z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference
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Flags and corresponding masks

z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference

This topic describes the flags field.

The TSOFL flag indicates whether IRXINIT should integrate the new language processor environment into TSO/E. That is, the flag indicates whether REXX execs that run in the environment can use TSO/E services and commands.
  • 0 — The environment is not integrated into TSO/E.
  • 1 — The environment is integrated into the TSO/E.

You can initialize an environment in the TSO/E address space and set the TSOFL flag off. In this case, any REXX execs that run in the environment must not use any TSO/E commands or services. If they do, unpredictable results can occur.

Setting the TSOFL off for an environment that is initialized in the TSO/E address space lets you provide your own replaceable routines for different system services, such as I/O and data stack requests. It also lets you test REXX execs in an environment that is similar to a language processor environment that is initialized in a non-TSO/E address space.

If the TSOFL flag is on, there are many values that you cannot specify in the parameter block. Specifying values for different environments describes the parameters you can use for environments that are integrated into TSO/E and for environments that are not integrated into TSO/E.

Restriction: The TSOFL flag cannot be set to 1 if a previous environment contains a TSOFL flag set to 0. Essentially, if the previous environment is not integrated into TSO/E, a newly created environment cannot be integrated into TSO/E.

This bit is reserved.
The CMDSOFL flag is the command search order flag. The flag specifies the search order the system uses to locate a command that is issued from an exec.
  • 0 — Search for modules first, followed by REXX execs, followed by CLISTs. The ddname the system uses to search for REXX execs is specified in the LOADDD field in the module name table.
  • 1 — Search for REXX execs first, followed by modules, followed by CLISTs. The ddname the system uses to search for REXX execs is specified in the LOADDD field in the module name table.
The FUNCSOFL flag is the external function or subroutine search order flag. The flag specifies the search order the system uses to locate external functions and subroutines that an exec calls.
  • 0 — Search load libraries first. If the function or subroutine is not found, search for a REXX exec.
  • 1 — Search for a REXX exec. If the exec is not found, search the load libraries.

    Search order describes the complete search order TSO/E uses to locate an exec.

The NOSTKFL flag is the no data stack flag. Use the flag to prevent REXX execs running in the environment from using the data stack.
  • 0 — A REXX exec can use the data stack.
  • 1 — Attempts to use the data stack are processed as though the data stack were empty. Any data that is pushed (PUSH) or queued (QUEUE) is lost. A PULL operates as though the data stack were empty. The QSTACK command returns a 0. The NEWSTACK command seems to work, but a new data stack is not created and any subsequent data stack operations operate as if the data stack is permanently empty.
The NOREADFL flag is the no read flag. Use the flag to prevent REXX execs from reading any input file using either the EXECIO command or the system-supplied I/O replaceable routine IRXINOUT.
  • 0 — Reads from any input file are permitted.
  • 1 — Reads from any input file are not permitted.
The NOWRTFL flag is the no write flag. Use the flag to prevent REXX execs from writing to any output file using either the EXECIO command or the system-supplied I/O replaceable routine IRXINOUT.
  • 0 — Writes to any output file are permitted.
  • 1 — Writes to any output file are not permitted.
The NEWSTKFL flag is the new data stack flag. Use the flag to specify whether IRXINIT should initialize a new data stack for the language processor environment. If IRXINIT creates a new data stack, any REXX exec or other program that runs in the new environment cannot access any data stacks for previous environments. Any subsequent environments that are initialized under this environment will access the data stack that was most recently created by the NEWSTKFL flag. The first environment that is initialized on any chain of environments is always initialized as though the NEWSTKFL flag is on, that is, IRXINIT automatically creates a new data stack.
When you terminate the environment that is initialized, the data stack that was created at the time of initialization is deleted regardless of whether the data stack contains any elements. All data on that data stack is lost.
  • 0 — IRXINIT does not create a new data stack. However, if this is the first environment being initialized on a chain, IRXINIT automatically initializes a data stack.
  • 1 — IRXINIT creates a new data stack during the initialization of the new language processor environment. The data stack will be deleted when the environment is terminated.

Using the data stack in different environments describes the data stack in different environments.

