Setting up SYSLOGR component trace

A component trace provides data about events that occur within the component. You will typically use component trace while recreating a problem. The trace data is intended for the IBM® Support Center, which can use the trace to diagnose problems in the component.

For system logger the trace parmlib member should be used so that the trace is always active after an IPL. To set up a component trace for system logger:
  1. Create a CTnLOGxx parmlib member on each system in the sysplex. You should give the CTnLOGxx parmlib member the same name on each system. It is recommended that you create the member to trace everything except STORAGE and INVENTRY. As of z/OS® V1.4 with OA07611 applied, the default CTILOG00 member is shipped with the following recommended setup:

    Rule: To reduce the likelihood of losing data in a wrapped buffer, it is recommended that the BUFSIZE not be lowered below 16 MB.

  2. Start the trace with the following command:
  3. Display the SYSLOGR trace status to verify that it has been set correctly:

    The SYSLOGR status should be ON, and the OPTIONS should match the options you specified in the CTnLOGxx parmlib member.

See the component trace chapter of z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids for information about requesting and formatting the component trace.