z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference
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Parameters common to all structure types

z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference

Use this input parameter to specify the length of time SVC dump holds serialization for the structure when a dump of the structure is requested. This indicates the length of time that a connector can tolerate not having access to the structure. When SVC dump holds serialization on a structure, the system denies new connections to the structure and delays new requests from existing connections to access the structure.

If the user codes ACCESSTIME=MAXIMUM, the maximum time that serialization is held is determined by the first connection that allocates the structure with the value specified for MAXTIME.

If the user codes ACCESSTIME=NOLIMIT, serialization is held for as long as it is required to capture the data from SVC dump or until the structure dump or its serialization would be forced with either the IXLFORCE macro or the SETXCF FORCE command.

ACCESSTIME is set by the first connector to the structure. In the IXLYCONA answer area, the fields CONAACCESSTIME AND CONAACCESSTIMENOLIMIT contain the values pertinent to the allocation of the structure.

Note: SVC dump is supported for cache, list, and serialized list structures only. ACCESSTIME is not valid for lock structures.
Start of change ,ALLOC=DEFAULT End of change
Start of change ,ALLOC=NO End of change
Start of change Use this input parameter to indicate whether the request can be used to allocate the structure.
The request can be used to allocate the structure, if necessary. This is intended to only be used as a default - not actually specified on the IXLCONN invocation.
The request should not be used to allocate the structure. If the structure is not allocated, the request will fail with IXLRSNCODESTRNOTALLOCATED.
When ALLOC=NO is specified, IXLCONN parameters that are only used for structure allocation are ignored. The following IXLCONN parameters are ignored:

With the exception of STRDISP, ignored parameters do not need to be specified.

When running on a system without support for the ALLOC key, specifying ALLOC will cause the request to fail with different reason codes depending upon the structure type:
End of change
Use this input parameter to indicate whether this connection allows structure alter to be initiated against the structure. Structure alter can be used to expand or contract the size of a structure, to reapportion the entry-to-element ratio, and to reapportion the event monitor controls (EMC) storage percentage. One or more of these changes can be requested concurrently.

The structure alter procedure is done in place on the previously allocated structure. Structure alter provides a non-disruptive alternative to rebuild for changes to be made to the structure. Changes other than those listed, such as changing the location of a structure, must be accomplished with the rebuild function.

The MINENTRY, MINELEMENT, and MINEMC parameters are used when a structure alter is initiated to contract a structure or reapportion its ratio and/or its EMC storage, where that request would decrease the amount of storage available for entries, elements, or EMCs. These values prevent a structure alter from making a structure unusable to the application, as might occur if more free entries, elements, or EMC storage were removed or reallocated than the application could tolerate. If a structure alter tries to contract or reapportion more free space than specified by the MIN parameters, the alter will be stopped. The MIN values are not used during requests to expand the structure, or during reapportion requests which increase the amount of storage available for a particular storage type.

IBM® recommends that connectors that support system-managed processes (ALLOWAUTO=YES) should also support the structure alter process (ALLOWALTER=YES). This gives the system the greatest flexibility in allocating new structures during system-managed processes.
Indicates that this connection does not support structure alter for the structure.
Indicates that this connection does support structure alter for the structure. When specifying ALLOWALTER=YES, you must also specify CFLEVEL=1 or higher.
Use this input parameter to indicate whether this connection supports system-managed processes (for example, rebuild). When a system-managed rebuild is in progress, any request to connect to the structure will be rejected. Refer to the IXLREBLD documentation for a description of system-managed rebuild and the effect of the ALLOWAUTO keyword on initiating rebuild.
Indicates that this connection does not support system-managed processes. An application that does not support structure rebuild (ALLOWREBLD=NO) and specifies or defaults to ALLOWAUTO=NO must provide its own support for planned reconfiguration of the coupling facility. The planned reconfiguration support might include normal shutdown procedures or an operator command interface. The application support must allow the operator to stop an application's use of a structure in a coupling facility.
Indicates that this connection supports system-managed processes. The application support for system-managed processes includes the following:
  • Processing the Structure Temporarily Unavailable and Structure Available events.
  • Using extended restart tokens.
  • Evaluating the information presented with the Structure State Change event and reacting appropriately to changes in structure characteristics.
  • Using both physical structure version numbers to uniquely identify an instance of a structure. (In IXLYCONA, the physical version numbers are identified by CONAPHYSICALSTRUCTUREVERSION and CONAPHYSICALSTRUCTUREVERSION2; in IXLYEEPL, the physical version numbers are identified by EEPLSSCSTRPHYSICALVERSION and EEPLSSCSTRPHYSICALVERSION2).
Use this input parameter to indicate whether this connection supports user-managed duplexing rebuild. This keyword applies only to cache structures; the keyword is ignored when the structure type is list or lock. This keyword is used in conjunction with the DUPLEX specification for the structure in the active CFRM policy.

