z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference
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z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference

         TITLE  'XETPUB02-Sample IPCS exit using IXLZSTR with RESTOKEN'
*          Sample program to illustrate use of IXLZSTR macro
*        in an IPCS environment to access coupling facility
*        structure data from a dump containing that information.  Usage
*        of the RESTOKEN keyword is shown for handling requests for
*        which all of the information can not be returned in the
*        user-provided answer area.
*02*   OPERATION =
*         (1) Obtain a 4K (4096 byte) buffer to be passed to the
*             IXLZSTR macro for use as the answer area for a summary
*             type request.
*         (2) Issue the IXLZSTR request to obtain summary structure
*             information from the input dump which is expected to
*             contain coupling facility structure data for a cache
*             structure.  The dump also contains multiple entries for
*             a given castout class value and the entries have adjunct
*             and entry data that was also dumped.
*         (3) The answer area is searched looking for summary structure
*             information for a specific CACHE structure name that is
*             expected to have been dumped. If it is found then the
*             structure dump id is saved for subsequent use
*             in obtaining class entry information for a given castout
*             class value.
*         (4) Free 4K (4096 byte) buffer previously obtained for use as
*             a summary data answer area.
*         (5) Obtain a 8K (8192 byte) buffer to be passed to the
*             IXLZSTR macro for use as the answer area for a entry data
*             type request.
*         (6) Issue the IXLZSTR request to obtain all entries with both
*             adjunct and entry data returned for a given castout class
*             value for the specific Cache structure.
*             As parts of the answer area are "analyzed", WTOs will
*             be issued:
*               - Indicating start of analysis of the answer area
*               - Identifying the entry name from entry controls
*               - Displaying first 16 bytes of adjunct and entry data
*                 for each entry
*               - Indicating going to next table entry in answer area
*               - Indicating finished with answer area
*         (7) Process all of the table entries returned in the answer
*             area.  Since TYPE(CLASS) data with adjunct and entry data
*             is requested and size of entry data is quite large,
*             multiple invocations of IXLZSTR are made using the
*             RESTOKEN returned to get more data that can not fit in
*             the returned answer area for the first and subsequent
*             IXLZSTR invocations. (I.e. Step 6 and 7 is repeated as
*             many times as necessary to get all of the data.)
*         (8) Free 8K (8192 byte) buffer previously obtained for use as
*             a entry data answer area.
*         (9) Free dynamic storage previously obtained and return to
*             caller.
*02* RECOVERY-OPERATION = This program functions without recovery.
*                                                                     *
*   Standard entry linkage                                            *
*                                                                     *
         STM    R14,R12,12(R13)
         BALR   BASEREG1,0             Establish addressability
         USING  *,BASEREG1
         MODID  BR=YES
         LR     R2,R1                  Save input parameter
         LR     R3,R13                 Save callers savearea address
         LA     DATAREG2,4095(,DATAREG1) Set Second Data Register
         USING  DYNA,DATAREG1          First Data Register
         USING  DYNA+4095,DATAREG2     Second Data Register
         ST     R3,SAVEAREA+4          Save @ of callers savearea
         ST     DATAREG1,8(,R3)        Chain our savearea to callers
*                                                                     *
*   Initialize variables                                              *
*                                                                     *
         MVC    EXITRC,=AL4(GOODRETC) * Initialize return code
         ST     R2,ABDPLPTR          Save input pointer to ABDPL
         MVC    WTOEXEC(LENWTOS),WTOS * Copy static parmlist to dynamic
         MVC    WTOTXTD1(L'WTOTXTD1),WTOTXTS1 * Prime WTO text length
* (1) Obtain a 4K (4096 byte) buffer to be passed to the              *
*     IXLZSTR macro for use as the answer area for a summary          *
*     type request.                                                   *
         L      R0,SUMMSIZE          Size of summary buffer to obtain
         L     R2,ANSAREA_PTR        Get addressability to Answer area
* (2) Issue the IXLZSTR request to obtain summary structure           *
*     information from the input dump which is expected to contain    *
*     Coupling Facility structure data for a Cache structure.  The    *
*     dump should also contain multiple entries for a given castout   *
*     class value and the entries should have adjunct and entry data  *
*     that was also dumped.                                           *
*                                                                     *
         XC    MYRESTOKEN(64),MYRESTOKEN Initialize RESTOKEN to
*                                    binary zeros
         IXLZSTR ANSAREA=AREAMAP,    Output answer area                +
               ANSLEN=SUMMSIZE,      Answer area length                +
               RESTOKEN=MYRESTOKEN,  Input/Output token for IXLZSTR    +
               ABDPLPTR=ABDPLPTR,    IPCS common parameter List addres +
               TYPE=STRUCTURE,       Get Structure information         +
               STRLEVEL=SUMMARY,     Get summary information           +
               RETCODE=SAVERET,      Return Code                       +
               RSNCODE=SAVERSN,      Reason Code                       +
*     Check for the requested data being successfully accessed        *
*                                                                     *
         L      R3,SAVERET           Get return code
         C      R3,=AL4(STRBRETCODESUCC) * All data accessed ?
