z/OS TSO/E Command Reference
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TRANSMIT command operands

z/OS TSO/E Command Reference

Note: If you specify either MSGDDNAME or MSGFILE, or MSGDATASET or MSGDSNAME, the TERMINAL operand is no longer the default.
(addressee[,addressee[, ...]])
specifies the information identifying the target user(s). You can combine one or more of the following: a node and user ID specified as node.user_id or node/user_id, a nickname, or a distribution list name. If you identify only one user as the addressee, you can omit the parentheses. See NAMES data set function.

A maximum of 200 node/userid combinations and 200 nicknames may be specified, but the total number of addressees may not exceed 200.

DATASET(dsname) | DSNAME(dsname)
specifies the name of a data set to be transmitted. The data set must be on a direct access storage device (DASD).
DDNAME(ddname) | FILE(ddname)
specifies the 1- to 8-character ddname of a preallocated file to be transmitted. The data set must be on a direct access storage device (DASD). For concatenations, the first data set can not be empty. If you transmit a member of a preallocated partitioned data set, you must specify the MEMBERS operand.
specifies data input is to be taken from the terminal. You are prompted to enter data to be transmitted either in line mode or in full- screen mode as specified by the LINE or FULLSCREEN operand.
MSGDDNAME(ddname) | MSGFILE(ddname)
specifies a 1 to 8 character ddname or file name of the file that is to be transmitted. You must allocate the file before it is transmitted. The system transmits the file as a message.

The file must have a record format of either FB or F and a record length of 80. You can specify a sequential data set or a member of a partitioned data set. MSGDDNAME or MSGFILE is mutually exclusive with MSGDATASET or MSGDSNAME, and MESSAGE or MSG.

If you specify either MSGDDNAME or MSGFILE, the TERMINAL operand is no longer the default. This allows you to send the data or message to be displayed at the recipient's terminal without having to enter the data or message either in line mode or in full-screen mode. If you want full-screen mode, you must explicitly specify TERMINAL.

When you specify the ENCIPHER operand, the following can happen:
  • If you specify the ENCIPHER operand and either the TERMINAL, DATASET, DDNAME, DSNAME, or FILE operands, the system does not encipher the data set specified with the MSGDDNAME or MSGFILE operand.
  • If you specify ENCIPHER and do not specify the TERMINAL, DATASET, DDNAME, DSNAME, or FILE operands, the system enciphers the data set specified with the MSGDDNAME or MSGFILE operand.

The ENCIPHER operand is described later in this section.

MSGDATASET(dsname) | MSGDSNAME(dsname)
specifies the data set that is to be transmitted. The system transmits the data set as a message.

The data set must have a record format of either FB or F and a record length of 80. You can specify a sequential data set or a member of a partitioned data set. MSGDATASET or MSGDSNAME is mutually exclusive with MSGDDNAME or MSGFILE, and MESSAGE or MSG.

If you specify either MSGDATASET or MSGDSNAME, the TERMINAL operand is no longer the default. This allows you to send the data or message to be displayed at the recipient's terminal without having to enter the data or message either in line mode or in full-screen mode. If you want full-screen mode, you must explicitly specify TERMINAL.

When you specify the ENCIPHER operand, the following can happen:
  • If you specify the ENCIPHER operand and either the TERMINAL, DATASET, DDNAME, DSNAME, or FILE operands, the system does not encipher the data set specified with the MSGDATASET or MSGDSNAME operand.
  • If you specify ENCIPHER and do not specify the TERMINAL, DATASET, DDNAME, DSNAME, or FILE operands, the system enciphers the data set specified with the MSGDATASET or MSGDSNAME operand.

The ENCIPHER operand is described later in this section.

