This report provides detailed information about the coupling facility. The FACILITY report shows:
The following command was issued to produce a FACILITY report:
  ***** FACILITY DETAIL REPORT *****                                    
      Diag054............................. 8                (decimal)
      Simplex Sync/Async Threshold........ 345              (decimal)
              Default Threshold Is........ 413              (decimal 
              Threshold set from.......... SETXCF                    
      Duplex Sync/Async Threshold......... 457              (decimal)
      Simplex Lock Sync/Async Threshold... 413              (decimal)
      Duplex Lock Sync/Async Threshold.... 557										(decimal)
      Diag177............................. 44000000                       
      CF Request Time Ordering Function not installed on this system
      Coupling Thin Interrupts enabled on this system
   COUPLING FACILITIES KNOWN TO THIS SYSTEM                           
   Facility Name....................... LF01                          
      Coupling Facility................ SIMDEV.IBM.EN.ND0100000000    
         Partition..................... 00                            
         CPCID......................... 00                            
      CFLevel.......................... 16                 (decimal)  
      Control Unit..................... 0001                          
      Connected........................ Yes                           
      Managed.......................... Yes                           
      Volatile......................... No                            
      Authority........................ PLEX1    BF4600B7 02B554FA    
         SYID.......................... BF4600B7 02B554FA             
      Facility Space................... 194 M                         
Start of change      Total Storage-Class Memory....... 100 GEnd of change
      Maximum Structure ID............. 03FF 
      Maximum Signalling-Segment Index. 7                  (decimal)  
      CF Request Time Ordering Function                               
         Installed..................... No                            
         Required...................... No                            
         Capable....................... No                            
         Failed........................ No                            
         ETR Network ID................ none                          
          Dynamic I/O in Progress.......... No                              
    Number of Structures............. 1                  (decimal)    
    Number of Subchannels............ 4                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Active........ 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Ready......... 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Delayed....... 0                  (decimal)    
       Delayed for dump ser.......... 0                  (decimal)    
       Delayed for dump ser remote... 0                  (decimal)    
       Delayed for sys-mgd process... 0                  (decimal)    
       Delayed for dup req failure... 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Serial Delay.. 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Completed..... 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Held.......... 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Duplex Held... 0                  (decimal)    
    Time of Most Recent IFCC......... None recorded                   
    Diag026.......................... 00000707                        
    Diag027.......................... 00000004                        
    MFID............................. 00000001                             
      Diag032.......................... 0236C300                        
      SCLE Address..................... 025721F8                        
      Diag039.......................... 02455000                        
      Diag186.......................... 02744300                        
      Diag187.......................... 000021B8                        
      Diag188.......................... 00000000                        
      Diag189.......................... C9780000                        
      Diag152.......................... 41EDF198 00001EE6               
 0236C390  C3C6C3C3  14000405  07172006  09350000  | CFCC............ | 
    +0010  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  | ................ | 
    +0020  18000500  E2C9D4C4  C5E5F0F0  F1C9C2D4  | ....SIMDEV001IBM | 
    +0030  C5D5D5C4  F0F1F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F00000  | ENND0100000000.. | 