         BNE    BADACC               Data was not successfully accessed
         L      R3,SAVERSN           Get reason code
         C      R3,=AL4(STRBRSNCODESUCC) * All data accessed ?
         BNE    BADACC               Data was not successfully accessed
*     Summary data was successfully accessed in the dump              *
*                                                                     *
* (3) Search the answer area table entries (which contain summary     *
*     structure information for the input Cache structure that this   *
*     sample IPCS exit is interested in.  If the structure is found   *
*     then the corresponding structure dump id is saved for subsequent*
*     use in obtaining class entry information for the input castout  *
*     class value.                                                    *
*                                                                     *
* Note: If the Cache structure of interest was in Structure Rebuild   *
*     there may be more than one dumped instant of the Cache          *
*     structure. For purposes of this sample exit, the installation   *
*     is assumed to be interested in the first dumped instance of the *
*     structure.                                                      *
*                                                                     *
         USING STRBHEADER,R2         Base Header section of ANSAREA
         USING STRBSTRSUMMARY,R4     Base Structure Summary table entry
         L      R4,STRBFIRSTTABLEENTRY@ * Get addressability to first
*                                    table entry in answer area
         NI     WRKFLG,NOTFOUND      Did not find Cache structure yet
         LA     R6,STRBSTRSUMMARY_LEN * Size of summary table entry
         LA     R8,1                 Loop increment
         LR     R9,R8                Processing first table entry
NEXTENT  ST     R9,I                 Remember loop count
         L      R5,STRBNUMTABLEENTRIES * Get number of table entries
         CR     R9,R5                All table entries searched ?
         BH     DONESRH              Yes, stop searching
*        Check to see if this table entry is for the input Cache      *
*        structure                                                    *
         BNE    TRYNEXT              No, Try next table entry
*        Check to see if the structure name matches the input Cache   *
*        structure name                                               *
         CLC    STRBSTRSUMMARYNAME,APPSTRNM * Same str name ?
         BNE    TRYNEXT              No, Try next table entry
*        Found the table entry for the input Cache structure name.    *
*        (NOTE: More code needed to handle cases where structure is   *
*         dumped more than once -- e.g. Structure in rebuild)         *
         OI     WRKFLG,FOUNDIT       Indicate Cache structure found
         LH     R3,STRBSTRSUMMARYSTRDUMPID * Save structure dump id
         STH    R3,DUMPID_STR        Remember structure dump id
         B      DONESRH              Stop searching for structure
TRYNEXT  EQU    *                    Try next table entry (if any)
         ALR    R4,R6                Point to next table entry
         ST     R4,SUMMARY_PTR       Remember new table entry address
         ALR    R9,R8                Processing another table entry
         B      NEXTENT              Go process the next table entry
         SPACE  1
*     Finished searching returned structure summary information       *
DONESRH  EQU    *                    Finished search for structure
         TM     WRKFLG,FOUNDIT       Found the input Cache structure ?
