

A RECALL or RECOVER command was issued for a data set originally migrated or backed up using DFSMSdss as the datamover. The DFSMSdss RESTORE command was issued to move the data set. When DFSMShsm issues this message, the corresponding DFSMSdss messages should be consulted. The DFSMSdss messages with prefix ADR are listed in the migration activity log (for RECALL) or backup activity log (for RECOVER). The data set name is contained in the preceding ARC1001I or associated ARC0734I message. The value of the last DFSMSdss message number issued for the highest severity error encountered during DFSMSdss processing is also in the ARC1001I or ARC0734I message. However, in some cases the return code is other than the DFSMSdss message number. These cases are as follows:

  1. If the value of this return code is 9999, DFSMSdss did not end normally, and DFSMShsm could not determine the final RESTORE command processing return code. The DFSMSdss messages must be used to determine the cause of the failure.
  2. If the value of this return code is 9990, it is the result of an abnormal end in DFSMSdss.
  3. If the value of the reason code is 9928, DFSMShsm is unable to recall a data set dsname, because DFSMSdss datamover detected, during restore (recall), the data set had internal errors when dumped (migrated). See the ARC0075E message for more information.

System action

This data set operation fails. DFSMShsm processing continues.

System programmer response

When the DFSMSdss message requests the operation be retried using the NOPACKING option, issue the RECALL or RECOVER command with DFDSSOPTION(RETRY) to attempt a successful RECALL or RECOVER.

You must correct the errors in the partitioned data set after the successful processing of the RECALL or RECOVER command.

Programmer response

Review the response required for the DFSMSdss error and take the appropriate action. The DFSMSdss messages can be found in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 1 (ABA-AOM).
