IPCS primary command — invoke an IPCS subcommand, CLIST, or REXX exec

Use the IPCS primary command to invoke an IPCS subcommand, CLIST, or REXX exec from any of the panels of the IPCS dialog. The subcommand, CLIST, or REXX exec is entered exactly as though it was being invoked under IPCS in line mode. If the subcommand, CLIST, or REXX exec sends a report to the terminal, you view the report using the dump display reporter panel.

Note: Do not use the IPCS primary command to invoke a CLIST that contains a combination of a TSO/E CLIST function, such as SYSOUTTRAP, and an authorized TSO/E command, such as LISTD. Such a CLIST should be invoked only in IPCS line or batch mode or in a TSO/E environment.