         BZ     NOCACHE              No, tell user structure not found
         B      FREESUM              Go free answer area buffer
NOCACHE  EQU    *                    Did not find the Cache structure
         MVC    EXITRC,=AL4(BADRETC) Set bad return code
         B      FREESUM              Go free answer area buffer
*     Summary data was not successfully accessed in the dump          *
*                                                                     *
BADACC   EQU    *                    Data was not accessed successfully
         MVC    WTOTXTD2(L'WTOTXTD2),WTOBADAC * Set message text
         MVC    MAPSERV(8),=CL8'IXLZSTR ' * Service that failed
* Convert hex return code to printable hex
         MVC    PHEXIN(4),SAVERET    Hex return code to convert
         UNPK   PHEXOUT,PHEXIN       Unpack the data
         MVC    MAPRETC(8),PHEXOUT+1 Store unpacked data into target
         TR     MAPRETC(8),TRTBL-240 Translate to printable hex
* Convert hex reason code to printable hex
         MVC    PHEXIN(4),SAVERSN    Hex reason code to convert
         UNPK   PHEXOUT,PHEXIN       Unpack the data
         MVC    MAPRSNC(8),PHEXOUT+1 Store unpacked data into target
         TR     MAPRSNC(8),TRTBL-240 Translate to printable hex
         BAL    R14,ISSUEWTO         Tell user access failed
         MVC    EXITRC,=AL4(BADRETC) Set bad return code
* (4) Free 4K (4096 byte) buffer previously obtained for a summary    *
*     data answer area.                                               *
*                                                                     *
FREESUM  L      R0,SUMMSIZE          Size of summary buffer to be freed
         DROP   R2
*     Only continue processing if input cache structure was dumped    *
         TM     WRKFLG,FOUNDIT       Found the input Cache structure ?
         BZ     COMPLETE             No, exit is finished
         SPACE 2
* (5) Obtain a 8K (8192 byte) buffer to be passed to the              *
*     IXLZSTR macro for use as the answer area for a Entry data       *
*     type request.                                                   *
*                                                                     *
         L      R0,BIGSIZE           Size of big buffer to be obtained
         L     R2,ANSAREA_PTR        Get addressability to Answer area
* (6) Issue the IXLZSTR request to obtain all entries with both       *
*     adjunct and entry data returned for a given input castout class *
*     value for the input Cache structure.                            *
*                                                                     *
*     This exit is interested in listing the first 16 bytes of the    *
*     entry data and adjunct data for each entry. For illustration    *
*     purposes a WTO will be issued to job log for each matching      *
*     entry found displaying this data.                               *
*                                                                     *
*     The expected amount of data that will be returned in the answer *
*     area is quite large and will not fit in the coded 8K answer     *
*     area buffer.  The following code illustrates how to use         *
*     IXLZSTR macro with RESTOKEN keyword in a loop to retrieve all   *
*     of the requested data.                                          *
*                                                                     *
         LA    R5,ENTBUF             Point to start of entry data WTO
*                                    buffer
         ST    R5,ENTBUF_PTR         Remember location in buffer
         L     R5,MIN_ENTDATA_SIZE   Get size of buffer
         ST    R5,LEN_NEEDED         Remember size of buffer still to
*                                    be copied
         NI    WRKFLG,NOENTWTO       Remember that WTO has not been
*                                    issued for current table entry
         XC    MYRESTOKEN(64),MYRESTOKEN Initialize RESTOKEN to
*                                    binary zeros
*     Continue to request more of the entry data until all of the     *
*     data has been returned. (Start of loop)                         *
*                                                                     *
GETDATA  IXLZSTR ANSAREA=AREAMAP,    Output answer area                +
               ANSLEN=BIGSIZE,       Answer area length                +
               RESTOKEN=MYRESTOKEN,  Input/Output token for IXLZSTR    +
               ABDPLPTR=ABDPLPTR,    IPCS common parameter List addr  +
               STRNAME=APPSTRNM,     Structure name to get info on     +
               STRDUMPID=DUMPID_STR, Structure dump id to get info on  +
               TYPE=CLASS,           Get Structure class information   +
               CLASSTYPE=CASTOUT,    Get castout class information     +
               CLASSLEVEL=ENTRY,     Get entry information             +
               CLASSVAL=GETCLASS,    Class value to get info on        +
               ADJUNCT=YES,          Request adjunct data              +
               ENTRYDATA=YES,        Request entry data                +
               ORDER=TAIL,           Return data in tail-to-head order +
               RETCODE=SAVERET,      Return Code                       +
               RSNCODE=SAVERSN,      Reason Code                       +
         SPACE  1
*     Check for the requested data being successfully accessed        *
         L      R3,SAVERET           Get return code
         C      R3,=AL4(STRBRETCODESUCC) * All data accessed ?
