Parameter Ranges

Some commands have parameters that allow you to specify a range of values. The following explains the ranges for parameters with subscripts (nnnn), (nnn), or (n):
  • (nnnn) - denotes that you may specify a range for the subscript as follows:
    A specific numeric value.
    A specific numeric range (for example, 2-5 or 5-2 where 5–2 is interpreted as having all the values from 2 to 5)
    A generic numeric range (for example, 3-* denotes a range from 3 to the highest value allowed).
    A generic numeric range (for example, *-3 denotes a range from the highest value allowed to 3).
    A generic value that denotes all values in a defined range.
  • (nnn) - denotes that you may specify a range for the subscript in the same way as (nnnn), where (nnn) is 1-255.
  • (n) - denotes that you may specify a value (0-9) or a generic range (*).
  1. For display commands, you can omit the subscript. If omitted, this denotes a generic value to include all values in a defined range. For example, the command $D MEMBER is equivalent to $D MEMBER(*).
  2. Using the ALL parameter on any type of display command that may involve up to 30,000 jobs is not recommended.