z/OS TSO/E User's Guide
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Submitting a Batch Job from ISPF/PDF

z/OS TSO/E User's Guide

You can submit data you are editing with the full-screen ISPF/PDF editor by issuing the SUBMIT command on the COMMAND line of the edit panel. The entire member or sequential data set is then submitted as a batch job.

To submit the job you are editing with the ISPF editor, first save any changes you made, then enter the SUBMIT command on the COMMAND line of the edit panel:
EDIT ---- PREFIX.JCL.CNTL(JOB1) ------------------------ COLUMNS 001 072
COMMAND ===> submit                          SCROLL ===> PAGE
****** ************************* TOP OF DATA ***************************
000001 //USERIDA      JOB    MSGLEVEL=1
000002 //STEPA1       EXEC   PGM=YOURPGM

For more information about submitting a batch job from ISPF/PDF, see .

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