         BNE    CHKSOME              No, Only part of data accessed ?
         L      R3,SAVERSN           Get reason code
         C      R3,=AL4(STRBRSNCODESUCC) * All data accessed ?
         BNE    BADACC2              Data was not successfully accessed
         B      GOODACC              Data was successfully accessed
CHKSOME  C      R3,=AL4(STRBRETCODEMOREDATA) * More data to get ?
         BNE    BADACC2              Data was not successfully accessed
         L      R3,SAVERSN           Get reason code
         C      R3,=AL4(STRBRSNCODEANSANOTLGE) * Answer area too small?
         BNE    BADACC2              Data was not successfully accessed
* (7) Process all of the table entries returned in the answer area    *
*     from the IXLZSTR invocation.  Since TYPE(CLASS) was requested   *
*     with adjunct and entry data also returned for a given castout   *
*     class value and the size of the entry data is quite large, the  *
*     contents of the answer area just returned may contain different *
*     pieces of information.                                          *
*                                                                     *
*     The first thing that appears in the answer area is always the   *
*     answer area header section mapped by the IXLZSTRB mapping macro *
*     (section STRBHEADER).  The header section will point to the     *
*     first table entry returned in the current answer area.          *
*                                                                     *
*     The format of each table entry returned for a TYPE(CLASS)       *
*     CLASSLEVEL(ENTRY) request is also mapping by IXLZSTRB in the    *
*     mapping section beginning with field STRBENTRY.                 *
*                                                                     *
GOODACC  EQU   *                     Data was successfully accessed
         USING STRBHEADER,R2         Base Header section of ANSAREA
*                                    table entry
         L      R4,STRBFIRSTTABLEENTRY@ * Get addressability to first
*                                    table entry in answer area
         LA     R8,1                 Loop increment
         LR     R9,R8                Processing first table entry
NEXTENT2 ST     R9,I                 Remember number of table entries
*                                    processed
*     The STRBENTRY will indicate if the current table entry has any  *
*     entry controls present, where it is located and its size. The   *
*     presence, location, and size of any adjunct data is also in the *
*     STRBENTRY.  Also, the presence, location, and size of any entry *
*     data will be indicated in the STRBENTRY information.            *
*                                                                     *
         SPACE  1
*     The first returned answer area associated with a given table    *
*     entry will point to any entry controls and adjunct data that is *
*     going to be returned for the entry.                             *
*     Check for entry control data                                    *
         L      R3,STRBENTRYCNTL@    Get pointer to entry control data
         C      R3,ZERO              Entry control data present ?
         BZ     SKIPCNTL             No, Skip entry control processing
*     Process the entry controls associated with the current table    *
*     entry.  The entry controls for a cache structure are mapped by  *
*     DDIC mapping in mapping macro IXLYDDIB.                         *
*                                                                     *
*     The code below will access the DDIC to get the value specified  *
*     for the entry when the data was registered in the cache.  This  *
*     information is surfaced by a WTO to the job log.                *
         USING  DDIC,R3              Base the cache entry controls
         MVC    WTOTXTD2(L'WTOTXTD2),WTOCNT * Set message text
         MVC    MAPCNTNM,DDICNAME    Copy the entry's name
         BAL    R14,ISSUEWTO         Issue WTO
SKIPCNTL EQU    *                    Label skips entry control code
         SPACE  1
*     Check for adjunct data                                          *
         L      R3,STRBENTRYADJ@     Get pointer to adjunct data
         C      R3,ZERO              Adjunct data present ?
