Additional flags (S99FLAG2)

A four-byte field of indicators. These indicators may be set only by authorized programs. To be authorized, the requesting program must meet at least one of the following criteria:

The S99FLAG2 indicators (except S99TIONQ) are used only for dsname allocation requests.

The S99FLAG2 bits are:

Bit Bit Name Meaning When On
0 S99WTVOL Wait for volumes.
1 S99WTDSN Wait for dsname.
Note: In a JES3 environment, authorizing a dynamic allocation request to wait for data set availability might cause a system interlock.
2 S99NORES Do not reserve (serialize) data sets.
Note: Data sets being allocated are normally serialized via ENQ with MAJOR name SYSDSN, MINOR name -data set name-. When S99NORES is set, there is NO data set serialization and multiple tasks may reference or update the data set simultaneously, resulting in unpredictable effects. It is the responsibility of the authorized program setting S99NORES to provide the necessary serialization.
3 S99WTUNT Wait for units.
4 S99OFFLN Consider off-line devices.

The system ignores this bit if S99NOMNT in S99FLAG1 is on.

For a matrix version of S99NOMNT, S99OFFLN and S99MOUNT interrelationships see Table 1 and Table 2.

5 S99TIONQ Exclusive TIOT ENQ already performed in this ASID under this TCB with the SYSTEM option.
6 S99CATLG Set special catalog data set indicators.
7 S99MOUNT Volumes may be mounted.

The system ignores this bit if S99NOMNT in S99FLAG1 is on.

For a matrix version of S99NOMNT, S99OFFLN and S99MOUNT interrelationships see Table 1 and Table 2.

8 S99UDEVT Unitname parameter for DALUNIT is a device type. If you are using the output from the DEVTYPE macro, be sure the shared DASD bits are turned off.
9   Not an intended programming interface. Must be zero.
10 S99DYNDI Do not perform JES3 data set integrity processing.
11 S99TIOEX Build XTIOT entry.
  1. The XTIOT is a non-contiguous TIOT entry that is not accessible through the contiguous TIOT.
  2. VSAM, BSAM, BPAM, QSAM and EXCP support the S99TIOEX option.
  3. Setting this bit requires APF authorization, supervisor state, or system key.
  4. When set, S99DXACU overrides this flag.
12 S99DASUP Used by authorized programs to suppress the DD-level accounting. Setting this bit can affect the SMF data created for the following:
  • The EXCP section of SMF Record Type 30.
  • SMF Record Type 40.
  • SMF Record Type 14 for the fields SMF14NTR and SMF14NER.

This bit is only recommended for programs allocating VSAM data sets with generated DD names, or when the exploiting program has established that the usefulness of the SMF data is less than the benefit to system performance. Because the data is used by an installation and suppressed by the exploiting program, an external switch controlling the program's use of this bit is strongly recommended.

13 - 31   Not an intended programming interface. Must be zero.
In using any of the following flags, the caller sets up a condition in which a job might wait for a resource to be available:

Use care when you set these flags; setting any one of them might cause a deadlock situation. For example, consider the situation where JOBA owns a resource that JOBB wants and JOBB owns a resource that JOBA wants. If one of the above flags are on, the two jobs will wait until one job is cancelled. To avoid deadlocks, you might use an STIMERM macro across the call.