If any active or failed-persistent connection to the structure specified ALLOWDUPREBLD=NO, the system will reject a request to start duplexing the structure.

When a duplexing rebuild is in progress, if any new request to connect to the structure specifies ALLOWDUPREBLD=NO, the system will reject the connection request.

Duplexing rebuild allows connectors to a structure to allocate another structure with the same name as the original structure. It allows connectors to duplex data into both structures. Use the duplexing rebuild procedure for improved availability and usability

If ALLOWDUPREBLD=YES is specified, a protocol for duplexing events must be supported in the event exits of connectors participating in the duplexing rebuild process.
Indicates that this connection does not support duplexing rebuild for the structure.
Indicates that this connection does support duplexing rebuild for the structure.
Use this input parameter to indicate whether this connection allows structure rebuild to be initiated against this structure. Structure rebuild allows connectors to a structure to allocate another structure with the same name as the original structure, and to rebuild data in the new structure, if applicable. Structure rebuild can be used to change the location and certain attributes of a structure. Use the structure rebuild procedure for planned reconfiguration and for recovery.

If any active connection to the structure specified ALLOWREBLD=NO and specified or defaulted to ALLOWAUTO=NO, the system will reject a request to start rebuilding the structure.

If all active connections specified or defaulted to ALLOWREBLD=YES, the specification of ALLOWAUTO is not considered.

Note that if structure rebuild is allowed, a protocol for rebuild events must be supported in the event exits of connectors participating in the rebuild process.
Indicates that this connection supports structure rebuild for the structure. Refer to the IXLREBLD documentation for a description of user-managed rebuild and the effect of the ALLOWREBLD keyword on initiating rebuild.
Indicates that this connection does not support structure rebuild for the structure. If an application chooses not to support structure rebuild (specifies ALLOWREBLD=NO and specifies or defaults to ALLOWAUTO=NO), then the application must provide its own interfaces for planned reconfiguration of the coupling facility. The planned reconfiguration support might include normal shutdown procedures or an operator command interface. The application support must allow the operator to stop an application's use of a structure in a coupling facility.
Use this output parameter to identify the answer area. When IXLCONN completes, the macro returns information to the answer area. The requestor can use the IXLYCONA macro to map the answer area. ANSAREA must begin on a double-word boundary.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of a fullword output field that identifies the answer area.

Use this input parameter to specify the length of the answer area. The length should be long enough to accommodate the IXLYCONA mapping of the answer area.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of a fullword input field that contains the length of the answer area.

Use this input parameter to specify that the connector wants the structure to be allocated in a coupling facility that supports (at least) the indicated level. The connector should request the highest CFLEVEL necessary to process the coupling facility requests the connector anticipates submitting against the structure.

Do not request a level based on whether the connector supports system-managed processes (ALLOWAUTO keyword). It is neither necessary nor desirable to request the CFLEVEL required by a particular system-managed process simply because ALLOWAUTO=YES is specified. (For example, do not specify CFLEVEL=8 for the purpose of supporting system-managed rebuild.) If you specify ALLOWAUTO=YES, the system will automatically attempt to allocate your structure in a coupling facility that supports system-managed processes. Therefore, your CFLEVEL specification should reflect only the level required for the requests that you expect to submit against the structure.

