The SERVERDATA DETAIL report duplicates the summary report. In addition, the report displays the following information:

In the following example of the APPCDATA SERVERDATA DETAIL report, three allocate queues are being served by five servers. Information for each allocate queue is displayed first, followed by information about each server (listed by address space ID).

Note that each allocate queue is distinguished by the combination of values displayed for the following keywords: TP name, Local LU name, User ID, Profile, and Partner LU name. Allocate queues are also uniquely identified by an allocate queue token. Near the end of the report, there is information about each server. Servers are identified by address space ID.

In the report, you can determine that three server address spaces (ASIDs 0025, 0024, and 0023) serve the same allocate queue because each server holds the same allocate queue token.

 Detail Report for SERVERDATA


   TP name: TOM001
   Local LU name:  M05AP003
   User ID: *            Profile: *           Partner LU name: *
   Queue token: 02D2787000000001
   Current servers:        2     Current allocates:                 1
   Total allocates:        1     Pending receive allocates:         0
   Keep time:         0
   Time created:            04/12/1996 15:06:41.106149
   Time of last receive:    *NONE*
   Time of last unregister: *NONE*


   Address space ID (ASID): 0017
   Register time:                  04/12/1996 15:06:59.369960
   Time of last receive issued:    *NONE*
   Time of last receive returned:  *NONE*
   Total allocates received:         0

   Address space ID (ASID): 0012
   Register time:                  04/12/1996 15:06:41.106149
   Time of last receive issued:    *NONE*
   Time of last receive returned:  *NONE*
   Total allocates received:         0


   No pending receive allocates for this allocate queue


   Conversation ID: 03E2489800000002
   Access Method Conversation ID: 65086256
   Conversation type: BASIC       Conversation correlator: 00000000
   Mode name: TRANPAR          Partner LU name: MCLNT2L.M05AP003
   Sync level: NONE             User ID:                  Profile:
   Time queued: 04/12/1996 15:22:04.323001
   ACB address: 00000000


   TP name: TOM001
   Local LU name:  M05AP004
   User ID: *            Profile: *           Partner LU name: *
   Queue token: 02D2797000000002
   Current servers:        3     Current allocates:                 1
   Total allocates:        1     Pending receive allocates:         0
   Keep time:         0
   Time created:            04/12/1996 15:06:41.106149
   Time of last receive:    *NONE*
   Time of last unregister: *NONE*

   Address space ID (ASID): 0025
   Register time:                  04/12/1996 15:15:01.602451
   Time of last receive issued:    *NONE*
   Time of last receive returned:  *NONE*
   Total allocates received:         0

   Address space ID (ASID): 0024
   Register time:                  04/12/1996 15:13:16.619798
   Time of last receive issued:    *NONE*
   Time of last receive returned:  *NONE*
   Total allocates received:         0

   Address space ID (ASID): 0023
   Register time:                  04/12/1996 15:10:40.197114
   Time of last receive issued:    *NONE*
   Time of last receive returned:  *NONE*
   Total allocates received:         0


   No pending receive allocates for this allocate queue


   Conversation ID: 03E2518800000004
   Access Method Conversation ID: 65086364
   Conversation type: BASIC       Conversation correlator: 00000000
   Mode name: TRANPAR          Partner LU name: MCLNT2L.M05AP003
   Sync level: NONE             User ID:                  Profile:
   Time queued: 04/12/1996 15:30:13.586332
   ACB address: 00000000


   TP name: TOM002
   Local LU name:  M05AP004
   User ID: *            Profile: *           Partner LU name: *
   Queue token: 02D27A7000000003
   Current servers:        1     Current allocates:                 0
   Total allocates:        0     Pending receive allocates:         1
   Keep time:         0
   Time created:            04/12/1996 15:17:44.724485
   Time of last receive:    *NONE*
   Time of last unregister: *NONE*

   Address space ID (ASID): 0026
   Register time:                  04/12/1996 15:17:44.724485
   Time of last receive issued:    *NONE*
   Time of last receive returned:  *NONE*
   Total allocates received:         0


   Address space ID (ASID): 0026


   No current allocates on this allocate queue


   Address space ID (ASID): 0026           Outstanding GET_EVENT: NO


       Event: MAX
       Event object: 02D27A7000000003
       Event qualifier:         1


       Allocate queue token: 02D27A7000000003
       Minimum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
       Maximum one-time event threshold:               25
       Minimum continuous event threshold:               1
       Maximum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*

   Address space ID (ASID): 0025           Outstanding GET_EVENT: NO


      No events found for this server.

