z/OS MVS System Codes
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z/OS MVS System Codes



The system control program issued a DEBCHK macro for the data extent block (DEB) pointed to in the DCBDEBAD field of a data control block (DCB) passed by the program. The DEBCHK function could not be performed. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code:
The DEB pointer is not in the DEB table. A DEB whose address is not in the DEB table cannot be verified, deleted, or purged.
The TYPE specified in the DEBCHK macro is incorrect. The TYPE must be VERIFY, ADD, DELETE, or PURGE.
A DEBCHK macro that specified a TYPE other than VERIFY was issued by a program that is not authorized.
The system found that the DEBDCBAD field in the DEB does not point to a DCB. DEBDCBAD must point to a DCB when TYPE is VERIFY, ADD, or DELETE.
AM value in the DEBCHK macro does not equal the DEBAMTYP value in the DEB. When a DEB pointer is added to the DEB table, the access method (AM) value, if given, is placed in the DEBAMTYP field of the DEB. If no AM value is coded, a 0 is inserted in DEBAMTYP. Subsequent DEBCHKs issued to verify or delete that DEB pointer must either specify the same AM value or omit the operand. When the operand is omitted, no comparison is made.
The DEBCHK macro specified TYPE=ADD; however, the DEB was not queued on the TCB DEB chain. Before the DEB pointer can be added to the table, the DEB itself must be queued on the current TCB DEB chain. The TCBDEB field points to the first DEB in the chain.
The DEBCHK macro specified TYPE=ADD, but the DEBCHK routine found one of the following:
  • The DEBAMTYP or DEBTBLOF field in the DEB contains zero.
  • The DEB table already contains a pointer to the DEB.
  • The DEB to be added is in fetch-protected main storage.
The DEBCHK macro specified TYPE=ADD; however, the DEB table contains 32760 bytes, which is its maximum size. The current DEB table does not have space for this new DEB pointer.

Programmer response

Correct the error indicated by the reason code.



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