GTF trace options

This topic describes the GTF options you can specify through either system prompting in response to the START GTF command or in a predefined parmlib or data set member. However, GTF will not use certain combinations of options; see Table 1 for a list of those combinations.

Some GTF trace options also require keywords. If you specify options requiring keywords in the member or data set containing the predefined options, it must also contain the associated keywords. These are explained in Prompting keywords.
Requests that GTF tracing be limited to a subset of address spaces. ASIDP requests GTF prompting for one to five address space identifiers (ASID) in which you want GTF tracing to occur. ASIDP works only with a GTF option that generates tracing, such as SVC or IO. For information about responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords.
Requests tracing of channel programs and associated data for I/O events. CCW is valid only if the other trace options include SSCH, SSCHP, IO, or IOP. See Table 1.
Requests tracing of channel programs and associated data for I/O events, and requests GTF prompting for the following information:
  • Tracing channel command words (CCW) or device command words (DCW) for start subchannel (SSCH) operations or I/O interruptions or both
  • Maximum number of CCWs or device command words (DCW) for each event
  • Maximum number of bytes of data for each CCW or DCW
  • Optional input/output supervisor block (IOSB), input/output block extension (IOBE, zHPF channel programs only), and error recovery procedure work area (EWA) tracing
  • Size of the program controlled interrupt (PCI) table

For information about responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords.

CCWP is valid only if the other trace options include SSCH, SSCHP, IO, or IOP. See Table 1.

Requests recording for all clear subchannel operations. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests recording for all dispatchable units of work: service request block (SRB), local supervisor routine (LSR), task control block (TCB) and Supervisor Call (SVC) prolog dispatch events. If you specify both the SYSM and DSP trace options, GTF records minimal trace data for DSP. Otherwise, GTF records comprehensive trace data for DSP.
Requests comprehensive recording for all external interruptions. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests recording for all halt subchannel operations. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests recording of all non-program-controlled I/O interruptions. Unless you also specify the PCI trace option, GTF does not record program-controlled interruptions. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests recording of all non-program-controlled I/O interruptions providing a summary of a complete channel program for the I/O interruption in an I/O summary trace record. Unless you also specify the PCI trace option, GTF does not record program-controlled interruptions.
Requests GTF prompting for specific device numbers for which you want GTF to record non-program-controlled I/O interruptions. Unless you specify the PCI trace option, GTF does not record program-controlled interruptions. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options. For information about responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords.
Requests GTF prompting for specific device numbers for which you want GTF to record non-program-controlled I/O interruptions providing a summary of a complete channel program for the I/O interruption in an I/O summary trace record. Unless you specify the PCI trace option, GTF does not record program-controlled interruptions. For more information on responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords.

If an installation chooses to specify either IO or IOP in addition to IOX or IOXP, they will receive IOX records for DASD and tape devices and IO records for all other devices.

Requests that GTF tracing be limited to a subset of jobs. JOBNAMEP requests GTF prompting for one through five job names for which you want GTF tracing to occur.

These job names can be generic, as well as specific, job names. If you want to specify generic job names, use * or % in the job name.

The asterisk is a placeholder for one or more valid job name characters, or indicates no characters. For example, if you enter JOBNAMEP=I*MS*, GTF will process trace data for address spaces with job names IABMS01, IAMS, IMS™, IMSA, IMS00012, and so on. However, if you enter JOBNAMEP=*MASTER*, that job name represents only the master address space.

The percent symbol is a vplaceholder for a single valid job name character. For example, if you enter JOBNAMEP=I%MS%%, GTF will process trace data for address spaces with job names IAMS01 and IXMSBC, but not job names IMS001 or I999MS. The combination %* is a placeholder for at least one character.

JOBNAMEP works only with a GTF option that generates tracing, such as SVC or IO. For information on responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords.