     Remote Facility Information:                                    
         RFAT address ................. 025141A8                      
         Max RFAT entries ............. 0004                          
         Number of CFIBs .............. 0001                          
   COUPLING FACILITIES KNOWN TO THIS SYSTEM                           
   Facility Name....................... LF01                          
      Coupling Facility................ SIMDEV.IBM.EN.ND0100000000    
         Partition..................... 00                            
         CPCID......................... 00                            
      CFLevel.......................... 16                 (decimal)  
      Control Unit..................... 0001                          
      Connected........................ Yes                           
      Managed.......................... Yes                           
      Volatile......................... No                            
      Authority........................ PLEX1    BF4600B7 02B554FA    
         SYID.......................... BF4600B7 02B554FA             
      Facility Space................... 194 M                      
      Maximum Structure ID............. 03FF 
      Maximum Signalling-Segment Index. 7                  (decimal)  
      CF Request Time Ordering Function                               
         Installed..................... No                            
         Required...................... No                            
         Capable....................... No                            
         Failed........................ No                            
         ETR Network ID................ none                          
          Dynamic I/O in Progress.......... No                              
    Number of Structures............. 1                  (decimal)    
    Number of Subchannels............ 4                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Active........ 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Ready......... 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Delayed....... 0                  (decimal)    
       Delayed for dump ser.......... 0                  (decimal)    
       Delayed for dump ser remote... 0                  (decimal)    
       Delayed for sys-mgd process... 0                  (decimal)    
       Delayed for dup req failure... 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Serial Delay.. 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Completed..... 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Held.......... 0                  (decimal)    
    Number of Requests Duplex Held... 0                  (decimal)    
    Time of Most Recent IFCC......... None recorded                   
    Diag026.......................... 00000707                        
    Diag027.......................... 00000004                        
    MFID............................. 00000001                             
      Diag032.......................... 0236C300                        
      SCLE Address..................... 025721F8                        
      Diag039.......................... 02455000                        
      Diag186.......................... 02744300                        
      Diag187.......................... 000021B8                        
      Diag188.......................... 00000000                        
      Diag189.......................... C9780000                        
      Diag152.......................... 41EDF198 00001EE6               
 0236C390  C3C6C3C3  14000405  07172006  09350000  | CFCC............ | 
    +0010  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  | ................ | 
    +0020  18000500  E2C9D4C4  C5E5F0F0  F1C9C2D4  | ....SIMDEV001IBM | 
    +0030  C5D5D5C4  F0F1F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F00000  | ENND0100000000.. | 

     Remote Facility Information:                                    
         RFAT address ................. 025141A8                      
         Max RFAT entries ............. 0004                          
         Number of CFIBs .............. 0001                          
      Remote Facility Name.......... A                             
            Coupling Facility.......... SIMDEV.IBM.EN.SES100000000    
              Partition................ 00                            
              CPCID.................... 00                            
            SYID....................... BF4600B8 378B90DA             
            Receiver paths installed
              Path   Channel type      Degraded   Latency
              F2     CIB 12X-1FB3         Yes    xxxxxxxx
              F3     CIB 1X-1FB           No     xxxxxxxx
            Sender paths installed..... E3
             PATH    Channel type      Degraded   Latency
              E0     CFP F                N/A    xxxxxxxx
              E1     ICP                  N/A    xxxxxxxx
            Signal vector token ...... 614D4508 00001EE8
     Remote Facility Name.......... TESTCF                       
        Coupling Facility.......... SIMDEV.IBM.EN.CF0100000000   
          Partition................ 00                           
          CPCID.................... 00                           
        SYID....................... BF4600B7 D1531875            
            Receiver paths installed
              Path   Channel type      Degraded   Latency
              F0     CFP H                N/A    xxxxxxxx
            Sender paths installed
              Path   Channel type      Degraded   Latency
              E3     CFP F                N/A     xxxxxxx
            Signal vector token ...... 41EDFF08 00001EE4            
Start of change
     Remote Facility Name.......... LF02                         
        Coupling Facility.......... SIMDEV.IBM.EN.ND0200000000   
          Partition................ 00                           
          CPCID.................... 00                           
        SYID....................... BF4600B7 6BB54990            
            Receiver paths installed
              Path   Channel type      Degraded   Latency
              F0     CIB 12X-1FB3         Yes     xxxxxxxx
              F1     CS5 8X-PCIE3         No      xxxxxxxx
            Sender paths installed
              Path   Channel type      Degraded   Latency
              E0     CFP F                N/A    xxxxxxxx
              E1     ICP                  N/A    xxxxxxxx
            Signal vector token ...... 66B81B98 000001CE        
End of change
 Processor Information:                               
    Has Dedicated CP.............. Yes     
    Dynamic CF Dispatching........ No                            
    Number CP Dedicated........... 2                  (decimal)  
    Number CP Shared.............. 3                  (decimal)  
    CP Number..................... 00                            
    CP Classification............. Shared                        
    CP Weight..................... 1                  (decimal)  
    CP Number..................... 01                            
    CP Classification............. Dedicated                     
    CP Number..................... 02                            
    CP Classification............. Shared                        
    CP Weight..................... 2                  (decimal)  
    CP Number..................... 03                            
    CP Classification............. Dedicated                     
    CP Number..................... 04                            
    CP Classification............. Shared                        
    CP Weight..................... 3                  (decimal)             

