associated with it. Action: Add storage to the vector storage table and/or retry the connect request later, when storage might be available.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADCFLEVEL "X'00000851'" IXGCONN & IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The connect request was rejected. The operational level of the coupling facility is not sufficient to support logger functions. Action: Ensure that the coupling facility operational level for logger structures is at least CFLEVEL=1.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADBLKSIZESTOR "X'00000852'" IXGBRWSE request. Explanation: Program error. The storage area specified on the BLKSIZE parameter cannot be accessed. Action: Ensure that the storage area is accessible to system logger for the duration of the request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOCF "X'00000853'" IXGCONN & IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The connect request was rejected. System logger could not allocate coupling facility structure space because no suitable coupling facility was available. Action: Check accompanying message IXG206I a list of the coupling facilities where space allocation was attempted and the reason why each attempt failed.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADLOWOFFLOAD "X'00000854'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The value specified for LOWOFFLOAD is not valid. Action: Change the value to meet the LOWOFFLOAD syntax requirements. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG035E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADHIGHOFFLOAD "X'00000855'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The value specified for HIGHOFFLOAD is invalid. Action: Change the value to meet the HIGHOFFLOAD syntax requirements. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG036E.
"X'00000856'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The specified or pending high offload value must be greater than the specified or pending low offload value. The low offload value must be lower than the high offload value. Action: Change either the LOWOFFLOAD parameter or the HIGHOFFLOAD parameter so that the low offload value is less than the high offload value. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see messages IXG442E and either IXG035E or IXG036E.
"X'00000857'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. DUPLEXMODE was specified, but the log stream was defined with STG_DUPLEX=NO. The DUPLEXMODE parameter is only valid with STG_DUPLEX=YES. Action: Either change the log stream definition to specify STG_DUPLEX=YES or else omit DUPLEXMODE from the request. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG037E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTGSIZEDUPLEXNO "X'00000858'" IXGINVNT request. EXPLANATION: This reason code is obsolete and will no longer be returned.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEDATACLASDUPLEXNO "X'00000859'" IXGINVNT request. EXPLANATION: This reason code is obsolete and will no longer be returned.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEMGMTCLASDUPLEXNO "X'0000085A'" IXGINVNT request. EXPLANATION: This reason code is obsolete and will no longer be returned.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTORCLASDUPLEXNO "X'0000085B'" IXGINVNT request. EXPLANATION: This reason code is obsolete and will no longer be returned.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEDSDIRECTORYFULL "X'0000085C'" IXGWRITE & IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The interim storage (i.e. the coupling facility structure space allocated or the staging data set space) for the log stream is full. Logger's attempts to offload the interim storage log data to DASD have failed because the log stream's data set directory is full. No further write requests can be processed until additional directory space is available for the log stream. Logger will periodically re-drive its offload attempts for this condition, which is applicable to both CF structure and DASD-only type log streams. If Logger is able to offload log data, then an ENF event will be issued informing the connectors that the log stream should be available for writing more log data. However, the time that passes before you can write to the log stream is unpredictable. The system issues related messages IXG257I, IXG261E, IXG262A and IXG301I. Action: The system programmer must make more log stream data set directory space available. You can retry your write request periodically or wait for the ENF signal that the log stream is available, or disconnect from this log stream and connect to another log stream. For information about how an authorized application program might respond to this reason code, see topic "Setting Up the System Logger Configuration" in the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide. For information about how an unauthorized application program might respond to this reason code, see the related topics in "IXGWRITE: Writing to a log stream" in the
          z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Guide.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEWOWERROR "X'0000085D'" IXGWRITE & IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The interim storage (i.e. the coupling facility structure space allocated or the staging data set space) for the log stream is full. Logger's attempts to offload the interim storage log data to DASD have failed because of severe errors. No further write requests can be processed until the offload error condition is cleared. Logger will periodically re-drive its offload attempts for this condition, which is applicable to both CF structure and DASD-only type log streams. If Logger is able to offload log data, then an ENF event will be issued informing the connectors that the log stream should be available for writing more log data. However, the time that passes before you can write to the log stream is unpredictable. The system issues related message IXG301I. Action: The system programmer must correct the severe error condition inhibiting the log stream offload. If you are unable to correct the error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. You can retry your write request periodically or wait for the ENF signal that the log stream is available, or disconnect from this log stream and connect to another log stream. For information about how an authorized application program might respond to this reason code, see topic "Setting Up the System Logger Configuration" in the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide. For information about how an unauthorized
          application program might respond to this reason code, see the related topics in "IXGWRITE: Writing to a log stream" in the z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Guide.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOSTRUCTNAME "X'0000085E'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. A structure name was not provided for this non-DASD only log stream via the STRUCTNAME parameter or defined for a log stream named on a LIKE parameter. A STRUCTNAME value is required to successfully define a log stream to the LOGR couple data set. Action: Provide a value for the STRUCTNAME parameter or define a structure for the log stream referenced on the LIKE parameter. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG041E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEPERCTOREQUESTOR "X'0000085F'" IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGWRITE request. Explanation: Environment error. Percolation to the service requestor's task occured because of an abend during system logger processing. Retry was not allowed. Action: Issue the request again. If the problem persists. contact the IBM Support Center.
       The following range of reason codes
       (860 - 88F) indicate that the log stream is
       temporarily unavailable.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNLOGSTREAMTEMPUNAVLB "X'00000860'" Explanation: The lower bound range value of log stream temporarily unavailable conditions.
"X'00000860'" IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The coupling facility structure space allocated for this log stream is full. No further requests can be processed until the log data in the coupling facility structure is offloaded to DASD log data sets. Action: Listen to the ENF signal 48 which will indicate that the log stream is available after the data has been offloaded to DASD and then re-issue the request.
"X'00000861'" IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGIMPRT, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Environment error. No requests can be processed for this log stream because a coupling facility structure re-build or a system-managed duplexing re-build is in progress for the structure associated with this log stream. Action: Listen for ENF signal 48 that will indicate one of the following: # The log stream is available because the re-build completed successfully. Re-issue the request. # The re-build failed and the log stream is not available.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEXESPURGE "X'00000862'" IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE, IXGIMPRT, IXGDELET, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Environment error. An cross-system extended services (XES) request has been purged due to re-build processing. Action: Listen for ENF signal 48 that will indicate one of the following: # The log stream is available because the re-build completed successfully. Re-issue the request. # The re-build failed and the log stream is not available. .
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTRUCTUREFAILED "X'00000863'" IXGCONN, IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGIMPRT, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Environment error. Either the coupling facility structure associated with the log stream has failed or the coupling facility itself has failed. Action: Listen for ENF signal 48 that will indicate one of the following: # The log stream is available because the re-build completed successfully. Re-issue the request. # The re-build failed and the log stream is not available. .
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOCONNECTIVITY "X'00000864'" IXGCONN, IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE, IXGDELET, IXGIMPRT, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: Environment error. No connectivity exists to the coupling facility associated with the log stream. The system logger will either attempt to re-build the log stream in another coupling facility or the log stream will be disconnected. Action: Listen for ENF signal 48 that will indicate one of the following: # The log stream is available because the re-build completed successfully. Re-issue the request. # The re-build failed and the log stream is not available. # The log stream has been disconnected from this system. If a re-build initiated due to a loss of of connectivity previously failed, an ENF corresponding to this reason code may not be issued. Further action by the installation may be is necessary to cause the log stream status to change again. Check the log for messages IXG101I, IXG107I and related rebuild messages for information on resolving any outstanding issues.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTAGINGDSFULL "X'00000865'" IXGWRITE & IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Environment error. The staging data set allocated for this log stream on this system is full. No further requests can be processed until enough log data is offloaded to DASD log data sets to relieve the staging data set full condition. For log streams using a coupling facility structure, enough data must be offloaded from the structure. For DASDONLY log streams, enough data must be offloaded from the Logger local buffers to relieve the staging data set full condition. Action: Listen to the ENF signal 48 which will indicate that the log stream is available after room becomes available in the staging data set. Then, re-issue the request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTRUCTUREFULL "X'00000866'" IXGCONN request. Explanation: Environment error. The coupling facility structure space is full. Action: Listen to the ENF signal 48 which will indicate that space is available for the structure after data has been offloaded to DASD and then re-issue the request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODELOCALBUFFERFULL "X'00000867'" IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT requests. Explanation: Environment error. One of 2 conditions was detected. 1: The available local buffer space (data space storage) for the system logger address space is full. Ansaa_Diag1 and Ansaa_Diag2 in the Answer Area will contain 0 for this error return. 2: The IXGWRITE is rejected because a caller attempted to write log data while the outstanding asynchronous write activity for this connection was considered too high. The limit for unauthorized IXGWRITE invokers is 2,000 and the limit of 10,000 is used for authorized callers. An unauthorized caller is a caller whose PSW key is >= 8 and that is not in supervisor state. ANSAA_DIAG1 in the answer area will contain 1 for this error return for unauthorized callers and 2 for authorized callers. ANSAA_DIAG2 will contain the total number of outstanding write requests for this connection. No further write requests can be processed until the log data in the local buffer space is offloaded to DASD log data sets or this connector's prior IXGWRITE requests complete. Note: This reason code applies to both CF and DASD only log stream requests. Action: For authorized callers: Listen for the ENF signal 48 which will indicate that the log stream is available. With the first condition, logger issues the ENF signal after the data has been offloaded to DASD. With the second condition, logger issues the ENF signal 48 that the log stream is available once the number of in-flight authorized asynchronous writes is reduced below 85% of the limit.