Requests recording for all modify subchannel operations. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests recording of intermediate status interruptions in the same format as other I/O trace records that GTF creates. Specifically, PCI causes GTF to record program-controlled I/O interruptions, initial status request interruptions, resume subchannel operation instruction, and suspend channel program interruptions. When you select specific devices as a result of prompting for I/O events (IOP trace option), GTF records intermediate status interruptions for only those devices. PCI is valid only when the other trace options include IO, IOP, SYS, SYSM, or SYSP.
Start of changePCIE End of change
Start of changeRequests tracing of PCI load and store instructions, adapter interrupts, and PCIE de-multiplexing requests.End of change
Start of changePFIDP End of change
Start of changeRequests that GTF tracing of PCIE-related events be limited to a subset of the PCIE function identifiers (PFIDs). PFIDP requests GTF prompting for 1 to 256 PFIDs or PFID ranges in which you want GTF tracing to occur. PFIDP is only valid when the PCIE trace option is specified. For information on responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords.End of change
Requests comprehensive recording for all program interruptions (0-255). See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests GTF prompting for those interruption codes for which you want GTF to record program interruptions. For information about responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests recording of all Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM®) network activity. If you specify both the SYSM and RNIO trace options, GTF will record minimal trace data for RNIO. Otherwise, GTF records comprehensive trace data for RNIO.
Requests comprehensive recording of data associated with all invocations of recovery routines (such as STAE and ESTAE routines). GTF creates a trace record describing the activity of the recovery routine when control passes from the recovery routine back to the recovery termination manager (RTM). See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
If you specify the SIO or SIOP trace option, GTF processes that request as a request for SSCH or SSCHP. GTF issues message AHL138I to indicate this substitution. Subsequent messages refer to the original SIO or SIOP trace option.
Note: The SIO keyword is provided only for compatibility; it is recommended that you use the SSCH keyword instead. The SIOP option is provided only for compatibility; it is recommended that you use the SSCHP option instead.
Requests that a trace entry be made each time:
  • A match occurs for a SLIP trap with ACTION=TRACE
  • A SLIP trap with the SLIP DEBUG option is checked

The amount of data and the type of SLIP trace record to be built is specified on the SLIP command.

Requests recording of trace data each time the system resource manager (SRM) is invoked. If you specify both the SYSM and SRM trace options, GTF records minimal trace data for SRM. Otherwise, GTF records comprehensive trace data for SRM.
Requests recording for start subchannel and resume subchannel operations. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests GTF prompting for the specific device numbers for which you want GTF to record start subchannel and resume subchannel operations. For information about responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests comprehensive recording for all SVC interruptions. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests GTF prompting for those SVC numbers for which you want data recorded. For information about responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.
Requests recording of comprehensive trace data for all of the following:
  • Clear subchannel operations
  • External interruptions
  • Halt subchannel operations
  • I/O interruptions
  • Modify subchannel operations
  • Program interruptions
  • Recovery routines
  • Start subchannel and resume channel operations
  • SVC interruptions.

Because specifying SYS automatically causes GTF to trace all of these events, GTF will ignore the following trace options if you specify them in any form: CSCH, HSCH, MSCH, SSCH, EXT, IO, PI, RR, SVC. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.

Requests recording of minimal trace data for the same events as SYS.

Because specifying SYSM automatically causes GTF to trace all of these events, GTF will ignore the following trace options if if you specify them in any form: CSCH, HSCH, MSCH, SSCH, EXT, IO, PI, RR, SVC.

If if you specify DSP, RNIO, or SRM in addition to SYSM, GTF produces minimal, rather than comprehensive, trace data for those events.

Requests recording for the same events as the SYS option, but causes GTF to prompt for selection of specific SVC, IO, SSCH, and PI events that you want recorded. For information about responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords.

Because specifying SYSP automatically causes GTF to trace all of these events, GTF will ignore the following trace options if you specify them in any form: CSCH, HSCH, MSCH, SSCH, EXT, IO, PI, RR, SVC. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.

Requests recording of those trace events that are associated with GTF itself. Unless you request TRC, GTF will not trace these events. TRC works only with a GTF option that generates tracing, such as SVC or IO.
Requests recording of all data that the GTRACE macro passes to GTF. You must specify USR or USRP to trace data from the GTRACE macro. Use USRP for specific events. If USR is used instead of USRP, the trace data set might be full of unwanted records. When you code the GTRACE macro but do not specify USR or USRP, GTF ignores the GTRACE macro. See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options.


See z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP for information about coding the GTRACE macro.

Requests GTF prompting for specific event identifiers (EID) of the data that the GTRACE macro passes to GTF. The EIDs represent user, program product, or IBM® subsystem and component events. See Table 3 for a list of EID values.

See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options. For information about responding to GTF prompts, see Prompting keywords.

Requests recording all cancel subchannel operations.

See Table 1 for more information on combining this option with other GTF options. For information about responding to GTF prompts, see Table 1.