Halting the printing or the display of a status display

Use the CONTROL C,D command to halt the printing or display of the status:

The CONTROL C,D command must be entered while the system is displaying or printing the display.

K C,D,id[,L={a|name|name-a}]

The parameters are:

The inline display, indicated by the id operand, is to be stopped. This command is only valid on an MCS, Start of changeHMCSEnd of change or SMCS console.
The three-digit identification number of the status display you want to stop. The identification number appears in the first line of the display.
L=a, name, or name-a
The name of the active MCS, Start of changeHMCSEnd of change or SMCS console where the status display is to be stopped. If you do not specify the L= operand, then the K C,D,id command applies to the console from which the command is issued.

Example 1:

To stop the status display, identification number 121, which is in progress in the general message area of console CON21, enter:
k c,d,121,L=CON21
Note: The CONTROL C,D command has no effect on extended MCS consoles or on system consoles and is not valid for managing these consoles.