          There will be no ENF signal issued when the unauthorized limit is relieved. For unauthorized callers: Wait for a short interval and then re-issue the request. If the attempts continue to fail or the ENF signal is not issued for an unacceptable period, consider notifying operations or disconnecting from the log stream.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODESTAGINGDSFORMAT "X'00000868'" IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT request. Explanation: Environment error. The staging data set allocated for this log stream on this system has not finished being formatted for for use by System Logger. No further requests can be processed until the formatting completes. If this reason code is revealed as part of a system logger process other than IXGWRITE or IXGIMPRT, then the reason code indicates a prior I/O error to the staging data set occurred and the data set will not be available for use until a new instance is allocated and newly formatted. Action: Listen to the ENF signal 48 which will indicate that the log stream is available after formatting process is finished. Then, re-issue the request. For the prior I/O error case during logger processing, check for logger messages indicating the state of the operation.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNLOGSTREAMTEMPUNAVIL "X'0000088F'" Explanation: The upper bound limit of log stream temporarily unavailable.
       The following range of reason codes (890 - 8AF) indicate that
       the system logger services are temporarily unavailable.
"X'00000890'" IXGINVNT, IXGCONN, IXGBRWSE IXGDELET, IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests. Explanation: System error. The system logger address space failed and is not available. Action: Do not issue system logger requests. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG008E.
"X'00000891'" IXGINVNT, IXGCONN, IXGBRWSE IXGDELET, IXGWRITE, IXGIMPRT, IXGQUERY, IXGOFFLD, IXGUPDAT requests Explanation: System error. The system logger address space is not available because it is IPLing. Action: Listen for ENF signal 48, which will indicate when the system logger address space is available. Then do one of the following: # For an IXGINVNT or IXGCONN request, re-issue this request. # For an IXGBRWSE, IXGWRITE, or IXGDELET request, re-connect to the log stream, then re-issue this request. You can also listen for ENF signal 48, which will indicate if the system logger address space will not be available for the life of the IPL. In that case, do not issue system logger services. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG008E.
       The following range of reason codes
       (8B0 - 8CF) indicate that the system logger resources are
       temporarily unavailable.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNLOGGERRESTEMPUNAVLB "X'000008B0'" Explanation: The lower bound range value of system logger resources being temporarily unavailable.
"X'000008B0'" IXGCONN, IXGINVNT Requests Explanation: Environment error. The request failed. The structure associated with the log stream is temporarily unavailable because either a coupling facility structure re-build is in progress, a system-managed duplexing re-build is in progress, a structure dump is in progress, or connections to the structure are being prevented. Action: Listen for ENF signal 48, which indicates that a coupling facility is available, and then retry the operation.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNLOGGERRESTEMPUNAVHB "X'000008CF'" Explanation: The upper bound range value of system logger resources being temporarily unavailable.
       The following range of reason codes (8D0 - 8D2) indicate that
       the user's environment is incorrect for the requested function
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEPROBLEMSTATE "X'000008D0'" IXGBRWSE, IXGWRITE & IXGDELET IXGCONN requests. Explanation: Environment error: For IXGCONN, COMPLETEEXIT was specified on the connect request while the PSW was in problem stat For IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE and IXGDELET requests, the request wa issued in SRB mode, or SYNCEXIT was specified while the reqestor was in problem state.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEPROGRAMKEY "X'000008D1'" IXGBRWSE, IXGWRITE & IXGDELET IXGCONN requests. Explanation: Environment error: For IXGCONN, COMPLETEEXIT was specified on the connect request while the psw key was not a syste key (KEY 0-7) For IXGWRITE, IXGBRWSE and IXGDELET requests, The request wa issued in SRB mode or SYNCEXIT was specified while the requestor was not in a system key (Key 0-7)
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODENOCOMPLETEEXIT "X'000008D2'" IXGWRITE & IXGDELET requests. Explanation: Program error. MODE=SYNCEXIT was specified but the log stream connection request did not identify a complete exit. Action: Either change this request to use a different MODE option or change the IXGCONN request for this log stream to identify a completion exit via the COMPLETEEXIT keyword.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEFUNCNOTSUPPORTED "X'000008D3'" IXGBRWSE, IXGCONN & IXGQUERY requests. Explanation: Installation Error. An IXGCONN request specified the RMNAME or ImportConnect keyword. However, the Logger Inventory CDS is downlevel. An IXGQUERY was issued and the Logger Inventory CDS is downlevel. The options specified on the IXGBRWSE request are not supported on this system/maintenance level of Logger. Action: For IXGCONN and IXGQUERY requests bring all system in the sysplex up to the OS390R3 level, format an OS390R3 Inventory CDS and make it the primary CDS. For IXGBRWSE request, either install the level of Logger that provides the support for the requested function, or stop specifying the options that are not supported at this level.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADRMNAME "X'000008D4'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Value given for the RMNAME keyword failed syntax validation. Action: Review the rules for naming a resource manager.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADLSDESC "X'000008D5'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Value given for the DESCRIPTION keyword failed syntax validation. Action: Review the rules for naming a resource manager.
