How WLM manages servers for an application environment

You allow WLM to manage the number of servers and server address spaces for an application environment if you choose the option “Managed by WLM” for starting servers of a subsystem instance. In this case, WLM has the ability to consider the delays of work requests sent to the application environments in its algorithms to supervise the goal achievement of your service classes and to adjust the resources needed by them. Servers and server address spaces are considered resources which can be made available to the work using an application environment. This is illustrated in the following example:

  1. If a DB2® stored procedure request comes into the system, DB2 classifies the work request to WLM and WLM assigns a service class to it. DB2 then queues the work request to the application environment under which the stored procedure should be executed.
  2. WLM queues the work requests for each application environment by service class. This allows WLM to understand how the queuing affects the goal achievement of the service class.
    • When the first request is queued to an application environment, workload manager detects that there are no active servers for the request, and automatically starts one.
  3. From then on, WLM collects statistics about the queue delays for each application environment and each service class used for the work requests. These queue delays then become part of the WLM algorithms which assess the goal achievement of the service classes and adjust the resources as needed.
    • If, for example, the service class for the DB2 stored procedure requests do not meet their goals, WLM determines which resources are needed to help the work in the service class.
    • If queue delay shows up as the dominating factor, WLM assesses how many additional servers are needed to help the work to meet their goals or at least to see a significant improvement.
    • Once the number of servers has been assessed, WLM makes sure that the system resources are available to start the necessary server address spaces for the required number of servers. During this step, WLM makes sure that more important work is not affected and that the system does not run into a shortage situation because of the new server address spaces. Among the resources considered are:
      • Processor
      • Real storage
      • Auxiliary storage constraints
      • Common storage (SQA) constraints
  4. When all tests have completed successfully, WLM starts the required number of server address spaces.

In cases where the system has low utilization, WLM is also able to start one additional server address space for the application environment if this may immediately help the work and it is granted that sufficient resources remain available for other work in the system.

Server address spaces are stopped when the utilization of the servers drops and many servers become idle. WLM then returns the resources used by the server address spaces and thus allows other work to utilize the system.

Using “Managed by WLM” is the optimal way to manage the number of server address spaces. It provides the best performance for the work executed under the application environment and only uses the resources which are optimal based on the goal for the work and the overall utilization of the system.