On a successful connect, the field CONACFACILITYCFLEVEL indicates the level of operations that can be performed against the structure. CONAMVSRELEASEMAXCFLEVEL indicates the level of operations supported by the operating system on which the connector is running. These coupling facility levels can differ from the requested level, so the connector must verify that the level returned is suitable for its use. The connector must not issue operations that require a coupling facility level greater than the lower of CONAMVSRELEASEMAXCFLEVEL and CONACFACILITYCFLEVEL.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the fullword input field that contains the level of coupling facility required.

Use this input parameter to identify the complete exit for the requestor. The complete exit receives control in SRB mode, enabled, and unlocked.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the complete exit for the requestor.

Use this input parameter to specify eight bytes of connector data. The data is supplied to all of the connector's exits and has no meaning to the system.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the 8-character input field that contains the connector data.

Use this input parameter to specify the persistence of the connection after the requestor abnormally terminates or disconnects with REASON=FAILURE.
Indicates that the connection to the structure is to be placed in a failed-persistent state. Peer connectors, notified of the Disconnected/Failed Connection event through their event exits, must respond either with the event exit return code or IXLEERSP.

After all peer connectors have responded to the event, XES uses the CONDISP specification to determine whether to make the connector be failed-persistent or not defined. If peer connectors were able to recover for the failing user, they may override the CONDISP=KEEP parameter to indicate that the connector does not need to be made failed-persistent.

Once a connector is placed in a failed-persistent state, the failed connector can try to reconnect to the structure by reissuing IXLCONN with the same CONNAME specified on the original IXLCONN macro. (See CONNAME.)

If the user is unable to reconnect or chooses not to do so, the following options exist to delete the failed-persistent connection:
  • The operator or extended MCS console interface can issue the SETXCF FORCE command to delete the connection.
  • A connected user or authorized program can issue the IXLFORCE macro to delete the connection.
Indicates that the connection to the structure is to be put in the not-defined state after the requestor disconnects or terminates abnormally. Prior to being placed in the not-defined state, peer connectors must have been notified of the Disconnected/Failed Connection event and have responded to confirm the failure.
Use this input parameter to specify the connector's processing level that is to be communicated to peer connectors through event exit invocation. The level can indicate a version or release level, a functionality level, or any other connector-defined option.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of an 8-character input field to contain the connector's processing level.

Use this input parameter to specify the unique connection name to identify the user request. CONNAME must be unique for a given structure.

The connection name must be 16 characters long, padded on the right with blanks, if necessary. The name can contain numeric characters, uppercase alphabetic characters, national characters ($, @, #), or an underscore (_). Connection names must begin with an uppercase alphabetic character or a national character.

Connection names must be unique for each user connected to a structure. If CONNAME for the request matches the name of another active connection, the system rejects the request.

CONNAME is required for CONDISP=KEEP. To reconnect, a requestor can issue IXLCONN with CONNAME. If the CONNAME matches the name of the failed-persistent connection, then the connector will be reconnected. When a requestor reconnects to the structure, the system returns a new connect token to the connect answer area and sets return code X'4' that the user has reconnected. A reason code of IXLRSNCODESPECIALCONN also is returned to indicate that the connector should examine IXLYCONA to be aware of any changes that might have been made on the reconnect.

CONNAME is optional for CONDISP=DELETE. If a user does not specify CONNAME, the system generates a name. Note however, that CONNAME must be specified when IXLCONN REBUILD is issued, even if CONDISP=DELETE. CONNAME must match the connection name returned in IXLYCONA for the original connection.

If an event that the system reports to the event exit is about a connection to the structure, the system reports the connection's CONNAME to the event exit of all connected users.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the 16-character field that contains the unique connection name to identify the user request.

