Structure of a SLIP SET command

In SLIP SET traps, you can indicate what kinds of events you want trapped and the system conditions for the trap, then specify what action the system is to take when the event occurs during the specified conditions.

Events: The kinds of events you can intercept are:

Conditions: The error and PER events you can trap are quite general, and you probably would not want to take an action each time such an event occurs. To narrow the scope of SLIP processing, you can qualify the event by requesting exactly what condition the system must be in when the error or PER event happens in order for the action to occur. The system checks each specified condition to see if it corresponds to the system condition at the time of the error or PER interruption.

The conditions you specify serve as filters to screen out those events in which you are not interested. A match for the trap occurs when the specified conditions are the same as the system conditions. A no-match occurs when the specified conditions are not the same as the system conditions. Only when all the conditions you specify match the system conditions will your action be taken.

Among the conditions you can specify are: If you omit a particular condition, the system does not check for that condition.
Actions: When one of these events occurs, you can take one of the following actions:

You can also request an additional action to be taken before or after the main action.