Actions to reconfigure central storage

Enter at the console with master authority or in a CONFIGxx parmlib member:
  1. CONFIG STOR(E=id),OFFLINE command to configure a central storage element offline
  2. CONFIG STOR(E=id),ONLINE command to configure a central storage element online

The system responds on the console on which the command was entered or on the master console for the system processing the CONFIGxx member.

When configuring a central storage element offline, the system may issue message IEE575A to indicate that central storage configuration is waiting to complete. The system may cancel the message in less than a minute. The system may issue and cancel the message several times.

If the message remains on the display for a long time, it indicates that the operating system cannot find sufficient reconfigurable central storage to satisfy the configuration request.

If the system displays message IEE575A for a long time:
  1. Enter a DISPLAY M=STOR command to identify the job using the central storage that cannot be freed.
  2. Do one of the following:
    1. Cancel any jobs that are using the storage to allow the storage configuration to complete.
    2. Reply C to end the storage configuration process.

      Any central storage already configured offline remains offline. If desired, bring this central storage element back online by entering a CONFIG STOR(E=x),ONLINE command.