PROCLIB(xxxxxxxx) - Dynamic PROCLIB definition

The PROCLIB(xxxxxxxx) statement defines a dynamic PROCLIB concatenation to be used during conversion processing for jobs on this member. These concatenations can be added, updated, or deleted through operator commands. Dynamic PROCLIB can override PROCxx DDs in the JES2 start PROC but cannot alter or delete them.

The PROCLIB parameter is primed with the static PROCLIB concatenations from the JES2 PROC. PROCLIB(xxxxxxxx) initialization statements that reference the same DD name as a static PROCLIB DD will Start of changecreate a new dynamic PROCLIB but no data sets will be copied from the static PROCLIB. The dynamic PROCLIB concatenation overrides the static PROCLIB.End of change

Note: PROCLIB statement processing only ensures that the data sets specified can be allocated. It does not ensure that they actually exist or can be opened and used as a PROCLIB data set. That processing occurs when the PROCLIB is used by a job during conversion processing.

Table 1 describes PROCLIB commands and their results under various scenarios.

Table 1. PROCLIB commands and results. PROCLIB commands and results
Action Existing PROCLIB Results
$ADD PROCLIB None New dynamic PROCLIB added
$ADD PROCLIB Dynamic PROCLIB Error, a dynamic PROCLIB exists
$ADD PROCLIB Static PROCLIB New dynamic PROCLIB created, no data sets copied from the static PROCLIB
$T PROCLIB None Error, no selectable entries to modify
$T PROCLIB Dynamic PROCLIB Appropriate DD entries are modified (starts with existing DDs and makes updates to build a new concatenation)
$T PROCLIB Static PROCLIB A new dynamic PROCLIB is created by copying the existing DDs from the static concatenation to the new dynamic PROCLIB and then makes updates to build a new concatenation
$DEL PROCLIB None Error, no selectable entry to delete
$DEL PROCLIB Dynamic PROCLIB Dynamic PROCLIB is deleted. If there is a static PROCLIB with the same subscript as the dynamic PROCLIB, it becomes active again
$DEL PROCLIB Static PROCLIB Error, cannot delete static PROCLIB