Return copy profile specification - Key = 'C00E'

DINRSECM requests the name of the RACF® profile from which the RACF profile of the specified data set was copied, and to optionally request an indication of whether the profile was defined generically.

The first LEN and PARM pair in the text unit return the dsname of the profile to be copied. If coded, the second LEN and PARM pair return an indication of whether the profile was defined generically, such as a profile defined with the GENERIC subparameter on the JCL DD statement SECMODEL parameter.

When you code DINRSECM, # is the number of LEN and PARM pairs, LEN1 at least 44 bytes long, and can be longer, and PARM1 is a field the length of the value specified in LEN1.

If coded, LEN2 must be at least one byte, and can be longer, and PARM2 is a field the length of the value specified in LEN2.

If there is a copy profile associated with the data set, the system returns the length of the dsname into LEN1 and the dsname into PARM1. If the name is fewer than 44 bytes long, it is left-justified and padded to the right with blanks. The system also returns 44 into LEN.

If LEN2 and PARM2 are coded, the system also returns an indication of whether the profile is generic. For a generic profile, the system returns 1 in LEN2 and X'80' in PARM2. For a profile that is not generic, the system returns 0 in LEN2.

Example: To determine the dsname of the RACF profile that was used to supply the profile of the specified data set, code:
KEY    #      LEN1   PARM1
C00E   0001   002C   - - - ...
Example: To determine the dsname of the RACF profile that was used to supply the profile of the specified data set, and to request and indication of whether the data set is generic, code:
KEY    #      LEN1   PARM1         LEN2   PARM2
C00E   0002   002C   - - - ...     0001   -