         BZ     SKIPADJ              No, Skip adjunct data processing
*     Process the adjunct data associated with the current table      *
*     entry.  Adjunct data is application specific --- the following  *
*     section of code just issues a WTO to show the first 16 bytes.   *
         USING  ADJDATA,R3           Base adjunct data area
         MVC    WTOTXTD2(L'WTOTXTD2),WTOADJ * Set message text
         MVC    MAPADJ,ADJ16         First 16 bytes of adjunct data
         BAL    R14,ISSUEWTO         Issue WTO
SKIPADJ  EQU    *                    Label skips adjunct data code
*     Process the entry data associated with the current table        *
*     entry.  Entry data is application specific --- the following    *
*     section of code just issues a WTO to show the first 16 bytes    *
*     (see constant MIN_ENTDATA_SIZE).                                *
*                                                                     *
*     NOTE: This code assumes that entry data for the structure is    *
*     always at least 16 bytes.  If a entry is found with less entry  *
*     data than the expected application minimum size, then a WTO is  *
*     issued (which would have been proceeded by a WTO that showed    *
*     the object name associated with the entry from entry controls). *
*                                                                     *
*     There may or may not be room for a table entry's entry data in  *
*     the first answer area returned for the entry.  Entry data may   *
*     also span one or more answer areas. The code below accumulates  *
*     entry data in a WTO buffer until MIN_ENTDATA_SIZE bytes of      *
*     entry data have been returned.  Even though there may be more   *
*     entry data than MIN_ENTDATA_SIZE only MIN_ENTDATA_SIZE bytes    *
*     are saved for purposes of the WTO showing the first part of the *
*     entry data.                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*        NOTE: Number of IXLZSTR invocations needed to get all of the *
*     entry data for a given table entry can be minimized by taking   *
*     advantage of the STRBENTRYEDATALENLEFT2PROC field to            *
*     determine how big of an answer area to provide to IXLZSTR.      *
         TM     WRKFLG,ENTWTO        Processed entry data for this
*                                    table entry yet ?
         BNZ    SKIPENT              Yes, Skip Entry data processing
         L      R7,STRBENTRYTOTALEDATALEN Get total entry data length
*                                    associated with the table entry
         C      R7,MIN_ENTDATA_SIZE    Total entry data size is large
*                                    enough ?
         BNL    OKTOTSZ              Yes, Process entry data
*     Issue WTO indicating that the entry data for a table entry was  *
*     too small. Previous WTO may have already been issued with       *
*     object name associated with this table entry.                   *
         MVC    WTOTXTD2(L'WTOTXTD2),WTOBADSZ * Set message text
         BAL    R14,ISSUEWTO         Issue WTO
         MVC    EXITRC,=AL4(BADRETC) Set bad return code
         OI     WRKFLG,ENTWTO        Indicate WTO issued about this
*                                    table entry's entry data
         B      SKIPENT              Skip Entry data processing
*                                    table entry's entry data
OKTOTSZ  EQU    *                    Label total entry data size OK
         L      R3,STRBENTRYEDATA@   Get pointer to entry data
         C      R3,ZERO              Entry data present ?
         BZ     SKIPENT              No, Skip Entry data processing
*                                    associated with the table entry
*     Some entry data is present in this answer area for the current  *
*     table entry being processed                                     *
         L      R5,STRBENTRYEDATALEN Get amount of entry data returned
         L      R6,LEN_NEEDED        Get amount of entry data still
*                                    needed before entry data WTO can
*                                    be issued
         CLR    R5,R6                Was enough entry data returned to
*                                    issue the entry data WTO ?
