FRR tasks

In the FRR example, which follows this procedure, the FRR performs the following tasks:
  1. Tests the init_complete flag to determine if the updating_resource and latch_token variables are initialized.
  2. Tests the updating_resource flag. If the flag is "on", the latch is definitely held and the FRR can repair the resource associated with the currently obtained latch. This is how the FRR knows if the resource is serialized.
  3. Tests the latch_token to see if it is a non-zero value. If so, the FRR assumes that the program might have obtained the latch; therefore, the FRR should call Latch_Release with the ISGLREL_COND (value of 1) option to ensure the latch is no longer held. ISGLREL_COND (value of 1) indicates that the latch manager should return control to the requestor with a return code instead of issuing an abend if the latch is not held.