FORCE command

Consider using the FORCE command as a last resort when the CANCEL command still fails to perform its function after you have issued it several times.

The following table summarizes the tasks that the FORCE command can perform. Below the table are several considerations about using the FORCE command.

Table 1. FORCE command tasks
Task - Immediately terminate: Syntax:
  • A job in execution
  • A running Advanced Program-to-Program Communication/MVS (APPC/MVS) transaction program
  • A started task
FORCE jobname
Start of change
  • A specific task (tttttt) within the indicated jobname.
End of change
Start of changeFORCE jobname,TCB=ttttttEnd of change
  • A time-sharing user (U=userid)
FORCE U=userid
  • A started task
  • A MOUNT command
  • An external writer allocation
  • The output processing for a job
  • A z/OS UNIX process
FORCE identifier