         BL     MOVEPART             No, move the part of entry data
*                                    in this answer area to WTO buffer
         SPACE 1
*     Enough entry data is present in this answer area to fill up the *
*     WTO buffer and issue the entry data WTO.                        *
         L      R7,ENTBUF_PTR        Point to where to move data to
         BCTR   R6,0                 Set length of data to move
         EX     R6,@MOVEENT          Move entry data to WTO buffer
         MVC    WTOTXTD2(L'WTOTXTD2),WTOENT * Set message text
         MVC    MAPENT,ENTBUF        Move entry data into WTO
         BAL    R14,ISSUEWTO         Issue WTO
         OI     WRKFLG,ENTWTO        Indicate WTO issued about this
*                                    table entry's entry data
         B      SKIPENT
MOVEPART EQU    *                    Label to move only part of needed
*                                    entry data to WTO buffer
         SLR    R6,R5                Calculate amount of entry data
*                                    still needed for this table entry
         ST     R6,LEN_NEEDED        Remember how much is still needed
         L      R7,ENTBUF_PTR        Point to where to move data to
         BCTR   R5,0                 Get size of data to be moved
         EX     R5,@MOVEENT          Move entry data to WTO buffer
         ALR    R7,R5                Point to next byte to move entry
         ALR    R7,R8                Add one to adjust for prior BCTR
         ST     R7,ENTBUF_PTR        Remember next byte in WTO buffer
*                                    to move entry data to
SKIPENT  EQU    *                    Skip entry data processing for
*                                    current table entry
*     Determine if all of the entry data for current table entry has  *
*     been seen.                                                      *
         L      R5,STRBENTRYEDATALENLEFT2PROC * Get amount of entry
*                                    data left to process for last
*                                    table entry in this answer area
         C      R5,ZERO              More entry data for this entry ?
         BNE    CHKLAST              Yes, check that it is last one
*     All of the entry data for this table entry has been seen.       *
*     Reset entry data buffer indicators for next table entry.        *
         LA    R5,ENTBUF             Point to start of entry data WTO
*                                    buffer
         ST    R5,ENTBUF_PTR         Remember location in buffer
         L     R5,MIN_ENTDATA_SIZE   Get size of buffer
         ST    R5,LEN_NEEDED         Remember size of buffer still to
*                                    be copied
         NI    WRKFLG,NOENTWTO       Remember that WTO has not been
*                                    issued for current table entry
CHKLAST  EQU    *                    Check for last table entry
*        Determine if there is another table entry to process in the  *
*        current answer area                                          *
         L      R9,I                 Get number of entries processed
         ALR    R9,R8                Increment number of table entries
         L      R5,STRBNUMTABLEENTRIES * Get number of table entries
         CR     R9,R5                All table entries processed ?
         BH     DONEENT              Yes, stop processing table entries
*        Point to the next table entry. The following calculation     *
*        will always give you the length to add to get to the next    *
*        table entry:                                                 *
*                                                                     *
* size table entry +size adjunct   +size entry data +size entry cntls *
*              (i.e.)                                                 *
*                                                                     *
*        NOTE: Some of the sizes above can be different for each      *
*              table entry and different for the "same table entry"   *
*              for a table entry for which not all of the entry data  *
*              can fit in the provided answer area in one IXLZSTR     *
*              macro invocation.                                      *
*                                                                     *
         L      R5,STRBTABLEENTRYLEN * Get size of table entry
         L      R6,STRBENTRYADJLEN   Get size of returned adjunct data
         ALR    R5,R6                Add to table entry size
         L      R6,STRBENTRYEDATALEN Get size of returned entry data
         ALR    R5,R6                Add to table entry size
         L      R6,STRBENTRYCNTLLEN  Get size of returned entry cntls
         ALR    R5,R6                Add to table entry size
         ALR    R4,R5                Point to next table entry
         ST     R4,ENTRY_PTR         Remember new table entry address
         B      NEXTENT2             Go process the next table entry
*     Finished processing returned TYPE(CLASS) CLASSLEVEL(ENTRY) data *
*     in the current answer area buffer.                              *
DONEENT  EQU    *                    Finished processing table entries

*     Check to see if there is more data still to get from dump       *
         L      R3,SAVERET           Is there more data to get ?
         C      R3,=AL4(STRBRETCODEMOREDATA) * More data to get ?
