The SDSF task of z/OSMF lets you see key summary information about your sysplex, work with objects such as jobs and data sets, checks for IBM z/OS Health Checker, and issue system commands.

The SDSF task communicates with z/OS System Display and Search Facility (SDSF).

To select the SDSF task, expand the Jobs and Resources category in the navigation area and select SDSF.

You may not be authorized to all SDSF functions.

Scope of the data

The data displayed on the SDSF task is for the sysplex, or the JESplex for views showing JES data.

The title of the SDSF page includes the name of the sysplex for which SDSF is reporting data. For example, SDSF (PLEX1) indicates that data is being shown for the sysplex named PLEX1.

Common Filters

Use Common Filters to filter multiple views, including all of the views related to jobs. They do not affect the graphics under System Activity Summary. To see or modify the values for common filters, expand the Common Filters section. Then, click More to see all of the common filters.


The Overview tab is made up of sections that show information and provide links to other views. You can expand or collapse sections to show just the things that interest you.

System Activity Summary

System Activity Summary shows key system activity in graphical form.To view a text equivalent, click View Text.

System: The system for which information is being shown. To view data for a different system in the sysplex, select a system from the list. The system must be running a z/OS SDSF V2R2 server.

System Activity Percent Busy System Activity graph z/OS Health Checks by Exception Health Check graph

Shows views of the percentage of time the CPU is busy. The views consist of LPAR and MVS/SRM views, and, if appropriate for your configuration, zAAP and zIIP views. Refer to About CPU use for more information.

Spool shows the use of the JES spool.

Shows counts of exceptions, by severity, as well as counts of active and checks that are eligible to run. To see details about checks, use the z/OS Health Checks view.

The types of severity are High, Medium, Low and None (no severity assigned).

Note: A check may produce more than one exception.

The graphics are not affected by settings for common filters.

The Last refresh field indicates how current the data is. Click Refresh to immediately update the information with the latest data. The data is also refreshed when you return to the Overview from other views.

For information about the z/OS SDSF server, refer to z/OS SDSF Server.


The jobs views show jobs at different stages of processing and on different queues. Click the link for a view to open it on a new tab. Note that in this context, job refers to jobs, TSO users and started tasks.

Table 1. Job Views
View Description
Active jobs icon Active Jobs Use the Active Jobs view to display information about jobs that are active (executing) in the sysplex. It includes the use of CPU and other system resources.
All jobs icon All Jobs Use the All Jobs view to work with JES jobs. It shows all jobs, that is, jobs regardless of what phase of processing they are in.
Input queue icon Input Queue Use the Input Queue view to work with jobs that are on the JES input queue or executing.
Output queue icon Output Queue Use the Output Queue view to work with output groups for jobs.
Held output queue icon Held Output Queue Use the Held Output Queue view to work with output for jobs that are on any held queue.


The sysplex views show information about data sets, systems, and health checks in the sysplex. Click the link for a view to open it on a new tab.

Table 2. Sysplex Views
View Description
z/OS Health Checks icon z/OS Health Checks Use the z/OS Health Checks view to work with checks for IBM Health Checker for z/OS.
Systems information icon z/OS Systems Use the System Properties to view information about systems in the sysplex.
APF data sets icon **** MISSING FILE ****  
Page data set icon Page Data Sets Use Page Data Sets to view information about PAG data sets.
Link list data set icon LNK Data Sets Use LNK data sets to view information about link list data sets.
Link pack area data set icon LPA Data Sets Use LNK data sets to view information about link list data sets.
Parmlib data set icon Parm Data Sets Use Parm data sets to view information about data sets in the PARMLIB concatenation.
Address space memory icon AS Address Spaces Use AS (address space memory) to view information about system storage utilization for all address spaces in the sysplex.
Unix Processes icon Processes (z/OS UNIX System Services) Use z/OS UNIX System Services to work with z/OS UNIX processes.
Spool volumes icon Spool volumes Use Spool Volumes to work with JES spool volumes.

z/OS Commands and Logs

The z/OS commands and logs functions let you work with z/OS commands and system responses.

Use the system command line to issue an MVS or other system command. Type the command or select it from the command history, then click Submit. The command is issued to the local system, which is indicated in the text that accompanies System command line. To issue a command to another system, use a ROUTE command.

For quick access to command reference information, click Help with command syntax. This help function uses the text in the command line (the command and first parameter) to display command syntax information that will help you complete the command.

Messages issued in response to the command are displayed in a pop-up window.

Table 3. z/OS Commands and Logs Views
View Description
User session log icon User Session Log Use the User Session Log to browse commands and responses issued during the current session, and to issue system commands.


If you are not authorized to a function, the link is disabled. Any associated graph is not displayed. You can use the SDSF Settings task in the z/OSMF Settings category to hide the tasks or graphs for which you are not authorized.


For explanations of z/OS SDSF messages, refer to z/OS SDSF messages.


You can configure the SDSF task, including things like which JES to process and what is included in the Active Users table, using the User Settings task of the z/OSMF Settings category.