z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services
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IWMMINIT – Initialize Monitoring Environment

z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services

IWMMINIT – Initialize Monitoring Environment

IWMMINIT allows the caller to supply MVS™ with some or all of the work request attributes needed for the monitoring environment. The attributes include user ID, transaction name, transaction class, source LU, and LU 6.2 token.

There are two types of monitoring environments available, management monitoring environments and report-only monitoring environments. Management monitoring environments provide both performance management and performance reporting. Report-only monitoring environments can be used for performance reporting only.

Use the REPORTONLY=YES parameter to specify the monitoring environment will be used for reporting purposes only.

If you are invoking IWMMINIT with the REPORTONLY=YES parameter, ASSOCIATE=ENCLAVE or ASSOCIATE=ADDRESS_SPACE must be specified to associate the monitoring environment with an enclave or an address space.

For management monitoring environments, if possible, invoke IWMMINIT immediately following IWMCLSFY, and pass the service class for the work request. Without the associated service class in the monitoring environment, delay information cannot be accumulated and reported accurately.

IWMMINIT can be issued multiple times for the same work request. The first time you invoke IWMMINIT for a work request, you must specify MODE=RESET, otherwise the previous work request's attributes are associated with this work request. Any subsequent time you invoke IWMMINIT from the same address space for the same monitoring token for the same work request, specify MODE=RETAIN. If the caller subsystem work manager consists of multiple address spaces (with multiple monitoring tokens), the first time IWMMINIT is invoked in each address space for a given work request must specify MODE=RESET. Any subsequent invocations for the same work request should specify MODE=RETAIN.

If you are invoking IWMMINIT multiple times for the same work request, only one of the invocations should specify EXSTARTTIME=exstarttime. It is up to you to decide at which point in the subsystem work manager's processing you consider the real execution start time.

Optionally, with this macro, you can use the OWNER_TOKEN and OWNER_DATA parameters to specify a token for the user/owner of the monitoring environment for your own use.


It is recommended to use the equivalent service IWM4MINI introduced with z/OS® V1R6. IWM4MINI also supports 64-bit address space. For further information refer to IWM4MINI macro — Monitor environment initialization.

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