         BE     GETDATA              Go get more of the data
*     (End of loop to request more of the entry data in the dump      *
*     until of the data has been returned)                            *
*                                                                     *
         B      FREEENT              Go free answer area buffer
*     Entry data was not successfully accessed in the dump            *
*                                                                     *
BADACC2  EQU    *                    Data was not accessed successfully
         MVC    WTOTXTD2(L'WTOTXTD2),WTOBADAC * Set message text
         MVC    MAPSERV(8),=CL8'IXLZSTR ' * Service that failed
* Convert hex return code to printable hex
         MVC    PHEXIN(4),SAVERET    Hex return code to convert
         UNPK   PHEXOUT,PHEXIN       Unpack the data
         MVC    MAPRETC(8),PHEXOUT+1 Store unpacked data into target
         TR     MAPRETC(8),TRTBL-240 Translate to printable hex
* Convert hex reason code to printable hex
         MVC    PHEXIN(4),SAVERSN    Hex reason code to convert
         UNPK   PHEXOUT,PHEXIN       Unpack the data
         MVC    MAPRSNC(8),PHEXOUT+1 Store unpacked data into target
         TR     MAPRSNC(8),TRTBL-240 Translate to printable hex
         BAL    R14,ISSUEWTO         Tell user access failed
         MVC    EXITRC,=AL4(BADRETC) Set bad return code
* (8) Free 8K (8192 byte) buffer previously obtained for a entry      *
*     data answer area.                                               *
*                                                                     *
FREEENT  L      R0,BIGSIZE           Size of entry buffer to be freed
         DROP   R2
*                                                                     *
* (9) Free up dynamic storage and return to caller                    *
*                                                                     *
         L      R2,SAVEAREA+4        Save caller's save area address
         L      R3,EXITRC            Save IPCS exit return code
         LR     R13,R2               Restore caller's save area address
         L      R14,12(R13)          Restore Return address
         LR     R15,R3               Set IPCS exit return code
         LM     R0,R12,20(R13)       Restore Registers R0-R12
         BR     R14                  Return to caller
         SPACE  2
*     Special EX target instructions                                  *
@MOVEENT MVC    0(0,R7),0(R3)          Move entry data to WTO buffer
*                                                                     *
*   Subroutine: ISSUEWTO                                              *
*                                                                     *
*   Function  : This routine is called whenever contention is         *
*               detected on a dataset, and the dataset owner is a     *
*               job on this system. It will take whatever action it   *
*               can to attempt to relieve the contention.             *
*                                                                     *
*   Input     : WTOTXTD1 contains text for WTO message to be issued   *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
         STM    R14,R12,SAVE1          Save callers regs
         LA     R5,WTOTXTD1            Address WTO parmlist
         WTO TEXT=(R5),ROUTCDE=(11),MF=(E,WTOEXEC) * Issue WTO
         LM     R14,R12,SAVE1          Restore callers regs
         BR     R14                    Return to caller
*                                                                     *
*   Register declares                                                 *
*                                                                     *
R0       EQU    0
R1       EQU    1
R2       EQU    2
R3       EQU    3
R4       EQU    4
R5       EQU    5
R6       EQU    6
R7       EQU    7
R8       EQU    8
R9       EQU    9
R10      EQU    10                     Reserved for future expansion
*                                      of the code or the dynamic area
DATAREG2 EQU    11                     Second data register
BASEREG1 EQU    12                     Code register
R12      EQU    12
DATAREG1 EQU    13                     First data register
R13      EQU    13
R14      EQU    14
R15      EQU    15
*                                                                     *
*   Static data                                                       *
*                                                                     *
         DS     0F
TRTBL    DC     CL16'0123456789ABCDEF' * Translate table
ZERO     DC     F'0'                   * Constant zero for comparisons
         SPACE  1
*                                                                     *
*   Static WTO data                                                   *
*                                                                     *
WTOS     WTO TEXT=,ROUTCDE=(11),MF=L * Static form of WTO
LENWTOS  EQU *-WTOS                   * Length of WTO parmlist
WTOTXTS1 DC     AL2(L'WTOTXTD2)       * WTO text length
WTOBADAC DC CL65'XETPUB02 mmmmmmmm RETCODE=rrrrrrrr RSNCODE=ssssssss'
MAPSERV  EQU    WTOTXTD2+9,8,C'C'     * Map service WTO insert
MAPRETC  EQU    WTOTXTD2+26,8,C'C'    * Map service RETCODE insert
MAPRSNC  EQU    WTOTXTD2+43,8,C'C'    * Map service RETCODE insert
WTOADJ   DC CL65'XETPUB02 FIRST 16 CHARS ADJUNCT IS: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
MAPADJ   EQU    WTOTXTD2+36,16,C'C'    * Map adjunct data insert
WTOENT   DC CL65'XETPUB02 FIRST 16 CHARS ENTRY DATA: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'
MAPENT   EQU    WTOTXTD2+36,16,C'C'    * Map entry data insert
MAPCNTNM EQU    WTOTXTD2+36,16,C'C'    * Map entry's object name insert
*                                                                     *
*   Constants used in accessing Coupling Facility structure data.     *
*                                                                     *
APPSTRNM DC     CL16'CACHE02         ' Application structure name to
*                                      be accessed in the dump
GETCLASS DC     F'2'                   Castout class value for which
*                                      class entry data is to be
*                                      accessed
SUMMSIZE DC     F'4096'                Size of answer area to be used
*                                      for returning coupling facility
*                                      summary information
BIGSIZE  DC     F'8192'                Size of answer area to be used
*                                      for returning coupling facility
*                                      detail information
MIN_ENTDATA_SIZE DC F'16'              Minimum size of entry data
*                                      expected. If this size is
*                                      changed then WTO sizes may have
*                                      to be updated.
