Return segment spin data set specification - Key = 'C014'

Code DINRSEGM to request the return of the number of logical, line-mode pages (the segment) to be produced for a SYSOUT data set before the segment becomes eligible for immediate printing. When you code DINRSEGM, # must be 1, LEN must be at least 4, and the PARM field must be the length specified by the value in LEN.

If there is a segment spin specification associated with the data set, the system returns a positive hexadecimal integer from X'00000001' to X'0001869F' (equivalent decimal value from 1 to 99,999) into PARM. The system also returns 4 into LEN.

Example: To request the return of the value of the segment, code:
KEY    #     LEN   PARM
C014   0001  0004  - - - -

Note that for text unit keys 'C003' = 'C014' PARM remains unchanged if no data is available for the request.