Return limit specification - Key = '000B'

Code DINRTLIM to request the return of the number of permanently allocated resources that must be deallocated before a new allocation can be made when the control limit has been exceeded. See Control limit and Permanently allocated attribute for further explanation.

When you code this key, # must be one, LEN must be two, and PARM is a two-byte field. Upon return to your program, PARM is set to the number of resources that need to be deallocated. Note that the system does not return 0 in the LEN field when the requested information is not defined.

Example: To request that the number of not-in-use data sets over the control limit be returned, code:
KEY    #      LEN    PARM
000B   0001   0002   --
If three data sets must be deallocated, dynamic allocation returns DINRTLIM as follows:
KEY    #      LEN    PARM
000B   0001   0002   0003