Interface to the MVS router (RACROUTE)

The RACROUTE macro accepts all valid parameters for any of the independent RACF® system macros (RACDEF, RACINIT, RACHECK, RACLIST, RACXTRT, and FRACHECK) and internally issues the appropriate independent RACF system macro to generate a RACF parameter list. When the RACROUTE macro internally invokes the independent RACF system macros, RACROUTE verifies that only valid parameters have been coded and then passes the parameters to the MVS™ router.

Existing control points that invoke external security product processing via the supervisor call interface can continue to do so or can replace the supervisor calls with the RACROUTE macro.

Note: To invoke RACF or RACF-compatible functions that were available in RACF 1.8 or an earlier release, you can use the independent RACF system macros directly or you can use the RACROUTE macro. IBM® recommends that you use the RACROUTE macro. To use the new RACF or RACF-compatible functions, you must use the RACROUTE macro.

See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the RACROUTE macro and the RACROUTE return and reason codes.