Use this input parameter to indicate the required scope of system connectivity to the coupling facility in which the structure is to be allocated.
Use this parameter with the REBUILD option of IXLCONN if you want the system to apply the same allocation rules for a structure that is to be rebuilt as for the initial allocation of the structure. During rebuild processing, the system will select a coupling facility based on the current set of active connectors to the old structure.
Specifies that the system is to use the coupling facility selection algorithm to select the coupling facility in which to allocate the structure. The system considers the amount of system connectivity (as specified in the SFM policy, if active) when selecting a coupling facility, but only to decide between coupling facilities that are equal in all other respects (such as having the requested CFLEVEL and volatility attributes, etc.). If there is no active SFM policy, the system considers each system to be of equal weight.
Specifies that the system is to use the expanded coupling facility selection algorithm to select the coupling facility in which to allocate the structure. The system considers the amount of system connectivity before examining all other coupling facility attributes that have been requested. The system attempts to allocate the structure in a coupling facility that has the best connectivity to all systems in the sysplex.
Specifies that the system is to chose a coupling facility for structure allocation that is connected to all systems in the sysplex, whether other requested structure attributes are available or not. If the system cannot identify a coupling facility with connectivity to all systems in the sysplex, the IXLCONN request fails.
Use this input parameter to indicate whether this connector is a critical connector. A critical connector is one whose function is critical to the normal operation of the system.

For a connector to a serialized structure (TYPE=LOCK or TYPE=LIST with LOCKENTRIES), XES invokes IXCJOIN on behalf of the connector to define an XCF group member for the connector and the CRITICAL attribute will be propagated to the IXCJOIN invocation. If the critical XCF group member appears to be impaired for too long, XCF will terminate the impaired member according to the TERMLEVEL specification.

See the CRITICAL keyword description on the IXCJOIN macro (IXCJOIN — Place an XCF Member in the Active State) for additional information about critical XCF group members.

Indicates that the connector does not designate itself as a critical connector.
Indicates that the connector designates itself as a critical connector. For serialized structures (TYPE=LOCK or TYPE=LIST with LOCKENTRIES), XCF will monitor the health of the XCF group member that was defined on behalf of the connector. If the member becomes impaired for too long, XCF will terminate the member according to the TERMLEVEL specification.
Use this input parameter to identify the event exit for the requestor. The event exit receives control in SRB mode, enabled, and unlocked.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the event exit for the requestor.

Use this input parameter to specify the function associated with the connector.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the 24-character input field that contains the description of the function, service, or application associated with the connector. The string can contain any alphanumeric (A-Z), national (@,#,$), or special character (underscore or blank). Leading blanks and all blank descriptors are not permitted.

Use this input parameter for rebuild connects to list and cache structures to determine the structure allocation attributes related to the structure object ratios. Do not specify with TYPE=LOCKStart of change or ALLOC=NO End of change.
Indicates that rebuild connect processing is to use the parameter list to determine the structure allocation attributes related to structure object ratios.
Indicates that rebuild connect processing is to use the current (old structure) attributes to determine the structure allocation attributes related to structure object ratios. When the system has support for this keyword (APAR OA33448), IXLCONN parameters that determine structure allocation attributes related to structure object ratios are to be ignored.
For list structures, the following IXLCONN parameters are ignored: Start of change
End of change
For cache structures, the following IXLCONN parameters are ignored: Start of change
End of change

When running on a system at z/OS® V1R12 or earlier, use the ignored parameters as you normally would in case the system does not have support for the keyword. For a z/OS V1R12 system or later, with the keyword support you do not need to specify the ignored parameters. In addition to maintaining current structure object ratios, KEEPRATIOS=YES might also make it more likely for equivalent structure object counts to be achieved

Use this input parameter to specify the length of time in tenths of seconds that SVC dump holds serialization for the structure when the user specifies ACCESSTIME=MAXIMUM.
  1. MAXTIME is not valid for lock structures.
  2. If the user specifies zero, SVC dump does not obtain serialization for the structure and dump data is not reported for the structure.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the halfword input field that contains the length of time that SVC dump holds serialization for the structure when the user specifies ACCESSTIME=MAXIMUM.