Note: The NOSTKFL overrides the setting of the NEWSTKFL.
The USERPKFL flag is the user package function flag. The flag determines whether the user function packages that are defined for the previous language processor environment are also available to the new environment.
  • 0 — The user function packages from the previous environment are added to the user function packages for the new environment.
  • 1 — The user function packages from the previous environment are not added to the user function packages for the new environment.
The LOCPKFL flag is the local function package flag. The flag determines whether the local function packages that are defined for the previous language processor environment are also available to the new environment.
  • 0 — The local function packages from the previous environment are added to the local function packages for the new environment.
  • 1 — The local function packages from the previous environment are not added to the local function packages for the new environment.
The SYSPKFL flag is the system function package flag. The flag determines whether the system function packages that are defined for the previous language processor environment are also available to the new environment.
  • 0 — The system function packages from the previous environment are added to the system function packages for the new environment.
  • 1 — The system function packages from the previous environment are not added to the system function packages for the new environment.
The NEWSCFL flag is the new host command environment table flag. The flag determines whether the environments for issuing host commands that are defined for the previous language processor environment are also available to execs running in the new environment.
  • 0 — The host command environments from the previous environment are added to the host command environment table for the new environment.
  • 1 — The host command environments from the previous environment are not added to the host command environment table for the new environment.
The CLOSEXFL flag is the close data set flag. The flag determines whether the data set (specified in the LOADDD field in the module name table) from which execs are fetched is closed after the exec is loaded or remains open.
The CLOSEXFL flag is needed if you are editing REXX execs and then running the changed execs under the same language processor environment. If the data set is not closed, results may be unpredictable.
  • 0 — The data set is opened once and remains open.
  • 1 — The data set is opened for each load and then closed.
The NOESTAE flag is the no ESTAE flag. The flag determines whether a recovery ESTAE is established under the environment.
  • 0 — IRXINIT establishes a recovery ESTAE.
  • 1 — IRXINIT does not establish a recovery ESTAE.

When IRXINIT initializes the environment, IRXINIT first temporarily establishes a recovery ESTAE regardless of the setting of the NOESTAE flag. However, if the NOESTAE flag is on, IRXINIT removes the recovery ESTAE for the environment before IRXINIT finishes processing.

The RENTRANT flag is the initialize reentrant language processor environment flag. The flag determines whether IRXINIT initializes the new environment as a reentrant or a non-reentrant environment.
  • 0 — IRXINIT initializes a non-reentrant language processor environment.
  • 1 — IRXINIT initializes a reentrant language processor environment.

For information about reentrant environments, see Using the environment block for reentrant environments.

The NOPMSGS flag is the primary messages flag. The flag determines whether REXX primary messages are printed in the environment.
  • 0 — Primary messages are printed.
  • 1 — Primary messages are not printed.
The ALTMSGS flag is the alternate messages flag. The flag determines whether REXX alternate messages are printed in the environment.
  • 0 — Alternate messages are not printed.
  • 1 — Alternate messages are printed.
Note: Alternate messages are also known as secondary messages.
The SPSHARE flag is the sharing subpools flag. The flag determines whether the subpool specified in the SUBPOOL field in the module name table should be shared across MVS™ tasks.
  • 0 — The subpool is not shared.
  • 1 — The subpool is shared.

If the subpool is shared, REXX uses the same subpool for all of these tasks.

The STORFL flag is the STORAGE function flag. The flag controls the STORAGE external function and indicates whether REXX execs running in the environment can use the STORAGE function.
  • 0 — Execs can use the STORAGE external function.
  • 1 — Execs cannot use the STORAGE external function.
The NOLOADDD flag is the exec search order flag. The flag controls the search order for REXX execs. The flag indicates whether the system should search the data set specified in the LOADDD field in the module name table.
  • 0 — The system searches the DD specified in the LOADDD field.
  • 1 — The system does not search the DD specified in the LOADDD field.

With the defaults that TSO/E provides, the NOLOADDD flag is off (0), which means the system searches the DD specified in the LOADDD field. The default ddname is SYSEXEC. If the language processor environment is integrated into TSO/E, the system searches SYSEXEC followed by SYSPROC. For more information, see Using SYSPROC and SYSEXEC for REXX execs.

Search order describes the complete search order TSO/E uses to locate an exec.

Together, these two flags control where REXX error messages are routed when running in a language processor environment that is not integrated into TSO/E.
Table 1. Flag settings for NOMSGWTO and NOMSGIO
0 0 Error messages are issued using the WTO service (ROUTCDE 11), and typically go to the JCL listing. In addition, if REXX tracing is active at the time an error message is being written, the message is also written to the OUTDD file defined by the OUTDD field in the module name table. SYSTSPRT is the default OUTDD file.

When an exec is initially invoked, TRACE 'Normal' is active by default. Unless the exec turns off tracing (TRACE 'Off'), error messages are written to both the JCL listing and the OUTDD file when both the NOMSGWTO and NOMSGIO flags are off.

1 0 REXX error messages cannot be written by using WTO. Instead, error messages are written to the OUTDD file. This happens regardless of whether REXX tracing is active.
0 1 REXX error messages cannot be written to the OUTDD file. Instead, error messages are written by using WTO. This happens regardless of whether REXX tracing is active.
1 1 REXX error messages are suppressed, regardless of whether REXX tracing is active.

The default flag settings provided by TSO/E are off (0) for both NOMSGWTO and NOMSGIO.

REXX error messages include all of the REXX messages numbered IRXnnnnE or IRXnnnnI, where nnnn is the message number. Error messages also include any text written to the error message output stream using the 'WRITEERR' function of IRXSAY.

The remaining bits are reserved.

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