The CONFIGURATION DETAIL report displays the configuration of each local LU at the time of the dump. Information displayed for each local LU duplicates the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY report. In addition, the report lists the following topics for each partner LU:
Following is an example of the APPCDATA CONFIGURATION DETAIL report.
 Detail Report for CONFIGURATION
 Diag001: 7F618F8000000014        1
 Diag002: 7F6C9F8000000010        1

 Local LU name: Z0A6AP01 Status: Active
 Local LU Resource Manager Name : *NONE*
 Local LU Resource Manager Token: *NONE*
 Generic Resource Name:  MVSLU
 Diag003: 7F618F8000000014        2
 Diag004: 7F61DF8000000013        3
 Number of partners:        0
 Number of URs:             0

 Local LU name: Z0A6AP02 Status: Active
 Local LU Resource Manager Name : *NONE*
 Local LU Resource Manager Token: *NONE*
 Generic Resource Name:  *NONE*
 Diag003: 7F618F8000000014        5
 Diag004: 7F61DF8000000013       18
 Number of partners:        0
 Number of URs:             0

 Local LU name: Z0A6AP03 Status: Active
 Local LU Resource Manager Name : ATB.USIBMZ0.Z0A6AP03.IBM
 Local LU Resource Manager Token: 01000001020DC0000000000300000001
 Generic Resource Name:  MVSLU3
 Diag003: 7F618F8000000014        3
 Diag004: 7F61DF8000000013        6
 Number of partners:        0
 Number of URs:             0

 Local LU name: Z0A6AP04 Status: Active
 Local LU Resource Manager Name : ATB.USIBMZ0.Z0A6AP04.IBM
 Local LU Resource Manager Token: 01000001020DC0000000000200000001
 Generic Resource Name:  *NONE*
 Diag003: 7F618F8000000014        4
 Diag004: 7F61DF8000000013        9

 Number of partners:        2
  Partner LU name: USIBMZ0.Z0A4AP03
  Diag005        : 7F61DF8000000013       21
  Number of modes:        1
  Logon mode name: TRANPAR

  Partner LU name: USIBMZ0.Z0A6AP04
  Diag005        : 7F61DF8000000013       15
  Number of modes:        1
  Logon mode name: TRANPAR

 Number of URs:             3
  URID: AD49C2737EEFC0000000000401020000
  Expressions of Interest:        2

  URID: AD49C3B27EEFC2800000000501020000
  Expressions of Interest:        1

  URID: AD49C3BA7EEFC5000000000601020000
  Expressions of Interest:        1
Partner LU Name
The name of the partner LU. An LU is a system interface to a SNA network. An LU on your system through which a local TP communicates is a local LU. The LUs for partner TPs are partner LUs. Sessions, which allow program-to-program communication, are established between a local LU and partner LUs. A partner LU can be on the same system as the local LU or on a remote system.

The partner LU name might be a network-qualified LU name; that is, the combined network ID and network LU name (two 1-8 byte Type A character strings, concatenated by a period: network_ID.network_LU_name). The partner LU name is network-qualified if the network ID is known; if not, only the network LU name appears in the report.

Number of Logon modes
The number of logon modes. A logon mode establishes the session characteristics between a local LU and a partner LU. Each logon mode establishes a specific type of session. A local LU and its partner can have more than one logon mode. Logon modes are defined in the VTAM® log mode table.
Logon Mode Name
A logon mode establishes the session characteristics between a local LU and a partner LU. Each logon mode name represents specific characteristics for a session. Logon mode names are defined in the VTAM log mode table.
The identifier for a unit of recovery.
Expressions of Interest
The number of expressions of interest that the LU has made with RRS for the unit of recovery identified by the URID.
Diagnostic information for IBM® use only.