"X'000008D6'" IXGCONN Request. Explanation: Either one of the following occurred: 1. IMPORTCONNECT=YES specified and there is at least one active write connect in the sysplex. 2. IMPORTCONNECT=NO specified and there is an import connect active in the sysplex
"X'000008D7'" IXGWRITE and IXGIMPRT Requests. Explanation: Program error. A write request was attempted while an import connect was active or an import was attempted while an import connect was not active
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADRETPD "X'000008D8'" IXGINVNT Request. Explanation: Program error. The value specified for RETPD was incorrect. It must be a value >= 0 and <= 52,124. Action: Specify a valid value for RETPD and re-issue the request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADIMPORTBLOCKID "X'000008D9'" IXGIMPRT Request. Explanation: Program error. The block id specified on the import request was either less than the next expected block or the difference between the block id specified and the next expected block id was less than 40. Action: Specify a valid value for Block id and re-issue the request.
"X'000008DA'" IXGIMPRT Request. Explanation: Program error. The GMT timestamp specified on the import request was not greater than or equal to the GMT time stamp assigned to the last log block successfully imported. Action: Specify a valid value for GMT_TimeStamp and re-issue the request.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEIMPORTINPROGRESS "X'000008DC'" IXGIMPRT Request. Explanation: Program error. IXGIMPRT request is already in progress. Only one import operation for a given log stream can be in progress in any instance in time Action: Insure that a new import request is not initiated until the previous import request completes
"X'000008DD'" IXGUPDAT Request. Explanation: Program error. The replacement time stamp is less than list authority in list controls associated with the data list header assigned to the log stream Action: Insure that the replacement time stamp is greater than or equal to the time stamp mainted in list controls for the log stream
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEUPDATENOOPTIONS "X'000008DE'" IXGUPDAT Request. Explanation: Program error. The IXGUPDAT macro was invoked with no options specified. Action: Invoke the IXGUPDAT macro specifying an at least one of the options supported
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADSTRUCTUPDATE "X'000008DF'" IXGINVNT Request. Explanation: Program error. A structure name was specified on an update request to upgrade a log stream which is already using a coupling facility list structure. Action: Do not specify a STRUCTNAME on an update request for a non-DASD only log stream. Note: This reason code is no longer set since logstreams can now be updated to use a different coupling facility list structure
"X'000008E0'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. STG_DUPLEX was specified with DASDONLY=YES incorrectly. For DEFINE and UPDATE requests STG_DUPLEX=NO is not allowed for DASD only log streams. The STG_DUPLEX keyword is only changeable for coupling facility log streams, since DASD only log streams need to be unconditionally duplexed to staging data sets. Action: For DASD only log stream DEFINE and UPDATE requests specify STG_DUPLEX=YES or omit the STG_DUPLEX keyword. This error code may also result when using the IXCMIAPU DATA TYPE(LOGR) utility when the STG_DUPLEX option is specified for a DASD only log stream. (Refer to Logger error message IXG002E or IXG447I.)
"X'000008E1'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. DUPLEXMODE was specified with DASDONLY=YES incorrectly. For DEFINE and UPDATE requests DUPLEXMODE=COND and DUPLEXMODE=DRXRC are not allowed for DASD only log streams. The DUPLEXMODE keyword is only changeable for coupling facility log streams, since DASD only log streams need to be unconditionally duplexed to staging data sets. Action: For DASD only log stream DEFINE and UPDATE requests specify DUPLEXMODE=UNCOND or omit the DUPLEXMODE keyword. This error code may also result when using the IXCMIAPU DATA TYPE(LOGR) utility when the DUPLEXMODE option is specified for a DASD only log stream. (Refer to Logger error message IXG002E or IXG447I.)