Processor Information:    
   Dynamic CF Dispatching........ No
   Number CP Dedicated........... 0                  (decimal)
   Number CP Shared.............. 1                  (decimal)

   CP Number..................... 00
   CP Classification............. Shared 
   CP Weight..................... 256                (decimal)

   Coupling facility is not standalone 

   Coupling Thin Interrupts: Enabled
Start of change
 Pathing Information:                                 
80 / xxxx  ONLINE - DEGRADED   ONLINE    CS5 8X-PCIE3  xxxx  xx    xxxxxxxx
C0 / xxxx  ONLINE              OFFLINE   ICP           N/A   N/A     N/A
End of change
 Path Type Information:                               
    Paths installed............... C0  80             
    Path type..................... CFP CFP         
Subchannel Information:                              
Subchannel ID.................... 0060               
   Device Number................. CF00               
   Active........................ No                 
   Operational................... Yes                
   Pending Deallocation.......... No                 
   Diag029....................... 02744100           
   Diag030....................... 00000000           
   Diag034....................... 00000000           
   Diag179....................... 00020000           
   Diag159....................... 00000000           
   Diag160....................... 00000000    
 Subchannel ID.................... 0061             
    Device Number................. CF01             
    Active........................ No               
    Operational................... Yes              
    Pending Deallocation.......... No               
    Diag029....................... 02744300         
    Diag030....................... 00000000         
    Diag034....................... 00000000         
    Diag041....................... 01               
    Diag179....................... 00010000         
    Diag159....................... 00000000         
    Diag160....................... 00000000         
 Structure Information:                                          
 Structure Name................... ISGLOCK                       
    Structure Type................ Lock                          
    Structure ID.................. 0001                          
    Structure Version............. BF4600B9 38768C12             
    Request Count................. 6239               (decimal)  
    Number of connected users..... 1                  (decimal)  
    Diag038....................... 02453100                      
 Queued Request Information:                                     
    Facility Name..................... LF01                      
       Low Priority Work Queue                                   
          Number of Queued Requests... 0              (decimal)  
          Total Number of Requests.... 0              (decimal)  
       High Priority Work Queue                                  
          Number of Queued Requests... 0              (decimal)  
          Total Number of Requests.... 0              (decimal)         

 Moving Weighted Average Subchannel Delay Time (MWASDT) Information:

    Refresh Counter.................. 0               (decimal)
    Refresh Limit.................... 250             (decimal)
    Queued Count..................... 0               (decimal)
    Total Count...................... 2               (decimal)
    MWASDT (in microseconds)......... 13              (decimal)
Sync/Async Heuristics Data                                        
Simplex Requests:                                                 
  OpCode Acronym   Size   ReqCount ConvReqCount  Avg Svc Time     
   0301    ALST    0- 0          0           0            34      
   0303    RLSC    0- 0          0           0            66      
   0303    RLSC    1- 1          0           0            41      
   0306    ALSU    0- 0          0           0             7      
   0307    DLSU    0- 0          0           0             3      
   030A    RLTE    0- 0          2           0             3      
   030B    WLTE    0- 0          5           0             4      
   0320    SGLMV   0- 0        326           0            10      
   0321    RGLMV   0- 0        319           0             6     
   0322    SLLMV   0- 0       2676           0             1     
   0323    RLLMV   0- 0       2586           0             1     
   0328    CLTE    0- 0          0           0            56     
   03B1    WLCC    1- 1          0           0             7