      Allocate queue token: 02D2797000000002
      Minimum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
      Maximum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
      Minimum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*
      Maximum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*
  Address space ID (ASID): 0024           Outstanding GET_EVENT: NO


      No events found for this server.


        Allocate queue token: 02D2797000000002
        Minimum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
        Maximum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
        Minimum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*
        Maximum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*

   Address space ID (ASID): 0023           Outstanding GET_EVENT: NO


      No events found for this server.


        Allocate queue token: 02D2797000000002
        Minimum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
        Maximum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
        Minimum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*
        Maximum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*

   Address space ID (ASID): 0017           Outstanding GET_EVENT: NO


      No events found for this server.


        Allocate queue token: 02D2787000000001
        Minimum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
        Maximum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
        Minimum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*
        Maximum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*

   Address space ID (ASID): 0012           Outstanding GET_EVENT: NO


      No events found for this server.


      Allocate queue token: 02D2787000000001
      Minimum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
      Maximum one-time event threshold:        *NONE*
      Minimum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*
      Maximum continuous event threshold:      *NONE*
Register time
Register time is the date and time at which the server successfully registered for the allocate queue (through the Register_For_Allocates service). If the allocate queue did not already exist when the server registered, APPC/MVS created the allocate queue at this time. The date and time are displayed in the format mm⁄dd⁄yyyy hour:minutes:seconds:microseconds. If the system cannot determine the register time, *UNKNOWN* is displayed.
Time of Last Receive Issued
The date and time at which the server last issued the Receive_Allocate service. The date and time are displayed in the format mm⁄dd⁄yyyy hour:minutes:seconds:microseconds. If the server has not yet issued the Receive_Allocate service, *NONE* is displayed.
Time of Last Receive Returned
The date and time at which the Receive_Allocate service last completed. The call to the Receive_Allocate service might or might not have been successful. The date and time are displayed in the format mm⁄dd⁄yyyy hour:minutes:seconds:microseconds. If no call to the Receive_Allocate service has yet completed, *NONE* is displayed.
Total Allocates Received
This number is the total number of allocate requests the server has received since the time it registered. If the server had previously stopped serving the allocate queue, and later resumed service, the number of total allocates received does not reflect the server's activity prior to the time it resumed service.
Conversation ID
The conversation ID is an identifier that the system supplies and maintains. It is sometimes called a resource ID. When a server successfully receives an allocate request from an allocate queue, the system returns a conversation ID to the server. The conversation ID uniquely identifies that conversation. Servers specify the conversation ID on later calls to APPC/MVS services.
Access Method Conversation ID
The access method conversation ID is an identifier that the system supplies and maintains. For conversations that are running LU=REMOTE, the access method conversation ID is the VTAM® conversation ID. Otherwise, this value represents APPC-defined data.
Conversation Type
APPC/MVS applications can carry on two types of conversations:
A conversation that allows the exchange of arbitrary data records. A mapped conversation call conceals from the application program the logical-record data-stream format required in a basic conversation.
A conversation that contains logical records. Each record includes a 2-byte field (LL) that specifies the amount of data to follow before the next LL. Basic conversations are generally used by LU service programs that provide user services.

When the conversation type is not known, *UNKNOWN* is displayed.

Conversation Correlator
A conversation correlator is used to help restore protected resources to a consistent state following the failure of an LU, session, or conversation. The conversation correlator is supplied and maintained by the LU. If no conversation correlator was used, this value will be zeroes.
Mode Name
The name of the logon mode that defines a particular set of session characteristics for the conversation. The characteristics include the class of service to be used on the conversation and the synchronization level. Logon modes are defined by a system administrator for each partner LU with which the local LU communicates. There can be more than one logon mode defined for a single partner LU.
Sync Level
Sync level is the level of synchronization between programs in a distributed transaction. APPC/MVS supports the following levels of synchronization:
There is no synchronization of activities in a distributed transaction.
Allows a TP to use the confirm call to synchronize activities with a partner TP.
Allows a TP to perform sync point processing on this conversation. The TP and its partner can issue Commit and Backout calls, and recognize returned parameter values relating to resource recovery processing.