Use MF=S to specify the standard form of the macro, which builds an inline parameter list and generates the macro invocation to transfer control to the service.

Use MF=L to specify the list form of the macro. Use the list form together with the execute form of the macro for applications that require reentrant code. The list form defines an area of storage that the execute form uses to store the parameters. Only the PLISTVER parameter can be coded with the list form of the macro.

Use MF=E to specify the execute form of the macro. Use the execute form together with the list form of the macro for applications that require reentrant code. The execute form stores the parameters into the storage area defined by the list form, and generates the macro invocation to transfer control to the service.
Use this output parameter to specify a storage area to contain the parameters.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the parameter list.

Use this input parameter to specify the name of a 1- to 60-character string that can contain any value that is valid on an assembler DS pseudo-op. You can use this parameter to force boundary alignment of the parameter list. If you do not code mfattr, the system provides a value of 0D, which forces the parameter list to a doubleword boundary.
Use this input parameter to require that the system check for required parameters and supply defaults for omitted optional parameters.
Note: In the macro expansion you might see some defaults for optional parameters that are not documented here. The ones that are not documented do not have any effect on the macro. For example, if SMILE=var were an optional parameter and the default is SMILE=NO_SMILE then it would not be documented. However, if the default was SMILE=:-), then it would be documented because a value would be the default.
Use this input parameter to specify that the connector requires that the structure be allocated in a coupling facility that supports at least the indicated minimum CFLEVEL.

The value specified by MINCFLEVEL must be equal to or less than the value specified by CFLEVEL.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the fullword field that contains the minimum CFLEVEL requested.

Use this input parameter to specify the minimum level (as a percent) of “in-use” elements that should exist at the end of the structure alter process. For a list structure, this value is a percent of the “currently-in-use” elements. For a cache structure, this value is a percent of the “currently-in-use-and-changed” elements.

When the specified minimum level is attained, IXLALTER processing will end. If the minimum level cannot be attained, IXLALTER processing will provide a percentage of available elements as close to the target level as possible.

The value of MINELEMENT must be in the range of from 0 to 100.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the one-byte field that contains the percent value.

Use this input parameter to specify the minimum level (as a percent) of “in-use” EMCs that should exist at the end of the alter process. For a keyed list structure, this value is a percent of “currently in-use” EMCs.

When the specified minimum level is attained, IXLALTER processing will end. If the minimum level cannot be attained, IXLALTER processing will provide a percentage of available EMCs as close to the target level as possible.

The value of MINEMC must be in the range of 0 to 100, inclusive.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the one-byte field that contains the percent value.

Use this input parameter to specify the minimum level (as a percent) of “in-use” entries that should exist at the end of the structure alter process. For a list structure, this value is a percent of the “currently-in-use” entries. For a cache structure, this value is a percent of the “currently-in-use-and-changed” entries.

When the specified minimum level is attained, IXLALTER processing will end. If the minimum level cannot be attained, IXLALTER processing will provide a percentage of available entries as close to the target level as possible.

The value of MINENTRY must be in the range of from 0 to 100.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the one-byte field that contains the percent value.

Use this input parameter to indicate whether the connector's use of the structure requires that the coupling facility in which the structure is to be allocated must be both nonvolatile and failure-independent.

The nonvolatility attribute refers to the ability of certain coupling facilities to maintain their stored data should a power outage occur.

The failure-independent attribute refers to the configuration of a coupling facility in an independent failure domain from the MVS™ systems that access it. An independent failure domain ensures that there is not a single point of failure.

