__ipmsgc() — Determine the case to use for FTP messages


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies
z/OS® UNIX both  


#include <__ftp.h>

int __ipmsgc(void);

General description

The __ipmsgc() function determines the value that IP address resolution initialization found in the resolver configuration data set for the keyword MessageCase. If no MessageCase keyword is found in the resolver configuration data set, then the default value is returned.

The init argument returned is one of the following set of symbols defined in the __ftp.h header file, each one stands for a message case selection.
Represents mixed case value selected for the messages FTP will send.
Represents uppercase value selected for the messages FTP will send.

Returned value

__ipmsgc() is always successful and returns either the value of the __MIXED or the value of __UPPER for all requests. __MIXED is the default value.