"X'000008E2'" IXGCONN request. Explanation: Environment error: An attempt to connect to a DASD only log stream was rejected on this system because the log stream is already connected on another system in the sysplex. Action: Determine if the connection to the log stream on the 2nd system is necessary. If so, then cause the applications on the 1st system to disconnect from the log stream and then connect on the 2nd system.
"X'000008E3'" IXGCONN & IXGINVNT requests. Explanation: Environment error: An attempt to connect or effect the LOGR inventory for the log stream is rejected on this system because the system release level does not support this type of log stream, or a logstream attribute such as EHLQ, Duplexmode(Drxrc) or NewStreamName cannot be processed on this system release level. Action: When attempting to connect or delete a log stream that has the EHLQ attribute, you must do so on at least a z/OS Version 1 Release 3 system release level. If you must use a log stream with the DUPLEXMODE(DRXRC) attribute specified, make sure you do so from a system that is at a release level between z/OS Version 1 Release 7 and z/OS Version 2 Release 2, inclusively. If you must use a log stream with the NEWSTREAMNAME attribute specified, make sure you do so from a system that is at z/OS Version 1 Release 8 or higher.
"X'000008E4'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. A value was specified for MAXBUFSIZE, but the log stream was defined as DASDONLY=NO. Action: Remove the MAXBUFSIZE parameter from the request or change the log stream definition to specify MAXBUFSIZE with a log stream that is defined with DASDONLY=YES. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see messages IXG433E and and IXG434E.
"X'000008E5'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. LOGGERDUPLEX was specified with DASDONLY=YES incorrectly. For DEFINE and UPDATE requests LOGGERDUPLEX=COND is not allowed for DASD only log streams. The LOGGERDUPLEX keyword is only changeable for coupling facility log streams, DASD only log streams need to be unconditionally duplexed to staging data sets. Action: For DASD only log stream DEFINE and UPDATE requests specify LOGGERDUPLEX=UNCOND or omit the LOGGERDUPLEX keyword. This error code may also result when using the IXCMIAPU DATA TYPE(LOGR) utility when the LOGGERDUPLEX option is specified for a DASD only log stream. (Refer to Logger error message IXG002E or IXG447I.)
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADEHLQ "X'000008E6'" IXGINVNT Request. Explanation: Program error. The extended high level qualifier for the log stream data sets specified on the EHLQ parameter was incorrect. Could be from a syntax error or by specifying EHLQ and HLQ on the same request. Action: Specify a valid extended high level qualifier (EHLQ) or high level qualifier (HLQ) and re-issue the request. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG440E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEEHLQTOOLONG "X'000008E7'" IXGINVNT Request. Explanation: Program error. The combined length of the extended high level qualifier (EHLQ value) and the log stream name (with a period delimiter) exceeds 35 characters. The combined length of the EHLQ value, the log stream name, and the logger suffix (with period delimiters) cannot exceed 44 characters. Action: Specify a valid extended high level qualifier (EHLQ) or high level qualifier (HLQ) and re-issue the request. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG441E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADNEWSTREAMNAME "X'000008E8'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. The log stream name specified on the NEWSTREAMNAME parameter was not valid. Action: Re-issue the request with a valid log stream name on the NEWSTREAMNAME parameter. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG031E.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADGROUP "X'000008E9'" IXGINVNT request. Explanation: Program error. For DEFINE requests, the GROUP value is not allowed because the specified Structure is not the same GROUP. For UPDATE requests, the GROUP value is not allowed because the specified (or current) Structure is not the same GROUP. Action: Specify a valid GROUP value or use a different Structure that matches the desired GROUP value.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADLSALLOCAHEAD "X'000008EA'" IXGINVNT REQUEST. Explanation: Program error. The LS_ALLOCAHEAD value specified for a log stream definition was not within the valid range between 0 and 3 (inclusive). Action: Change the LS_ALLOCAHEAD value to be within the valid range. If you received this reason code from IXCMIAPU, see message IXG016E.
  Logger ABEND '1C5'x Reason codes
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEBADTIME "X'00040003'" IXGIMPRT, IXGWRITE request. Explanation: Environment or application error. The time specified by the requestor or the time associated with the previous log block is in the future. Possible system time problem. Action: For IXGIMPRT, make sure the time specified is correct. For IXGWRITE, contact the system programmer, and if the problem persists, contact the IBM Support Center.
0 (0) BITSTRING 0  IXGRSNCODEMASK "X'0000FFFF'" Reason code mask
Table 2. Cross Reference for IXGCON
Name Offset Hex Tag