Using the MODE parameter on SCHEDULE

On the MODE parameter on SCHEDULE, you can specify the following addressing environments for the SRB routine:
Specifies that the SRB routine receives control in non-cross-memory mode, with its primary, secondary, and home address spaces equal to the contents of SRBASCB. In addition, the SRB routine has access to an empty DU-AL.
Specifies that the SRB receives control with the scheduling program's current cross-memory environment. This means that when the SRB routine begins to run, it has the primary, home, and secondary address space of the scheduling program's at the time of the invocation of the SCHEDULE macro. In addition, the SRB routine's DU-AL is a copy of the scheduling program's DU-AL as it exists when the scheduling program issues the SCHEDULE macro, with the exception of any subspace entries in the scheduling program's DU-AL. The system does not copy subspace entries.

With MODE=NONXM, the SRB is required only for initial dispatch. The scheduling routine can free or reuse the SRB after the SRB routine is dispatched. With MODE=FULLXM, the SRB is needed only for the SCHEDULE invocation. The scheduling program can free the SRB immediately after issuing the SCHEDULE macro.