__a2e_l() — Convert characters from ASCII to EBCDIC


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies
  both z/OS V1R2


#include <unistd.h>

size_t  __a2e_l(char  *bufptr, size_t  szLen)

General description

The __a2e_l() function converts szLen characters in bufptr from ASCII to EBCDIC, returning the number of characters converted if successful or -1 if not. Conversion occurs in place in the buffer. __a2e_l() is not sensitive to the locale, and only converts between ISO8859-1 and IBM-1047.

Note: This function is valid for applications compiled XPLINK only.

Returned value

If successful, __a2e_l() returns the number of characters converted.

If unsuccessful, __a2e_l() returns -1 and sets errno to the following value:
Error Code
The pointer to bufptr is NULL or szLen is a negative value.