z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference
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Exits for Language Processor Environment initialization and termination

z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference

There are four exits you can use to customize the initialization and termination of language processor environments in any address space. The names of the four exits are fixed. If you provide one or more of these exits, the exit is invoked whenever the IRXINIT and IRXTERM routines are called. The exits are invoked whenever a user explicitly calls IRXINIT and IRXTERM or when the system automatically calls the routines to initialize and terminate a language processor environment. The exits are briefly described below. z/OS TSO/E Customization provides more information about each exit. Initialization and termination routines describes the IRXINIT and IRXTERM routines and their parameters.
This is the pre-environment initialization exit routine. The exit is invoked whenever the initialization routine IRXINIT is called to initialize a new language processor environment. The exit receives control before IRXINIT evaluates any parameters to use to initialize the environment. The exit routine receives the same parameters that IRXINIT receives.

You can provide a pre-environment initialization exit in any type of language processor environment (integrated and not integrated into TSO/E).

There are two post-environment initialization exit routines:
  • IRXITTS for environments that are integrated into TSO/E (the TSOFL flag is on)
  • IRXITMV for environments that are not integrated into TSO/E (the TSOFL flag is off)

The IRXITTS exit is invoked whenever IRXINIT is called to initialize a new environment and the environment is to be integrated into TSO/E. The IRXITMV exit is invoked whenever IRXINIT is called to initialize a new environment and the environment is not to be integrated into TSO/E. The exits receive control after IRXINIT has initialized the language processor environment and has created the control blocks for the environment, such as the environment block and the parameter block. The exits do not receive any parameters.

This is the environment termination exit routine. The exit is invoked whenever the termination routine IRXTERM is called to terminate a language processor environment. The exit receives control before IRXTERM terminates the environment. The exit does not receive any parameters.

You can provide an environment termination exit in any type of language processor environment (integrated and not integrated into TSO/E).

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