z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services
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z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services


The parameters are explained as follows:

Required input parameter that specifies the token representing the service class, and if there is one, the report class.

To code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of a 32 bit field containing the service class token.

Required input parameter containing the length of the area provided to hold the data returned by IWMWQRY.

To code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of a 32 bit field containing the length of the area provided.

Required output parameter that specifies the area provided to contain the data being returned by IWMWQRY.

The area is mapped by the IWMSVPCD mapping macro and the service class period definition section in the IWMSVPOL mapping macro. The IWMSVPCD part of the answer area contains the offset to the class data, the size of the class data, and the size of each period entry. The IWMSVPOL part of the answer area contains the service class definition section, and the service class period definition of the service class.

To code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of a character field specifying an area to contain the data returned by the query service.

Required output parameter that specifies the number of bytes needed to contain the service class information.

To code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of a fullword field to contain the required number of bytes.

,RETCODE=retcode addr
Optional output parameter that specifies where the system is to store the return code. The return code is also in GPR 15.

To code: Specify the name (RS-type) or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of a fullword to contain the return code.

,RSNCODE=rsncode addr
Optional output parameter that specifies where the system is to store the reason code. The reason code is also in GPR 0.

To code: Specify the name (RS-type) or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of a fullword to contain the reason code (if any).

Use MF=S to specify the standard form, which places parameters into an inline parameter list and invokes the IWM4CON macro service.

Use MF=L to specify the list form of the macro. Use the list form together with the execute form of the macro for applications that require re-entrant code. The list form defines an area of storage that the execute form uses to store the parameters.

Use MF=E to specify the execute form of the macro. Use the execute form with the list form of the macro for applications that require re-entrant code. The execute form stores the parameters into the storage area defined by the list form and generates the macro invocation to transfer control to the service.

Use this output parameter to specify the name of the storage area to contain the parameters.

To code: Specify the name (RS-type) or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the storage area containing the parameter list.

Use this input parameter to specify the name of a 1 to 60 character storage area that can contain any value that is valid on an assembler DS pseudo-op. You can use this parameter to force boundary alignment of the parameter list. If you do not code ,mfattr the system provides a value of 0D, which forces the parameter on a doubleword boundary.
Use this input parameter to specify that the system check for required parameters and supply defaults for omitted optional parameter.

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