Using the SETXCF command

To make the WLM couple data set available to the sysplex, you can use the SETXCF command. Remember that you still need to update your COUPLExx member as shown in Updating the COUPLExx member so that any subsequent IPLs will automatically pick up the WLM couple data sets.

For more information about using the SETXCF command, see z/OS MVS System Commands.

Examples of the SETXCF command

  • To make a primary WLM couple data set called SYS1.WLMCDS01 residing on volume TEMP01 available to the sysplex, enter the following command:
  • To make an alternate WLM couple data set called SYS1.WLMCDS02 residing on volume TEMP02 available to the sysplex, enter the following command: