Copy profile specification - Key = '800E'

DALSECM specifies the name of the RACF® profile to be copied.

To specify a RACF profile that was defined generically, (such as one defined with the GENERIC subparameter on the JCL DD statement SECMODEL parameter), # must be 2, LEN1 is the length of the profile name, and PARM1 contains the profile name. LEN2 must be 1, and PARM2 must contain X'80'.

To specify a profile that was not defined generically, # must be 1, LEN is the length of the profile name, and PARM contains the profile name. Do not specify additional LEN or PARM fields.

Example:“” To copy the generic RACF profile, RPROF,: code
KEY    #      LEN1   PARM1                LEN2   PARM2
800E   0002   0005   D9 D7 D9 D6 C6       0001   80