XADD (XRC add volume pair)

Use request type XADD to add XRC volume pairs. This invokes ANTRQST ILK=XRC REQUEST=XADD.

Specifies the name of the XRC session. It is the 1 to 8 character name of a session previously specified on the XSTART command. The session name cannot be ALL, as this is reserved, or include imbedded blanks.
Specifies the MVS volume serial number for the primary volume to be added. PVOLSER is mutually exclusive with VOLLIST and SUSPENDED(YES). Either PVOLSER, VOLLIST or SUSPENDED is required.
Specifies the MVS volume serial number for the secondary volume to be added. SVOLSER is required if PVOLSER is specified. SVOLSER is mutually exclusive with VOLLIST and SUSPENDED(YES).
Specifies a list of 2 to 100 MVS volume serial numbers of volume pairs to be added. The number of volume serial numbers specified must be an even number. VOLLIST is mutually exclusive with PVOLSER, SVOLSER and SUSPENDED(YES). Either PVOLSER, VOLLIST or SUSPENDED is required.
You can include up to 3 volume pairs, separated by commas, with each VOLLIST keyword, and you can specify VOLLIST multiple times. For example, to specify volume serial XUTIL1 as a utility volume and PAN001 and SAN001 as a volume pair, you could use:
Indicates whether all suspended volume pairs will be added back into the session.
Suspended volume pairs should not be re-added. This is the default.
Suspended volume pairs should be re-added.
SUSPENDED(YES) is mutually exclusive with PVOLSER, SVOLSER, and VOLLIST. Either PVOLSER, VOLLIST or SUSPENDED is required.
Specifies the type of volume initialization the system should use to copy the primary volume to the secondary volume.
Full initial copy. This is the default.
No initial copy
Quick initial copy
Specifies the error level that is associated with the volume pair. If this keyword is not specified, the default of SYSTEM is used.
Specifies if device blocking should be enabled or disabled.

Workload-based write pacing affects the behavior of DONOTBLOCK. For more information, refer to Workload-based write pacing.

Device blocking is enabled. This is the default if DVCBLOCK is not specified.
Device blocking is disabled. DONOTBLOCK(YES) is mutually exclusive with DVCBLOCK.
Specifies if device blocking should be enabled or disabled.

Workload-based write pacing affects the behavior of DVCBLOCK. For more information, refer to Workload-based write pacing.

Device blocking is enabled.

When workload-based write pacing is in use, XRC automatically converts DVCBLOCK(ON) to DVCBLOCK(WPn), where n is the discretionary level, 6.

Doth device blocking and write pacing are disabled
Write pacing is to be activated for the specified volume(s), with n specifying the level of write pacing delay, 0-F. WP0 specifies that the session default level will be used, as specified in the SHADOW DfltWritePacingLvl PARMLIB value. For values ranging from WP1-WPF, refer to the ANTRQST macro.
DVCBLOCK is mutually exclusive with DONOTBLOCK(YES).

If neither DONOTBLOCK nor DVCBLOCK is specified, DONOTBLOCK(NO) is the default.

SCSESSION(– – | scsession)
Contains an alphabetic value that allows specifying a storage control session name for volume pair. The default is ––.
Specifies a variable, msg, in which ANTRQST will place the address of a buffer containing messages about the results of the processed request. These are messages that would have been returned to the caller if the TSO interface had been used. MESSAGES is required. Refer to the ANTRQST macro for the format of the buffer.
WAITTIME(waittime | 0)
Specifies the number of seconds that SDM must wait for a request to complete. A value of zero specifies that the request should not be timed. Valid values are 0 through 65535.