If there is not a coupling facility which is both nonvolatile and failure-independent, XES gives higher priority to allocating the structure in a nonvolatile coupling facility.
Indicates that the system can allocate the structure in a coupling facility regardless of the volatility and failure-independent attributes of the coupling facility.
Indicates that the system must attempt to allocate the structure in a coupling facility that is both nonvolatile and failure-independent. After allocation, the connected user must check the CONASTRUCTUREATTRFLAGS field in the connect answer area (IXLYCONA) to determine the allocated structure's nonvolatility and failure-independent attributes.
Use this input parameter to specify the version of the macro. See Understanding IXLCONN Version Support for a description of the options available with PLISTVER.
Use this input parameter to indicate whether this connection allows changes to the entry-to-element ratio and the event monitor control (EMC) storage percentage when a structure alter is initiated by an IXLALTER request.
Indicates that this connection does allow changes to the entry-to-element ratio and the EMC storage percentage when a structure alter is initiated by an IXLALTER request. When specifying RATIO=YES, you must also specify ALLOWALTER=YES and CFLEVEL=1 or higher.
Indicates that this connection does not allow changes to the entry-to-element ratio and the EMC storage percentage when a structure alter is initiated by an IXLALTER request.

Specifying RATIO=NO does not mean that the entry to element ratio cannot change. It may change as a result of a structure size change, or if the actual structure size (CONASTRUCTURESIZE) is less than the minimum control space (CONAMINSTRUCTURESIZE) required to allocate the structure with the attributes specified.

Use this input parameter to specify that the requestor is participating in a rebuilding process for the structure. Consider using REQTYPE=REBUILDCONNECT instead. See the description of REQTYPE=REBUILDCONNECT for more information.
You can specify the following IXLCONN parameters, but the system ignores any changes made to the values in effect from the original invocation of IXLCONN for the structure:

Once the new structure has been allocated, REBUILD requests from subsequent users connect the users to the new structure. As with any request to connect to a structure, the connectors must check the connect answer area to determine the actual attributes of the structure.

REBUILD requests must be issued from the same address space and from the same system as that from which the original IXLCONN macro for the structure was issued. REBUILD requests can be issued from a task other than the task that issued IXLCONN for the original structure.

Use this input parameter to specify the type of connect request.
Can be used for normal (original) or rebuild connect requests but should only be used for normal connect requests. This is intended only to be used as the default and not actually specified on the IXLCONN invocation.
Indicates a rebuild connect is requested. The rebuild process allows you to allocate another structure with the same name and to reconstruct data, if applicable, in the newly allocated structure. The rebuild process is intended for planned reconfiguration and recovery scenarios and requires established protocols to ensure an orderly transition from the old to the new structure.

The requestor must be connected to the original structure that is the target of the rebuilding process. If the rebuilding process for the structure has not been initiated (through the SETXCF START,REBUILD command or the IXLREBLD macro), the system rejects the rebuild connect request.

If rebuild has been initiated but the new structure has not been allocated, the rebuild connect request allocates the new structure. With this parameter, you must specify the same name (STRNAME) as that of the original structure. You can also modify the following IXLCONN parameters according to the structure TYPE:

For a cache structure:
Start of change
  1. The parameter is ignored by a system with APAR OA33448 installed when KeepRatios=YES is specified.
End of change
For a list structure:
Start of change
  1. The parameter is ignored by a system with APAR OA33448 installed when KeepRatios=YES is specified.
End of change
For a lock structure:
Start of change
  1. The value must be equal to or greater than the value for the original structure.
End of change
The following keywords will be IGNORED for rebuild connect requests:
Note that some of these keywords are required, and you must therefore specify them for rebuild connect requests.

If the new structure for rebuild has not yet been allocated, then IXLCONN will allocate a new structure with the same name and using the attributes specified on connect. This connection will be connected to the new structure allocated for rebuild. As with any request to connect to a structure, the connectors must check the connect answer area to determine the actual attributes of the structure.

The rebuild connect request must be issued from the same address space and same system as the original IXLCONN which connected this user to the structure.

The rebuild connect request can be issued from a task other than the connecting task.

