Controlling the recording of system recovery and degradation machine check interruptions

You can use the MODE command to control the recording and reporting of system recovery and degradation machine check interruptions.
MODE {SR}[,QUIET                      ][,CPU={x|ALL}]
     {DG} |,RECORD[=nnn              ]

The parameters are:

System recovery machine checks are to be placed in the specified recording mode.
Degradation machine checks are to be placed in the specified recording mode.
No machine check interruptions of the specified type (system recovery or degradation) are to occur or be recorded for the specified processor.
After the specified number (1 to 999) of system recovery or degradation machine check interruptions occur on the specified processor, the system is to notify you and switch the recording mode to QUIET for that type of interruption on that processor. If you do not specify a number or omit the RECORD parameter, the system uses the following defaults:
  • RECORD=1 for DG
  • RECORD=50 for SR
All system recovery or degradation machine check interruptions occurring on the specified processor are to be recorded on the logrec data set. The default number of interruptions is 1 for DG and 50 for SR unless you specify the REPORT parameter along with RECORD=ALL. You are notified each time the defined number of interruptions occur, (see the description of REPORT=nnn for more information) but the system does not switch to QUIET mode for that type of interruption.
You are notified each time the specified number (1 to 999) of system recovery or degradation machine check interruptions occur on the specified processor. Use this parameter only with the RECORD=ALL parameter. If you omit the REPORT parameter, you will be notified each time the default number of interruptions occurs. The defaults are:
  • REPORT=50 for SR
  • REPORT=1 for DG
The address (0, 1, 2, 3,...) of the processor to be put in the specified mode. If the parameter is omitted, ALL is assumed.
All processors in the system are to be put in the specified mode.

Example 1:

Degradation machine check interruptions are to be counted on processor 0. If the default number (1) occurs, the system notifies you and switches the recording mode to QUIET for these interruptions. The other processor(s) in the system is not affected and no other types of machine check interruptions for processor 0 are affected.

Example 2:

Degradation machine checks are to be put in QUIET mode on processor 2.