Start of change

Pinging a TSO/E address space using the Interactive ISPF Gateway

To ping a TSO/E address space, send a request to the gateway with the request parameter set to PING. The session to be pinged must be identified using the sessid parameter.

Note: If 15 minutes pass without receipt of a ping for the address space, CEA TSO/E address space services ends the address space.

Using the XML API to ping a TSO/E address space

The following example shows the input and resulting output using the XML API to ping a TSO/E address space:


<?xml version="1.0"?>                                                          


<?xml version="1.0"?>                                                   
  Content-type: text/plain                                              
  ISPZINL started - z/OS V2R2 01JAN15 Base                              
  Data read from STDIN is
  *** XML-NOTE *** Reference tagged SERVICE-RESPONSE                    

Using the native API to ping a TSO/E address space

The following example shows the input and resulting output using the native API to ping a TSO/E address space:




Content-type: text/plain                                                
ISPZINL started - z/OS V2R2 01JAN15 Base                                
Data read from STDIN is  &REQUEST=PING 
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