Use this output parameter to specify the location in which the system is to copy the return code from GPR 15.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of a fullword to contain the return code.

Use this output parameter to specify the location in which the system is to copy the reason code from GPR 0.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of a fullword to contain the reason code.

Use this input parameter to specify the persistence of the structure when there are no longer any connectors, either active or failed.
Indicates that the structure remains allocated after all connectors have disconnected from the structure.Start of change You can delete a structure with this disposition with the IXLFORCE macro, the IXLDISC macro with the DELETESTR keyword, or the SETXCF FORCE operator command. End of change
Indicates that the structure is deleted from the coupling facility after all connectors (including failed-persistent connections) have disconnected from the structure.
Use this input parameter to specify the name of the structure that you want to connect to in the coupling facility. The structure must be defined in the active CFRM policy at the time of the connect. You can use the IXCQUERY macro to determine which structures have been defined in the active CFRM policy.

The structure name must be 16 characters long, padded on the right with blanks, if necessary. The name can contain numeric characters, uppercase alphabetic characters, national characters ($, @, #), or an underscore (_). Structure names must begin with an uppercase alphabetic character. IBM structure names begin with SYS, an IBM component prefix, and the letter A through I.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the 16-character input field that contains the structure name.

Use this input parameter to specify the size of the structure in units of 4K blocks. The system allocates the structure following these guidelines:
  • If the size specified is smaller than the minimum structure size that is specified or defaulted to in the active CFRM policy (MINSIZE), the system uses the MINSIZE value as the size of the structure.
  • If the size specified is smaller than the structure size defined in the active CFRM policy (SIZE), the system uses the strsize value. The strsize is bounded by MINSIZE and SIZE in the active CFRM policy.
  • If the size specified is larger than the structure size defined in the active CFRM policy, the system uses the size defined in the active policy (SIZE from policy).
  • If you use the default value of zero for strsize, the system uses the size defined in the active CFRM policy (INITSIZE, if specified, or SIZE).

Note that in all cases, if there are limited coupling facility resources available, the system might allocate the structure using less space than was requested. MINSIZE specified in the active CFRM policy will serve as a minimum bound for the structure on all structure allocation requests (including alter, connect, and rebuild connect) except for new structure allocation during System-managed rebuild. New structure allocation during System-managed rebuild may cause the structure to be allocated with a size smaller than MINSIZE in the active CFRM policy. The actual structure size allocated is returned in field CONASTRUCTURESIZE in the IXLYCONA answer area. The requested structure size is returned in field CONAALLOCREQUESTEDSTRSIZE in IXLYCONA.

To Code: Specify the RS-type name or address (using a register from 2 to 12) of the fullword input field that contains the number of 4K blocks to make up the structure.

Use this input parameter to indicate whether the connection wants the system to:
  • Suspend work units that issue coupling facility requests against a structure while it is undergoing a system-managed process (for example, rebuild), regardless of the MODE specified on the coupling facility request.
  • Process such requests as indicated by the MODE specification of the request.
  • Fail such requests.

The SUSPEND keyword does not affect coupling facility requests that specify MODE=SYNCFAIL or MODE=SYNCSUSPEND.

