Deleting system dump resources

Use the DUMPDS DEL command to remove from the system's list of dump data set resources specific SYS1.DUMP data sets, SMS classes or DASD volumes.

DD DEL,{DSN={nn                           } }
            {(nn[,nn]...)                 } 
            {nn-nn                        } 
            {(nn-nn[,nn-nn]...)           } 
            {ALL                          } 
            {(ALL)                        } 
       {SMS={class             }            }
            {ALL               }            
            {(ALL)             }            
       {VOL={volser              }          }
            {ALL                 }          
            {(ALL)               }          
Where class represents:
       {storclas                                                     }
The system is to remove the specified direct access dump data sets from its list of SYS1.DUMP data sets. In response to this command, the system does not uncatalog or change the space allocation for any data set you specify.

A DUMPDS DEL,DSN= command does not process any data set that is not on the system's list of SYS1.DUMP data sets.

The two-digit decimal identifier (00-99) of a cataloged direct access SYS1.DUMP data set you want to remove from its list of SYS1.DUMP data sets. You can specify one or more single identifiers or one or more ranges of identifiers. If you specify a range of identifiers, the first identifier must be less than the second identifier.
The system is to remove all pre-allocated direct access dump data sets from its list of SYS1.DUMP data sets.
DEL,SMS=class or ALL
The system is to remove the specified SMS resources from the system's list of resources for automatic allocation of dump data sets. Removing SMS resources does not inactivate automatic allocation of dump data sets.
The SMS resource you want to remove from the system's list of resources for automatic allocation. You can specify one or more SMS resources. Enclose multiple resources in parentheses, separated by commas.
The SMS resource consisting of the specified 1-8 character SMS storage class you want removed from the system's list of resources for automatic allocation.
The SMS resource consisting of the specified combination of data, management, and storage class you want removed from the system's list of resources for automatic allocation.
The 1-8 character SMS data class you want specified for this allocation resource.
The 1-8 character SMS management class you want specified for this allocation resource.
The 1-8 character SMS storage class you want specified for this allocation resource.

The DATA, MGMT, and STOR keywords are optional and may be specified only once per resource.

Requests that all SMS resources classes be removed from the system's list of resources available for automatic dump data set allocation.
DEL,VOL=volser or ALL
Remove the specified direct access volume(s) from the system's list of resources for automatic allocation of dump data sets. Removing direct access volumes does not inactivate automatic allocation of dump data sets.
The 1-6 character volume serial number of the direct access volume you want to remove from the system's list of resources for automatic allocation. You can specify one or more direct access volume serial numbers. Multiple volume serial numbers must be enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.
Request that all DASD volumes be removed from the system's list of resources available for automatic allocation of dump data sets.

Example 1:

To remove SYS1.DUMP02 from the system's list of SYS1.DUMP data sets, enter:

Example 2:

To remove all direct access data sets from the system's list of SYS1.DUMPnn data sets, enter:

Example 3:

To remove SMS resources consisting of the storage classes DUMPC1 and DMPADIT from the system's list of resources for automatic allocation of dump data sets, enter: