Receiving notification of job completion

In a JES2 system: If you are logged on to the member of the JES2 multi-access spool from which you submitted the job, the system immediately notifies you when the job completes. If a TSO user is not currently logged on, notify messages are issued locally (processing as with BRODCAST=YES) instead of being routed to the member that submitted the job (processing as with BRODCAST=NO). You can no longer use BRODCAST= to specify which member issues TSO notify messages when a user is not logged on. BRODCAST= specifications continue to have no effect on message processing when the TSO user is logged on.

In a JES3 system: If you are logged on, the system immediately notifies you at the system you are logged onto when the job completes. If you are not logged on, the system saves the message until you log on to the system from which you originally ran the job.

If you want to receive notification at a system of your choice, specify the system you want to be notified at on the ACMAIN parameter.

If a job is submitted by another job, the ACMAIN parameter specified for the first job is propagated to the second job.

If a //*ROUTE or XMIT JCL statement follows the JOB statement, you may not be notified when the transmitted job completes.