PAK={aa             }
    {(,L)           }
This parameter specifies one or more IEAPAKxx parmlib members that contain groups of names of modules in the LPALST concatenation that are processed together or in sequence. The two characters (A-Z, 0-9, @, #, or $), represented by aa (or bb, and so on), are appended to IEAPAK to form the name of the IEAPAKxx members. If the L option is specified, the system displays the contents of the parmlib members at the operator's console when the system processes the members.

Value Range: Any two characters (A-Z, 0-9, @, #, or $).

Default Value: PAK=00, causing selection of IEAPAK00, if it exists.

Associated Parmlib Member: IEAPAKxx.