specifies that you are to be prompted for messages that accompany a transmitted data set. The prompt is either in full-screen mode or in line mode, depending on the terminal type and the specification of FULLSCREEN or LINE.
Note the following:
  • If you specify both TERMINAL and MESSAGE, TSO/E prompts you twice for the data.
  • TSO/E uses the prefix as the high-level qualifier for the name of the data set to be transmitted.
specifies that TRANSMIT build a list of the specified addressees and append it as a prolog to the message. If a data set is being transmitted, the copylist is added as an accompanying message. If a message is being transmitted, COPYLIST prefixes the message text.
specifies no copylist is to be generated or appended. NOCOPYLIST is the default.
specifies TRANSMIT should encipher the data by invoking the Access Method Services REPRO command. The TRANSMIT command prompts for ENCIPHER options to be passed with the REPRO command.
specifies TRANSMIT should include epilog lines from the NAMES data set, if a terminal message is transmitted. An EPILOG is added unless you either type in NOEPILOG or have no epilog in your NAMES data set. EPILOG is the default.
specifies no epilog lines should be included.
requests all terminal input for messages or data be read in full-screen mode. This is the default for 3270 terminals capable of supporting a minimum screen size of 24 rows by 80 columns.
requests terminal input for messages and data be read in single line mode. This is the default for non-3270 terminals. Use nn in a 1 to 2 character string to mark the end of data. You can also use LINE(nn) to allow a CLIST to provide messages or data. To terminate message input, enter a null line or the 1 or 2 character string value LINE(nn) in columns 1 and 2. LINE(nn) allows you to insert blank lines into the text. Leading blanks are eliminated when in a CLIST, but they are kept when not in a CLIST.
records the transmission in the LOG data set. LOG does not necessarily indicate that the log entry will contain a line for every addressee except for node.userid addressees. The LOG/NOLOG/LOGLST tags in the nicknames section of the NAMES data set or the LOG/NOLOG tags in the control section of the NAMES data set determine whether the log entry will contain addressee entries for a nickname or distribution list. Only one log entry is built in the default log file per transaction. LOG is the default. See Logging function of TRANSMIT and RECEIVE. To ensure that the log entry contains a line for each addressee, including those on a distribution list, specify the LOG(ALL) option. See LOG(ALL) for more information.
specifies not to record the transmission in the LOG data set. NOLOG overrides all LOG/LOGLST tags in the NAMES data set.
specifies the log entry contain a line for each addressee, including those derived from any distribution lists on the NAMES data set. This specification overrides the NOLOG/NOLOGLST tags in the NAMES data set.
LOGDATASET(dsname) | LOGDSNAME(dsname)
specifies an alternate name of a sequential data set in which to log the transmitted data. Users defined to more than one security label may need to specify a log data set name if they are logged on at a security label other than the SECLABEL of the profile that is protecting their log data set. A user's current security label (the security label the user is logged on with) must match the security label of the log data set in order for a transmission to be logged in the data set. Specifying a log data set allows users to log transmissions for each security label they are defined to in separate data sets. The data set must have a logical record length of 255, a record format of variable blocked, and a block size of 3120. If the data set does not exist, the system creates it.
uses the name as the LOGNAME qualifier on the log data set name. See Logging function of TRANSMIT and RECEIVE.
transmits a list of members from the specified partitioned data set.
notifies the sender when the data has been received. NOTIFY does not necessarily guarantee that notification will be requested except for node.userid addressees. For nicknames and distribution lists, control of notification is determined by the :NOTIFY or :NONOTIFY tag in the nickname section of the NAMES data set.
notifies the sender when the data has been received by all addressees. This operand overrides the :NOTIFY or :NONOTIFY tags in the nickname entries of the NAMES data set or distribution lists.
suppresses the notify function. This stops the notify function completely, overriding any specification in the NAMES data set or in the distribution lists.
Your installation may instruct you to use this operand to specify installation dependent data.
unloads a member or members of a partitioned data set (PDS) before transmission. This method preserves the directory information, but forces the receiving user to restore the member(s) into a PDS. PDS is the default.
Note: Some non-MVS systems cannot receive a partitioned data set. To transmit a member of a partitioned data set or a sequential data set, use the SEQUENTIAL keyword. For more information about data set transmission, see the SEQUENTIAL keyword description.
sends a member of a partitioned data set or a sequential data set as a sequential data set. This method does not preserve directory information, but allows the receiving user to restore the data set as either a sequential data set or as a member of a partitioned data set. If transmission is by ddname, the member must be preallocated. The SEQUENTIAL keyword is ignored when no member is specified for a partitioned data set.
specifies TRANSMIT should include prolog lines from the control section of the NAMES data set, if a terminal message is transmitted. PROLOG is the default.
specifies not to include prolog lines.
SYSOUT(sysoutclass | *)
uses the SYSOUT class for messages from utility programs, which are used by TRANSMIT (for example IEBCOPY). If you specify a * (asterisk), TSO/E directs utility program messages to the terminal. The default is typically *, but the installation can modify it.
OUTDDNAME(ddname) | OUTFILE(ddname)
specifies the use of a preallocated file as the output data set for the TRANSMIT command. No data is written to SYSOUT for transmission and the system limit on the number of records that can be transmitted does not apply. TSO/E assigns the DCB attributes as LRECL=80, BLKSIZE=3120, and RECFM=FB. Specify the ddname as either a sequential data set or a member of a partitioned data set.

Use OUTDDNAME or OUTFILE in conjunction with the INDDNAME or INFILE operand of the RECEIVE command. OUTDDNAME and OUTFILE are primarily intended for system programmer use.

OUTDSNAME(dsname) | OUTDATASET(dsname)
specifies the use of a data set as the output data set for the TRANSMIT command. No data is written to SYSOUT for transmission and the system limit on the number of records that can be transmitted does not apply. TSO/E assigns the DCB attributes as LRECL=80, BLKSIZE=3120, and RECFM=FB. The data set must be a sequential data set.

Use OUTDSNAME or OUTDATASET in conjunction with the INDSNAME or INDATASET operand of the RECEIVE command. OUTDSNAME and OUTDATASET are primarily intended for system programmer use.

You can request that the TRANSMIT command issues warning message INMX034I when the warning threshold is initially met, and thereafter whenever the warning interval is met. (This is the default if neither WARN nor NOWARN is specified.)
You can request that the TRANSMIT command does not issue warning message INMX034I when the warning threshold is initially met, nor thereafter whenever the warning interval is met.

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