When the sync level is not known, *UNKNOWN* is displayed.

Time Queued
Time queued is the date and time at which APPC/MVS placed a particular inbound allocate request on the allocate queue. The date and time are displayed in the format mm⁄dd⁄yyyy hour:minutes:seconds:microseconds. When the system cannot determine the time an allocate was queued, *UNKNOWN* is displayed.
Address of the Access Method Control Block (ACB)
APPC/MVS uses the access method control block (ACB) to identify the particular LU from which a server is receiving inbound allocate requests. When the ACB is not known, this field shows ‘00000000’ (all zeroes).
A server can request to be notified in the event an allocate queue for which it is registered reaches a user-specified minimum or maximum number (threshold) of allocate requests. When the specified event occurs, APPC/MVS notifies the server by placing an element that represents the event on the server's event queue. The server requests such notification through the Set_Allocate_Queue_Notification service. MIN or MAX is displayed to indicate whether the server requested to be notified of a minimum or maximum threshold being reached. The number of allocate requests specified for the threshold is the value displayed for Event Qualifier, which follows the EVENT heading in the report. If the server has not requested to be notified of an event, the EVENT field is not displayed.
Event object
A server can request to be notified of events that are related to any of the allocate queues for which it is registered. The server requests such notification through the Set_Allocate_Queue_Notification service. When the server requests notification of an event, it specifies which allocate queue APPC/MVS is to monitor by supplying the allocate queue token associated with the particular allocate queue. The server received the allocate queue token when it registered for the allocate queue. The allocate queue token is called an event object when it is used for event notification. In this report, event notification for a particular allocate queue can be determined by locating the allocate queue token under the QUEUE TOKEN ELEMENTS heading that matches the event object.
Event qualifier
A server can request to be notified in the event an allocate queue for which it is registered reaches a user-specified minimum or maximum number (threshold) of allocate requests. The server requests such notification through the Set_Allocate_Queue_Notification service. When it requests notification of an event, the server specifies a specific numeric value for the minimum or maximum threshold. This value is the event qualifier. For example, a server would specify an event qualifier value of 25 as part of requesting to be notified when the allocate queue reaches a maximum threshold of 25 allocate requests.
Minimum One-time Event Threshold
When a server requests notification of an event, it can specify a minimum one-time event threshold. Here, APPC/MVS notifies the server (through the server's event queue) the first time the allocate queue decreases to the specified number of allocate requests. After the event occurs, APPC/MVS stops monitoring for it. If the allocate queue is already less than the specified minimum threshold when the server requests notification, APPC/MVS notifies the server immediately. If the server has not requested to be notified of an event, *NONE* is displayed.
Maximum One-time Event Threshold
When a server requests notification of an event, it can specify a maximum one-time event threshold. Here, APPC/MVS notifies the server (through the server's event queue) the first time the allocate queue increases to a specified number of allocate requests. After the event occurs, APPC/MVS stops monitoring for it. If the allocate queue is already greater than the specified maximum threshold when the server requests notification, APPC/MVS notifies the server immediately. If the server has not requested to be notified of an event, *NONE* is displayed.
Minimum Continuous Event Threshold
When the server requests notification of an event, it can specify a minimum continuous event threshold. Here, APPC/MVS notifies the server (through the server's event queue) every time the allocate queue decreases to the specified number of allocate requests. Once the event occurs, APPC/MVS does not notify the server again until the allocate queue increases above the number and then decreases to it again. APPC/MVS continues to monitor for the event until the server cancels its notification request, or stops serving the allocate queue, or APPC/MVS is ended. If the allocate queue is already less than the specified minimum threshold when the server requests notification, APPC/MVS notifies the server immediately. If the server has not requested to be notified of an event, *NONE* is displayed.
Maximum Continuous Event Threshold
When the server requests notification of an event, it can specify a maximum continuous event threshold. Here, APPC/MVS notifies the server (through the server's event queue) every time the allocate queue increases to the specified number of allocate requests. Once the event occurs, APPC/MVS does not notify the server again until the allocate queue decreases below the number and then increases to it again. APPC/MVS continues to monitor for the event until the server cancels its notification request, or stops serving the allocate queue, or APPC/MVS is ended. If the allocate queue is already greater than the specified maximum threshold when the server requests notification, APPC/MVS notifies the server immediately. If the server has not requested to be notified of an event, *NONE* is displayed.