Extended Error Descriptor (EED)

The extended error descriptor (EED) passes error information between RTM1 and RTM2 and also between successive schedules of RTM1. The EED is described in z/OS® MVS™ Data Areas in http://www.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/bkserv/. It is pointed to by:
Important EED fields are:
Either the pointer to the next EED on the chain, or zero
Description of contents of the rest of the EED:
= 1 - register and PSW information EED
= 2 - dump parameters EED
= 3 - machine check handler EED
= 4 - reserved
= 5 - dump storage range EED
= 6 - subpool list EED
= 7 - original error data EED (includes errorid)