Analyzing component trace

The output from component trace will allow you to find the module ID of the failing module and to identify parameters that are passed to the module. Trace will produce output in the format shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Example: Component trace output
System Name    Type of          Module identifier   TimeStamp          Tracing Module
                 Ctrace record    and location                           description

JB0           SERIAL           06050002            11:43:25.857844    WRKUN ADD AND START RQE

ASCB addr    TCB  addr     Job___________Name     Stack addr   Asid/#Mods   Module Id

00F60080     007DE7E0      C9C2D4E4  E2D9F540     27790F28     01760001     04010000 
Each ctrace entry is consistent up through the module IDs. After that, each entry has its own format. To identify the fields:
  1. Find the halfword module identifier in IXGXMT. This will identify the module name.
  2. Browse the module to find the full id, which will identify the label in that module where the trace record was requested.