Indicates that the system will, when possible, override a request's MODE specification and suspend the requestor while the structure is quiesced during a system-managed process. Specifying SUSPEND=YES permits the system to limit the number of incoming requests by quiescing the work units that would otherwise be submitting them. This minimizes the system resources required to quiesce activity against the structure undergoing the system-managed process.
When the requestor is suspended as the result of specifying SUSPEND=YES, the duration of the suspend depends on the request:
  • For cache (IXLCACHE) requests and unserialized list (IXLLIST, IXLLSTC, IXLLSTE, IXLLSTM) requests, the requestor's unit of work will be resumed when the request is complete.
  • For IXLLOCK and serialized list (IXLLIST, IXLLSTC, IXLLSTE) requests, the requestor's unit of work will be resumed as soon as the quiesce for the system-managed process is complete. If the request subsequently encounters contention, control will be returned to the requestor's unit of work with the appropriate return code to indicate that the request will be completed asynchronously.
When the requestor is resumed after being suspended as the result of specifying SUSPEND=YES, the system will notify the requestor of request completion as follows:
  • For cache (IXLCACHE) requests, IXLLOCK requests that do not encounter contention, unserialized list (IXLLIST, IXLLSTC, IXLLSTE, IXLLSTM) requests, and serialized list (IXLLIST, IXLLSTC, IXLLSTE) requests that do not encounter contention:
    • If the MODE requested that the system attempt to complete the request synchronously (for example, SYNCEXIT), the requestor will receive a return code indicating synchronous completion once the process completes.
    • If the MODE requested asynchronous processing (for example, ASYNCEXIT), the requestor will receive a return code indicating asynchronous completion, and the requestor will be notified of the results of the request through the specified mechanism (for example, the Complete exit).
  • For IXLLOCK and serialized list (IXLLIST, IXLLSTC, IXLLSTE) requests that encounter contention and can tolerate asynchronous completion (for example, not SYNCSUSPEND):
    • The requestor will receive the appropriate return code indicating asynchronous completion, and will be notified of the results of the request through the mechanism corresponding to the MODE specification once contention is resolved.
Indicates that the connector cannot tolerate suspension of units of work submitting coupling facility requests except as specified on the MODE keyword of list (IXLLIST, IXLLSTC, IXLLSTE, IXLLSTM), cache (IXLCACHE), and IXLLOCK requests, and will therefore use suspend/resume processing only on units of work that specify MODE=SYNCSUSPEND. The system will quiesce all other activity by deferring requests internally until the system-managed process completes.
Indicates that the connector cannot tolerate the potentially long-term suspension or delay of units of work submitting coupling facility requests while the structure is quiesced for system-managed processing. Requests which cannot be immediately processed due to the structure being quiesced for system-managed processing will be failed. Such requests will neither be deferred internally for asynchronous processing, nor will the requesting unit of work be suspended. If the structure is quiesced to fall out of a system-managed duplexing rebuild, which is only a short-term delay, then the request will be processed as if SUSPEND=NO had been specified. SUSPEND=FAIL is not applicable to lock or serialized list structures. Connect attempts to these types of structures will fail if SUSPEND=FAIL is specified.
Specifies the first level at which the system is to take action if it becomes necessary to terminate this connector. The system may take such an action for the following purposes:
  • To relieve a hang in a subsequent process related to the structure to which the invoker is connecting. The system will take automatic action if the hang is caused by failure of a connector to provide an expected response, and if the installation has specified a nonzero CFSTRHANGTIME value in the SFM policy. The TERMLEVEL keyword does not affect applicable hang relief actions that are not specific to a connector, such as stopping a rebuild.
  • In response to an unexpected error while processing a coupling facility request initiated by the connector or during other processing associated with such a request.
Note: Depending on the nature of the problem, the system may take other actions before attempting to terminate the connector.
When termination of this connector is required, the system’s first level of response will be to terminate the task from which the IXLCONN macro was issued. This is the default level, and should be used unless the application cannot tolerate task termination.
When termination of this connector is required, the system’s first level of response will be to terminate the home address space from which the IXLCONN macro was issued. This level should be selected only if failure of the connector’s task will leave sysplex resources in an unusable condition or for some other reason cannot be tolerated.

Task-level recovery is permitted to run when the connector's address space is terminated as a result of this selection.

When termination of this connector is required, the system’s first level of response will be to partition the connector’s system. This level should be selected only if failure of the connector’s task or address space will leave sysplex resources in an unusable condition or for some other reason cannot be tolerated.
Use this input parameter to identify the type of structure in the coupling facility to which you want to connect. The parameter descriptions applicable to a cache structure follow. For parameter descriptions applicable to a list structure, see Parameters for TYPE=LIST; for parameter descriptions applicable to a lock structure, see Parameters for TYPE=LOCK.

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