*                                      (See ENTBUF, WTOENT, MAPENT, and
*                                       WTOTXTD2 fields)
*                                                                     *
*   Dynamic data                                                      *
*                                                                     *
SAVEAREA DS     18F                    Standard savearea (first field)
ABDPLPTR DS     AL4                    Pointer to ABDPL
ANSAREA_PTR DS  AL4                    Answer area storage pointer
LEN_NEEDED  DS  F                      Length of entry data still
*                                      needed before WTO is issued
CLASSVAL DS     1F                     Class value
DETAIL_PTR  DS  A                      ANSAREA detail area data pointer
DUMPID_STR  DS  1H                     Structure dump id
DUMP_STRNAME DS CL16                   Structure name in dump
ENTBUF      DS CL16                    Entry data buffer for WTO
            DS  0F
ENTBUF_PTR  DS  A                      Pointer into entry data buffer
*                                      to copy entry data into
ENTRY_PTR   DS  A                      ANSAREA Entry area pointer
I        DS     1F                     Loop index
PHEXIN   DS     CL5                    Work area for printable hex conv
PHEXOUT  DS     CL10                   Work area for printable hex conv
MYRESTOKEN DS   CL64                   RESTOKEN returned by IXLZSTR
SAVERET  DS     F                      Save macro service return code
SAVERSN  DS     F                      Save macro service reason code
SAVE1    DS     15F                    First level subroutine savearea
SAVE2    DS     15F                    Second level subroutine savearea
SUMMARY_PTR DS  A                      ANSAREA summary data pointer
EXITRC   DS     F                      Module Return code
BADRETC  EQU    8                      Bad return code from IPCS exit
GOODRETC EQU    0                      Good return code from IPCS exit
         SPACE  1
WRKFLG   DS     BL.008                 Work Flags
FOUNDIT  EQU    X'80'                  Indicates Input Cache structure
*                                      summary info found in the dump
ENTWTO   EQU    X'40'                  Indicates WTO issued about entry
*                                      data for current entry
NOENTWTO EQU    X'BF'                  Indicates WTO not issued about
*                                      entry data for current entry
NOTFOUND EQU    X'7F'                  Indicates summary info not found
*                                      in the dump
*                                                                     *
*   List forms of macros (Dynamic storage)                            *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*   Dynamic WTO storage                                               *
*                                                                     *
WTOEXEC  WTO TEXT=,ROUTCDE=(11),MF=L * List form of WTO parmlist
WTOTXTD1 DC     AL2(L'WTOTXTD1)       * WTO text length
WTOTXTD2 DC     CL65' '               * WTO text
*                                                                     *
*   End of dynamic storage                                            *
*                                                                     *
DYNASIZE EQU    *-DYNA                 Total size of dynamic storage
*                                                                     *
*   Other mappings                                                    *
*                                                                     *
AREAMAP  EQU    0,,C'C'                Map Answer area
         SPACE 2
ADJDATA  DSECT                         Map Adjunct data
ADJ16    DS CL16                       First 16 bytes adjunct data
ADJREST  DS CL48                       Rest of adjunct data
*                                                                     *
*   Mapping macros                                                    *
*                                                                     *

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